
Chapter Four


I tap on my desk, my attention hardly on my work, and my eyes fixed on my phone. It is past noon, which means it is past the deadline I gave to Veronica. She hasn't called me, and it is getting me pissed. 

If she thinks I wasy serious about my threat, then she should have thought this twice.

If you don't call me, am going..... My phone rings, and without looking at the caller. I picked up the call "Hello?."

"Hello??? You didn't check the caller before picking it, are you that desperate for her call" Connor with an arrogant scowl.

"Bastard" I hissed while he laughed. "Why are you calling?"

"For this reaction, I guess. I should have called earlier, had I known. She hasn't called you yet?" He asked and I sighed. Connor is the only one out of my friends, that I told about Veronica's return. He is my best friend and one of the people I trusted enough to tell about the messed-up things I can't even inform my parents.

That is because he is just as messed up as me.

"No, she didn't call yet. And to be honest, I doubt she will. She might think not calling is the best, but that is so wrong"

"Well, I do agree with her on that. Dude, you are getting married to her sister, just let her go and accept Vickie. Stop with your stupid obsession already" He said and I balled my hand into a fist and stand up.

Yes, am obsessed but it isn't stupid. I need Veronica, that is what they don't understand.

"Speaking for obsession, I could say the same about you. Ah, yours was even worst, it was so sick and disgusting. You approached your wife as a brother figure, yet your thoughts toward her weren't brotherly. I can't believe Alicia still agrees to marry you, considering how fvcked up you are" I smirked, knowing I got him with my words.

I could hear his groan, and that makes me feel so pleased. He should haven't said that if he can't take the fall.

"I hate you" He responded and I smiled but stopped when I heard my mom's voice in the background.

"Are you in Greece?" I questioned.

"Yes, Brad and I have a business here and we decided to check on Rebecca, she is so happy to see us and complained about the last time she saw her son. Why didn't you go see your mom?"

"Because I am busy, but thank you for checking on my mother" I answered immediately, and move forward to the window.

"Your uncle is here," He said and I stopped walking, my body shaking in fear at the mention of him.

Silence took over and, Connor could notice. I adjusted my tie, and rest on the wall beside me.

"You didn't tell Rebecca what he did to you?"

My voice was filled with anger as I speak "No, I couldn't go to my mom and tell her this, hey mom I just want to tell her that your brother did some unspeakable shit to me when I was a teen, and I want you to know even if it will break and you will lose your only family, but anyway that is it. If that is what you are asking, then I didn't tell her"

Connor growled, furious but not at me. At the monster, that is with my mother and acting like a saint which he isn't. "You have to tell her someday, Rafe."

I clenched my teeth hardly "I know, but now. I don't want to hurt her now"

"Fvck this, I badly want to go to him and smash his head off the table, replace that stupid smile for his with something more horrific" He snarled and I laughed. That seems so like Connor, he is the furious and dangerous one among us five Brad, Jude, Kai, Connor and also the oldest.

I guess that makes him think, that we are all his responsibility. And to be honest, he is right, I depend on him more than I depend on my parents. He, the guys and Veronica.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, I couldn't be more ok after your horrible joke"

"Well, I wasn't joking f**l. That bastard is lucky that Rebecca is here, otherwise, he will be on his way to hell, waiting for us there. Anyway, I have to go. Your mother meal is calling for me, and about your meeting, you have with our Italian partners today"

"Meeting, when is that?" I asked confused while Connor laughs like I was being funny.

"You are joking, right?"

"No, I am not. I thought Kai was supposed to take that of it, am busy running my father's business you know"

"Listen, man, I care for Leon more than I care for my biological father but if this deal goes sideway because you don't take the company that the five of us built serious, then I swear I will kill you. So you better get your ass up and attend the fvcking meeting, in case you need me to inform you again. The location is Kai aunty restaurant and the time is 6 pm, fvck this up and I make you regret it. Goodbye, motherfucker" He snapped and hung up.

I chuckled at his words, because I know he wasn't kidding, apart from the part he will kill me.

But what the hell is my secretary, Louise doing, that she couldn't inform me.

"She did, but your attention was focused on your mobile, waiting for Veronica to call" My mind stated and I sighed.






I viewed myself in the mirror, slipping into my sister's luxury strapless black dress, with the shape of a V at the chest side, exposing my cleavages, and a high slit at the end that stopped at my thighs, exposing a large part of my thighs meat with a black dress, not that I don't like it but I don't like that I have to dress to impress some spoiled brat.

"You know, I can go with my white top and my black skirt. It seems ok to me, than this" I complained to Vickie, who was behind me.

"It is a date, not a job interview" She replied and turned me to her. "And you look so mind....."

"Mind-blowing" I cut her short while she nods. "When did you start collect dresses like this, I thought you were into a suit and sneakers, not this"

"I was, but when you are the only daughter in the house for five years, and you have to go shopping with your mom every day, to make her stop thinking about her previous shopping partner, this happens" 

"Mom deeply missed you, she will cry every night saying it was her fault, and I have to do something to console her," She said and I felt bad instantly, I left to protect her but hurt everyone in the process top, including her.

"Am sorry" I murmured while she cupped my cheeks, and tilt my head up as we both stared at each other.

"No Veronica, I understand that you have your reason for letting and I don't hate or blame you for it. So don't be sorry, you did nothing wrong leaving us. If anyone should be sorry, then it is dad. He was harsh on you earlier, and I feel bad because I couldn't do anything. But you don't have to do this if you don't want. No one will force you, and dad can't chase you out. You can still back out"

I can't back out, that is the thing. I have to do this, at least till your wedding day then Rafael won't have a choice. 

"It is good, I want this" I assured and she nod and smiled.

"And also I didn't buy this dress, Rafael brought this for me. I have no idea what he was thinking when he brought it. I forced him to go shopping with me, and he suddenly brought the dress for me, telling me to keep or dispose it. He is unpredictable" She stopped as her phone beeped, her eyes beamed in excitement. "Your ride is here, let's get out going now"

Jealous washed over me, as I watched myself in the dress and my sister smiling. Rafael brought this for her, which means he cares about the relationship.

He is trying to work this out between them, but I foolishly thought he is still into me.

How stupid and silly. Rafael isn't mine anymore, he is Vickie now, and that thought makes me so angry.

I waved at Vickie and mom as the car drove off to my date. 

Viglianco's Italian restaurant, the expensive and famous Italian restaurant in town, if it was an ordinary date that wasn't matched by our parents then. Maybe, I will have been excited or looked up to the date but it isn't.

I don't even know the guy am going on the date with, but I have to do this anyway even if it is irrelevant, now that I know Rafael is trying to make their relationship work.

"We are here, Miss" The Driver and the door were opened for me, I stepped out and look at the view in front of me. Viglianco's restaurant, I remember the first time I was here on a double date with Rafael, Connor and girlfriend Alicia now his wife. 

The night was so beautiful, and I was happy. We were all happy then, so joyful.

'Miss Wayne" I heard a voice behind me and turned to the person, it was an unfamiliar face but I recognized it immediately. My date for tonight, or maybe other nights.

Vickie has shown me his picture, and if am being honest he looks just like his picture. Skinny, nerdy and the suit looks funny on him, but he is good-looking, yet not even close to Rafael.

"Ryan Myers?" I asked and he smiled and walked closer to me.

"Am so glad that you are here, I was worried you will decline. You are quite a celebrity among the men in our society" He coaxed while I put on a friendly smile.

"Shall we?" He asked and I smiled. He put his hand on my back, leading me inside then he stopped when we got inside.

"Mr Nicolaides?" He called and I turned my face to the man in front of us.

Holy Sh*t, this is no good.

What the hell is Rafael doing here? He looks like he was just leaving the restaurant, while does Ryan have to call him?

"You are???"

"Ryan Myers," Ryan said and extended his hand for a handshake which Rafael took, and his eyes met with mine.

His eyes turned red immediately, brimming with rage and lust at the same time. He turned his attention back to Ryan in front of him, smiling happily at her while I gulped down nervously.

Is this just or the universe is just being cruel to me, meeting Rafael here.

They stopped the handshake, and Rafael looked at me, then at Ryan.

"Ah, please meet Veronica Wayne, my date. Am sure you two have met since she is your fiancé's sister and if things go well. We might end up becoming in-laws" He joked and laughed, but Rafael didn't find it funny.

He looks like he is about to murder the poor guy. Rafael looks so big compared to Ryan, and if this was a fight then Ryan will be dead.

But Rafael isn't the type to think with his fist, instead of his head.

I looked at him, and I gasped when he blinked his eyes twice. Our secret code when we are with our family.

I looked at his lips as he mouthed "You.... prepare.....for....your punishment"

"Nice to meet you, Mr Myers and Miss Wayne. Enjoy your date" He said and left while I watched him walk away.

Punishment, what exactly does he mean?

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