
Chapter 7

Mira had a class together with Azarias. Josh and Arlan's class was also in the same direction as them. So, the four walked together. Or to be precise, only the three of them walked.

Mira had gotten on Azarias' back, giggling happily. "Now, turn left. Hiyaa."

Azarias's eye twitched, but he was trying to hold back a smile. "I am not a horse."

"Hmm, in my opinion, you are one." Mira retorted back.

Josh looked enviously at them. He turned to Arlan, who knew that this boy probably had something weird again in mind.

"What?" Arlan almost snapped.

With an innocent look, he gestured to Mira and Azarias. "Why don't you give me one as well?"

Arlan smacked his head, then he pointed to Erwin, who was nonchalantly walking far behind them. However, when his gaze met the four, it turned cold. "Go ask him."

"No way," Josh shook his head vigorously.

Mira looked behind her. At the same moment, Erwin was looking ahead at her. Their eyes met. Mira jolted slightly while Erwin only gave her a faint smirk.

Azarias was worried when he felt Mira's body shook slightly. "What happens? Is foot hurt again?"

Hugging Azarias tighter, she reassured him. "Nothing. Let's go faster."

"Is it has something to do with that boy called Erwin?" Azarias asked, surprising Mira that he knew about Erwin's identity.

"You know about him?" Mira was curious.

Azarias faltered momentarily, causing the silent atmosphere to hung around the four. Arlan listened attentively while Josh was in confusion as to why they were bothered to talk about that boy who can't seem to even lift a twig.

After a moment, Azarias shrugged. "He seems to be strong."

Josh was annoyed hearing that. He was about to say something when Arlan covered his mouth, hindering this blockhead from saying anything further.

It was sometimes worrying how did this boy can survive this world if not for his strength.

Mira didn't refute Azarias's claim. The four talked about other things after  Arlan changed the subject. A werewolf hearing was frightening enough when they focused on it. Erwin had probably caught the wind of the conversation earlier.

Josh got dragged by Arlan, and they went the separate ways.  Mira got off from Azarias back, taking off her hat. The long hair cascaded down her shoulder. Azarias stared at her.  Then his hand moved to tuck the hair behind her ear.

Mira grinned, and Azarias only smiled, not even shy about it. The sight of them was open for some people to see from inside the classroom. Azarias and Mira were situated near the door, catching quite a few attention, especially from Mira herself. When some of them caught Azarias's figure, they looked away.

The two were pretty close, and no males were brave enough to provoke Azariad by approaching Mira. At first, it was quite puzzling for Mira, but now she had guessed who was behind this.

They entered the class together. Mira was relieved to find that the professor hadn't arrived yet. She immediately took a seat in the furthest back. Azarias followed her. They sat together.

Mira was about to rest her head on the table, but she caught the sight of the person sitting in front of her. It was the pair of second and third in command from Langton territory, Jason's sidekicks.

Dave, the third in command raised his eyebrow at Mira, whilst the second in command only furrowed his brow.

"We meet again, Miss." Dave chuckled.

Mira put on nonchalant face. A confused expression appeared on her face after she realized that he was talking to her. "Who are you?"

Dave was stunned momentarily before he recovered himself. "I can't believe that you have already forgotten me this fast. You don't have a good memory. We met this morning."

"Oh, really?" Mira raised her eyebrow. "I don't need to remember insignificant people."

Mira and Azarias were the first years in college, the second semester. She'd only able to meet the werewolves from other territories after she studied here.

Azarias's expression didn't look good as he gazed at Dave. It was hard to guess what he was thinking.

"I believe that you'd find me significant if you've gotten to know me, Miss." He cockily said. "Isn't that right, Jaron?"

The second in command beside him already had a displeased expression on his face. He didn't seem to like that that Dave dragged him in this conversation.

Mira rolled her eyes at his words. She couldn't help but threw a brief glance at Jaron. This boy seemed to be the only decent person among the trio. She was surprised when she found that Jaron was also looking back at her, giving a wry and polite smile.

Dave seemed to move his attention to Azarias, who has been staring at him with dislike written all over his place. Mira noticed Azarias's feeling.

Azarias knew that she could handle the invasive opposite genders on her own. Still, it couldn't prevent him from disliking some of them. However, this apparent dislike showed by Azarias was a rare case.

She frowned. This delta had been coming at her since he first met her this morning. Did that Jason told about the mate bond to the two of them?

It didn't seem so.

She couldn't find the reason why this Dave seemed to purposely do this to her. But she wouldn't even remember that she had a class together with him if not for the encounter this morning.

"Why did you do that to Violetta?" Dave suddenly asked her.

Mira blinked. Wow, what a dumb question. She ignored him.

It didn't deter Dave's loud, chattering mouth that Mira didn't respond to his question. Instead, his eyes shone with cunning glint. "Are you jealous of her beauty? After all, she can catch Alpha Jason's attention."

Mira's mouth twitched. She was about to respond when Azarias and Jaron beat it to her.

"You are too noisy. Shut that rotten mouth up," Azarias said coldly.

"Dave, don't talk nonsense. You are always provoking people to dislike werewolves from our territory." Jaron's tone was full of annoyance.

Mira didn't seem pleased by Dave's words either. She scowled, intending to retort. However, she was cut off when the professor suddenly opened the door, rendering the whole class to be quiet.

It didn't stop Mira. She tore off a small piece of paper and wrote something on it. Then, she threw it to Dave's head, making the boy jolt in surprise.

He picked up the paper from his table. Then, he turned his head to face Mira and gave her a sinister smile.

Mira narrowed her eyes, a cunning glint shone from her eyes as she raised her eyebrow at him. She was holding back a giggle and seemed pleased with herself. She turned to Azarias and playfully slapped his arm.

She wasn't such a good girl. After the professor started his class, Mira, who had her head rested on the table, accidentally fell asleep.

Azarias looked at the peacefully sleeping Mira. He took a glance at the professor and used his book to cover Mira from his sight, pretending that he was reading it while listening to his speech.


"Does the basketball team has degraded to such degree that they've taken a girl as the member now?"

Josh, who heard that choked on his bread. He gazed at Dave, face flushed red with anger while coughing madly. His finger pointed out at him.

Arlan sighed and took a bottle of water. He threw it to Josh and then trying to help him by slapping his back. Josh gasped as he gobbled the whole bottle down. After he recovered, his eyes were as if they were spitting fire gazing at Dave.

Mira didn't look angry, instead, she just smiled, almost giggling inside. What she liked the most was when an opponent looked down at her because she was such a slender, dainty girl. Mira kept on an emotionless mask.

She began to dribble her ball forward, avoiding Dave while she would occasionally have a slip of the hand. The ball would hit Dave's head, making him falter for a moment. It gave Mira enough time to toss the ball into the ring.

Mira looked smugly at the boy in front of her, her hands crossed on her chest.

They had done it three times and Mira won the two of them. She had failed the second time because she had an accident, the ball slips up from her hand and landed on Dave's forehead.

"How is it?" She said arrogantly. Then, she pretended to be 'shocked' at Dave's appearance. "Oh my, my. You look so haggard. Are you accepting my challenge while being sick? What a gentleman!"

She gave a thumbs up. Mira's words sounded so poisonous, absolutely stabbing on every part of one's heart when it was directed at them. She gave no mercy at all.

Even Josh's eyelid was twitching and Arlan pretended as if he knew nothing.

Dave's face was dark when he turned around to face her. Mira's frowned slightly, she thought that she saw something weird. It was probably her imagination.

"How can you--" Dave's words were cut off by a ball hitting his face.

"Sorry, my aim isn't that good. I was planning to return the ball to Bella." It was Azarias. He was hiding his smirk as he coughed.

Arlan was speechless as he looked at the two. What a frightening pair of two-faced bullies. One looked delicate while the other seemed like a good, studious boy from outside, yet...

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