
Chapter 4: Live or Give?

Belle's P.O.V


"Why me...", I whispered trying to hold back the tears that had started to build up. Since I'd joined the game, only bad things had been happening one after the other.

I squeezed my eyelids shut hoping this was all just a bad dream.

And soon.. I was gonna wake up, right?

He sluggishly lowered his lips to my ear to whisper. "It was actually easier than I thought you know?", His mocking laugh gave me goosebumps. "And what kind of idiot uses their real name?"

"It was an accident!", I frowned. Wouldn't it be better to be killed than go through this hellish mockery?

He scratched the knife lightly at my cheek making me rethink that in my head.


"Now.. now, don't be like that..", he licked off the blood right off my face. Disgusting!

"You look sweet and all, but you're definitely not my type", he'd managed to point that out.

I felt my heart shatter... But for some reason, it didn't hurt as much since he was a murderer.

"I mean... I'm totally gay..", He slapped the flat side of the knife on my face, the same place he'd cut. "Did you know that for every body part you get, your pay increases by $1000000?"

No wonder Laura could afford that car...

He continued. "I mean... If I get your heart, I'll be at", he'd began to count his fingers. "I don't even know anymore!", He slapped his forehead with the knifed hand before bringing it back to my neck

I'd never known Trevor for being such a talker, but atleast he was buying time for me to think of a way to escape.

"Awwn... You're no fun, huh?", He bit my ear as I clenched my teeth.

"Disgusting...". The words had come out by themselves. "So the whole 'cool guy' personality you put up at school was all a farce?", I needed more time....

Someone would see us soon!... I just know it!

"Humph", he paused. "That was actually the original me, that is.... Till my friend sent me the link to this game. I ended up killing him though", he chuckled. "Then I was having so much fun playing I didn't wanna stop, but I might keep playing in college". He sighed pulling us deeper into the cover of the darkness.

He slowly kissed my cheek again. Was he just messing with me since he was gay?!

"Don't..", I shook my head so he'd take his disgusting mouth away.

"That's it.... Struggle some more..", he licked my ear.

I was dying!... It was like Mrs Figgle was licking my face!

"Stop it!", I pleaded knowing the worst case scenario, he'd rape me and still dissect me while I'm alive!

A hundred possibilities went through my head, but all would mean sure death.

"You know... You're cute always staring at me. I even thought you won't show up aft-"

He gets cut off as a rock hits his head from behind. "Owwie!". He'd unconsciously let me for a second, I'd turned to run when he gripped me by the wrist.

"That hurt!", He stuttered a little before balancing himself.

"Let go of Belle!", Bev screamed, more rocks in her hands.

"Bev!?", I was surprised but glad...

Bev sighed from a distance. "I'm sorry Belle!... I didn't trust him and I'm not a creep.... I just decided to follow you.."

Tears rolled down my cheeks. "I'm happy... So happy you came.."

"Ughh!", Trevor rolled his eyes. "I guess I'll kill you first then". He pointed the knife at Bev before stabbing me in the leg so escaping would be hard

"Oww!", I whimpered in pain forcing an eye open to watch his inhuman movements as he dodged Bev's throws.

"Run... Bev", I screamed as the blood slowly flowed out of my left thigh.

But it was too late, he stabbed Bev once on her right shoulder. She cried out still struggling before he stabbed her left.

She could still move her arms enduring the pain. "Run, Belle!"

I just sat quiet on the ground watching him stab Bev a couple more times on her legs and all, till she stopped struggling.

"Bev..?", I whispered in fear. "Bev!!", I was screaming.

Trevor stood up straight before stretching arms out. "I didn't kill her yet, but I'll do that right after I see the priceless look on your face..", he turned to face me.

I was crying like a baby.

You're useless... Bev is gonna die..

"Awwn... You look so helpless I could take a picture", he reached into his pocket to search for his phone.

"Bel...le", Bev whispered a pool of blood forming around her.

"Can't believe you can still worry about her?.. you sacrificed your life for nothing you know?", He stepped on her face before taking a picture of his feet on her face.

I was furious...

"Get your feet off her!", I managed to get up, rage boiling all over my face as my fists tightened.

I still had that....

"Or else?", He pressed his feet into Bev's face harder.


I pulled the trigger. The gun had been with me all this while and although I didn't have any chance to use it.... I'd never actually wanted to...

"Arghh!", he winced with pain holding his right shoulder as the knife dropped from his hand along with his phone.

"I said get the fuc* off her!!", I kept screaming pulling the trigger at random now. I'd never shot a gun, but all the bullets seemed to hit some place on him.

A few seconds later and he lay lifeless on the ground as a bullet passed through his skull.

I managed to limp to Bev's side kicking his dead body off hers and stepping on his face. "I. Said. Don't. Touch. Her!", She screamed continuously firing his corpse till the bullets ran out.

I heard police sirens and was relieved, but watching Bev's eyes slowly close scared her. "I'm sorry...", I rested my face on Bev's chest. "I'm such a coward... Please don't leave me, don't leave me alone!"

Several policeman ran up from behind. "Drop your gun!"

I heard them shout before looking up. "She needs help!... She's still alive!"

"I said drop your gun!", The same officer called out as the rest of the group filed in.

I dropped it... And almost immediately was handcuffed like some criminal.

There was an ambulance.

They put Bev on a stretcher, Trevor too....

Maybe she was gonna be okay!?

I shut my eyes with high hopes as they shoved me into the backseat of a police car.

This was all a bad dream, yes. But would I be waking up anytime soon?

Komen (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Its Genius, it should be in a movie
goodnovel comment avatar
Ani Etido
I'm literally crying ...
goodnovel comment avatar
Stephanie Olie
I'm loving it

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