
Chapter 6- Right Back Where She Started

For the next week, Amberleigh made it appear as though she was back in the game by making frequent appearances in The Rainbow Room and The Circus Room, but without taking any actual marks or scheduled shifts. It was a tricky endeavor to keep up appearances and not attract the attention of a mark wanting to slip her a golden egg before slipping their dick in her mouth or pussy. She had adverted and sidestepped several of them trying to approach her with that lustful look in their eyes   

                But her mistake had proven to be the day she decided to let them paint her body like a tiger and spend a few hours in the animal cage in The Circus Room. It was less likely she would be picked for a private show from the cage while in character of the big cat. Things were going well as she and Twyla slinked around their cage, growling, purring, and rubbing themselves up against the bars. At least until a mark got the bouncer to let him into the cage and he fucked Amber from behind while she was down on all fours. At least he was a five minute man and didn’t shove his dick in her mouth. But it had been a close call regardless.  

                Because outside of her appearances, Amber spent most of her time holed up in her room gnawing on crackers and feeling sorry for herself. She felt like the billionaire’s child was sucking the life right out of her bones and felt tired all the time. She didn’t remember her exhaustion being this bad the first time around. But perhaps it was because she was growing a Godwin baby now and they could be exhausting and life consuming in her experience.  

                Her thoughts couldn’t help but wonder about the life growing inside her. Boy or girl, healthy or sick? It would figure it was probably a boy and the little devil would look just like his father. Ugh. What a nice reminder that would be if she decided to keep the baby. Not that its father wasn’t good looking. It was his personality and life choices which was a fucking turn off. 

Another fun perk of that bastard’s child was peeing about every ten minutes. Yeap, it reminded Amber of when she drank her bodyweight in liquor though this was way less fun. She was nauseous, bloated, exhausted, and sometimes she just camped out in her bathroom to make it easier. She made a bed for herself right in her fucking bathtub.

Friday morning, after Amber got up to relieve herself for the nine-hundredth time since midnight, Ebony charged into her room suspiciously early for the likes of Ebony. 

                  “Girl get the fuck up! We got somewhere to be!” 

Amber groaned and squinted against the assault of bright light in her eyes.

“What the fuck are you talking about? Bitch do you know what time it is?”

Ebony sighed and threw back the covers rather aggressively. “Bitch if you don’t get your ass up in five seconds, I’ll drag you outta that bed by your hair like my mama used to do. And for fuck sake, take a shower. You smell like a Red Lobster.”

Amber smacked Ebony with a pillow hard across the chest only making her friend cackle.

“It didn’t smell like fish in here until you walked in,” Amber fired back.

“Don’t be squashing my titties because you jealous,” said Ebony rubbing her chest, “but I made your ass an appointment at that no tell clinic across town. Hurry the fuck up Miss Fish or you’ll miss your appointment. You can thank me later.”

“That place on Eightieth Street? Fuck it’s still open? I went there the first time around. It smells like b.o. and regret in there. What’s the point Ebony? Not like they are going to have genetic testing and shit there. More like give one pamphlet for their abortion services and another for all the welfare services I can apply for.”

Ebony laughed, “Oh sorry I forgot your pussy became golden after the Godwin put his dick inside it. But I sure as hell don’t see you making an effort or getting an appointment at one of them fancy ass offices in uptown. So shut the fuck up and take a shower already.”

Amber hated it when Ebony was the voice of reason. She did need a checkup. Needed to be sure everything was coming along normally. It wasn’t like she had to make a decision today or anything. She had several more weeks to be able to still get a legal abortion if that was the route she chose. Today could make that decision easier or more difficult.

She bitched and moaned about it, but Amber drug her ass out of bed and into the shower. Hell she even shaved her cooch, no reason to make that Ob/GYN’s job harder to find her hole. They would shove shit up her after all. As she let the warm water cascade over her body, she noticed with satisfaction her boobs did seem to be getting fuller. Not fucking bad at all.

 Amberleigh also longed to get past this phase of pregnancy and into the part where she would be hornier. That was a perk she didn’t partake in enough the first time around. But pregnancy sex, with all that extra blood coursing through her nether regions, was a life changing phenomena. She had a naughty idea in her head of who she would like to engage in it with.

She allowed herself to fantasize about Leo wearing nothing but a chef’s hat and fucking her on the kitchen counter. She even slipped a finger between her legs at the thought. At least she was enjoying herself, locked in a dreamland of Leo’s cock inside her, when Ebony strode across the bathroom.

“Bitch, you can fuck yourself later! Come on! Your appointment is in a fucking hour and you know how bad traffic is out there. Luckily, I arranged a taxi to pick us up. No subway today. I’m pretty sure that man was dead and starting to rot last time. But hurry the fuck up!”

Amberleigh cursed and turned off the water, just when things inside her head were getting good too. My how she missed Leo. She had pulled a dick move and ghosted the chef. Left him on read for all the texts he’d sent her over the last week. But she didn’t have the heart to block him or delete his number. Leo was the type of person it was hard to just cut out of your life.

Ebony rushed her through dressing and attempting to making herself look presentable, before she ushered Amber of the club and to the awaiting taxi. Amber didn’t say shit on the ride to the clinic while Ebony chatted up the driver. The driver was an older gentleman with most of his teeth but no hair on his head. But Ebony liked older men and in her words “They can just take their teeth out and eat your fucking pussy with nothing getting in the way.”

Amberleigh was too busy staring out the window to distract herself and being furious on the inside. Because the topic of conversation in that cab was none other than Grayson Godwin’s official announcement of his engagement to Courtney Van Tessin last night. The driver had taken some of the staff working the event home after the engagement party last night. This morning the photos of the event had been “leaked” and their publicists had made an official statement this morning on the happy couple’s behalf.  Amber’s invite must have gotten lost in the fucking mail.

She bit her lip to keep from saying something she would later regret to some random man in a taxi, but her palms began to ache by the force of her nails she clenched into them. At least Ebony was making an effort to make her feel better by making comments about Grayson’s new fiancée having horse teeth and looking like she lived in a cave by her unnatural paleness. The driver just chuckled, but then went onto to say how all the Van Tessin’s had good genes.

Fuck, that was true enough. There wasn’t an ugly Van Tessin at least on the outside anyway. And Courtney did have flawless skin and a great shape! Fuck, looks wise, Amber was no fucking competition. Or wealth wise. Or connections wise.  Why the fuck was Amber ever delusional that he would choose her?  

She was nothing. Had nothing. Good for nothing but lying on her back and sucking cock.  Her own mother had told her it was all Amber would ever be good at. Those sage words of wisdom came on their last supervised visit when Amber was seven.  Her social worker pulled the plug on her visit after Krystal told her daughter she would make a good whore. Krystal had known it was likely to be their last visit because she had peed dirty and like hell would she go through a court appointed drug program to win back custody of her daughter.

Amber had used to supply her mother with urine for mommy dearest drug tests before she was taken by the state. But Mother really did know best it seemed after all. She had called it that her daughter was destined to be a whore. And a good one at that.

Arriving at the crowded no name clinic, broke Amber free of her thoughts. Ebony tipped the driver, told him the marriage wouldn’t last, and she heard that Courtney was a sex addict into fucking thoroughbred horses. Amber chuckled as she made her way out of the cab.

It was weird as fuck being back here, mused Amber. The building looked the same, an ugly red brick, sandwiched in between a motel you could pay by the hour and a convenient store which sold questionable quality condoms. Both of these establishments had helped contribute to the need for the clinic wedged in between them.

Amber had tried to get Jackson to use condoms, but he didn’t like the way they felt. His sensitive cock was too good for condoms, too constricting to his massive penis, he claimed.  His claims about his massive penis were unsubstantiated. So were her claims that Jack was good in bed to help stoke his ego. Their sex life didn’t improve much over the course of their relationship. She went down on him a few times, but he never returned the favor. She was lucky if he took the time to finger her. It was always about Jack and Amber did most of the work in the bedroom most of the time, often for little rewards.

  She had gotten put on the pill, but not using back up birth control in the beginning had fucked her. Jack got all the fun, lived his best life, while Amber got the joy of becoming a single, teenaged mother with no prospects who had to hand her baby over to strangers. After giving their son up, she ran away from her foster home and turned to snorting pills to make it through the nights, then days.

And right now, being at this government funded clinic, Amberleigh couldn’t help but feel she was right back where she fucking started.

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