

Chapter 3 - Pressure


It had been a while since I had last visited Ramiro. It was my safe haven, a home away from home, when the chaos and the pressure of the crown became too much.

I always find something to keep my hands and mind busy while here. Whether it be helping fix up old buildings or spending time with the younger children and showing them some cool tricks to try with their dragons.

But now it felt like no matter what I did; I couldn't find a good enough distraction. My mind always kept returning to her. Her green eyes filled every corner of my mind.

Why her? Why did it have to be her that I was mated to? A werewolf with no magical background or royal lineage. I had waited so long for a mate, an equal, and this was what I was gifted.

I was a fair male; I always gave everyone the benefit of the doubt. I always let people have a chance to show their strengths and loyalties. But with her, it was different. It was impossible because no matter how much I wanted to be with her, I knew the crown wouldn't allow it. My people wouldn't let a werewolf sit on the throne and rule them when most had more power on their left forefinger than she had in her entire body.

Dragons were ruthless creatures. Guarded and secretive for a good reason. It was one thing for me to entertain a relationship with Nesrin, a Dacian descendant of a direct bloodline from two deities full of power and standing.

But my mate, I couldn't put her through a lifetime of disappointment and disgrace.

"You have that look on your face again." Cora hummed as she entered my room. The smell of freshly baked bread and cured meats filled my nose. But I was too unsteady to eat. I rubbed my hands down my face before turning my focus to her.

She was like another mother to me. The female was always taking the time to tend to my bruised ego or adding to it, depending on the circumstance. She was honest, and I never held that against her. On the contrary, I appreciated it, and I often found myself seeking her out for guidance more times than not because of it.

Her peppered hair was pulled up into a neat bun. Her face was full of smile lines as she turned her gray eyes towards me. The older she got, the more times I saw them switch to a deep brown. Her dragon showing more of itself as her mental shield slipped.

"What look?" I asked, my voice raspy from lack of use. She didn't look up at me as she spoke, setting the plate of food on the wooden desk I found myself sitting at.

"The look of needing guidance, but you're too bullheaded to ask for it." She mused, her eyes finally settling on mine. The corner of her lips pinched upwards into a knowing smirk.

I let out a heavy sigh, leaning back in my chair. I would have to leave and head back to the castle soon. My work only tripled after everything that happened with the King and Queen of Gardenia. New laws were put into place, and things were changing rapidly. For the better, of course, but with change came mountains of paperwork and unhappy people too stuck in their old ways to see the benefits of said changes.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Cora. I just came here to get a breather like I always do. But, you know that it's been hectic in Caspian." She pursed her lips, crossing her arms over her chest.

She wasn't buying any of my lies, and frankly, not even I would buy them if I was her.

"You have not been the same since you returned from Gardenia four months ago. Don't think I haven't noticed. The whole capital has noticed, they're just all too afraid to say anything about it to you in fear of you punishing them for it."

Four months ago, everything always led back to the Bloodstones and that damned meeting where I met her, my mate.

I arched a brow, working my jaw as I tried to play it off.

"But you aren't afraid of my wrath?" Cora scoffed, shaking her head.

"Boy, I had given you enough trouble when you were younger to know I still scare you from time to time. So don't come at me with all this macho nonsense." I gritted my teeth, looking down at the plate of food to avoid her gaze. She wasn't going to drop it until she got what she wanted, and if I was being honest, I needed to talk to someone about it. Keeping this secret inside of me was like poison. It was building up and leeching its way into my blood, slowly killing me.

I didn't look at her as the words left my lips because she was right. She did still scare me.

"Four months ago, I found my mate." Cora gasped, excitement filling her that had my magic awakening.

"Garren, that's great."

"It's not great," I said, cutting her off.

"I don't understand." I looked up at her then, Cora's brows pinched together in confusion. I felt Ophir come to the surface the first time he actually made an effort to show me his presence in weeks since our last argument over this.

"Her name is Penelope Hawkins, and she is a werewolf." If Cora was shocked by my words, she didn't show it. Instead, a look of pity crossed her eyes as she reached her hand out, placing it on mine.

"Oh, my dear boy. Even though you believe it to be wrong, Ryuu had a meaning behind everything she did before you took her place. This is a blessing even if you can't see it now." I shook my head, anger filling me.

"How is this a blessing? I can never have her, Cordelia. I could never give her the life she deserves. The kingdom would hate her for what she is, and no matter how much I wish it didnt matter, it does. I am the King of dragons. Everything I do matters, and allowing a werewolf to sit on the throne would cause an uproar." Sadness filled Cora's eyes, again, and I hated how she looked at me. Like I was the same lost and confused boy who had come here all those years ago, looking to escape the pressures of my parents and the responsibilities of being a prince.

Before Cora could say anything else, Zeke's voice filled my head.

"Your majesty, you have a visitor at the castle. They are demanding your council."

"Who?" I asked, not ready to head back into chaos just yet.

"Balor Bloodstone." And just like that, my whole day was ruined. I wasn't ready to look that bastard in the face just yet. I wasn't sure I could contain myself around him, and now he had the guts to come here demanding council with me.

I stood from my chair, grabbing some bread and meat, knowing I would need energy before I faced this male if I wanted to keep control of myself and Ophir.

"I'm on my way," I replied before bidding Cora goodbye.

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