
Chapter 2 | Week Of Mourning


The rejection weighed heavier on me than I expected. I honestly thought that I would be able to get up the next day and act like it never happened. I don't have my wolf yet, the pain shouldn't be this bad, right? It should be equivalent to a normal breakup.

Maybe it was different because I'm a Gemstone Wolf, maybe I'm connected to my wolf already even though she isn't present and I can't shift yet. 

My family allowed me one week of mourning.

When I got home so early, I startled my mom but as soon as she found out what happened she told me not to worry about it and that she’d pick Harry up later.

I went into my room and crumbled onto my bed. I’m only 17 and I’ve already lost my mate and I feel like it’s because I’m not good enough.

I cried a lot, I stayed in bed, and my family would bring me food. The boys, Harry and Todd would come into my room to keep me company and watch TV with me. Todd is the youngest and he will start high school next year, I also think he’s the funniest of the two of them. So, for this past week, he’s tried his hardest to help me crack a smile.

But the week is over so Rich, the man I view as a father came into my room and says, “Alright, Ri, it’s time to get up. Let’s go for a run.”

I sit up in my bed and I look at him but when I see his stern look, I know better than to argue. I nod as I get out of bed and ask, “Give me ten minutes?”

He nods and says, “If you take longer than 15 then I’m sending Todd up here with his water gun.”

I smirk at his threat as I rush to the bathroom. Todd likes to put ice water in that water gun and I sure as hell won’t be dealing with that today!

I brush my hair quickly as I throw it up into a messy ponytail before I brush my teeth, put on deodorant, throw on my workout clothes and rush out the door. I jump down the last step and exclaim, “And I had two minutes to spare!”

I hear Todd yell out, “Aw man!”

Dad chuckles and nods towards the door, “Let’s go, Ri.”

We run along the homemade track that my biological father made on our plot of land. It’s unusual for werewolves to live the way we’re living. Rich and Dani made a huge sacrifice not just for them but for their whole family by agreeing to take me in. It completely changed the way that their life could’ve been.

But they couldn’t refuse the Alpha King and Luna Queen, I mean they could’ve but honestly who would?

From the time I was born, and people discovered that I was a Purple Sapphire Wolf, I had a target on my back. All royal wolves are Gemstone Wolves, which means that our eyes look like gemstones, and we have a unique ability that others don’t have.

Originally, they thought I was an Amethyst Wolf and the last Amethyst Wolf was a healer so people were excited by this possibility.

But, they figured out I wasn't an Amethyst Wolf because my purple eyes would change based on my mood. If I was happy, they were a light purple, but when I was angry, they would turn into dark purple orbs, so dark they almost looked black.

This made me the rarest Gemstone Wolf that was currently alive. And because there's never been a Purple Sapphire Wolf before it has caused people to fear me. They thought that I might be too powerful and wondered if my powers would be based on my mood. So, they tried to kill me when I was a toddler so that I wouldn't have the opportunity to reach my potential.

This brought my biological parents a lot of turmoil. it's uncommon for werewolves to have fertility issues, but they struggled to have me. That's why there aren't any other heirs to the throne. 

And... that’s why I was sent away from my biological parents. I have no contact with them at all, all I know is that I’m their daughter. They would rather have a life without me knowing that I'm alive and safe than a life with me where we would be in constant fear of me being murdered.

Even though Carter and Camille are my biological parents, I don't think of them in a special way. It's hard to hear about them because my family expects me to miss them, but I don't know them. To be honest, I think of Rich and Dani as my parents, and I think of Harry and Todd as my brothers.

My biological parents purchased a large plot of land so that Rich and Dani wouldn’t feel like they’re caged up. They knew that they were asking for Rich and Dani to live a lifestyle that they shouldn’t have to. Wolves like to be in packs, we thrive like that.

Rich and Dani sacrificed that experience for themselves and their sons because they believe that I’m worth keeping safe. I hope I can be the best Luna Queen to make them proud.

I have to go through a process to get ready each day to make sure that no one will find out I’m a wolf… especially not a Gemstone Wolf. To the world I am dead, and it needs to stay that way until I’m of age.

I wear brown contacts to hide my purple eyes, I wear a perfume that witches made to make me smell like a human, and I have to be careful to move slowly the same way humans do.

But, when I’m on this pack of land with my family, I can just be me. I can run as fast as I want, I don’t have to wear those contacts, and if I’m not leaving the house then I don’t have to wear the perfume.

I finish the first lap and take a deep breath as I feel rejuvenated. I smile at dad and he smiles back at me with a knowing smile, like he knew this was all I needed to help move forward. I say, “How about we make a little wager?”

His right eyebrow cocks up as he asks, “What’s that?”

“If I win this lap then you have to buy whatever homecoming dress, I want this fall, no matter the cost! And if you win then I’ll chauffer Harry and Todd this whole summer.”

He smirks, “You’re on.”

He beat me by literally an inch but I won't be a sore loser, I'm the one who suggested the challenge anyways. He pats me on the back laughing and says, "Better luck next time, Ri. And if you have a good attitude about chauffering the boys this summer then maybe I'll still get you that homecoming dress."

I brighten at the news and he passes me his credit card and says, "Why don't you and the boys go out tonight? Go bowling or something."

I smile as I wrap my arms around him and say, "Thanks, dad!"

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