
Chapter 3

At Cheng Manor (at night)

Two silhouettes could be seen from outside the main house. Two bodies hugging as if comforting one another. The candlelight reflected the couple's shadow on the windows. Cheng Xiao Shi was crying in her husband's arms. The Buddha had once again let her down. She had spent months praying to conceive another child. She could not believe Cheng Min to be her last. The child is too ill-mannered. She sometimes wonders why she was so different from her other children, Cheng Yan and Cheng Sun.

Cheng Min had left home a few months ago and now she has returned. Xiao Shi thought her child would come back as a better person, but now she has become much worse.

In the afternoon Cheng Min had arrived with Cheng Sun in time for lunch. They had joined in. The meal started peacefully as the family ate quietly but when she had asked Cheng Min's whereabouts from the period she left home. The little devil had reawakened as she rebuffed all her questions and left the meal. The food could not settle down as she felt so upset about her behaviour.

And now after seeing the physician, she was told all over again that it was difficult for her to conceive. This was due to the poison which was put in her meals by a servant who desired to be the madam of the manor. This has been going on for such a long time and, also it was because of the strain from Cheng Min's birth which added to all these complications. Even when she was still in the womb, the child was troublesome. She almost sent her mother to death's doors more than twice. And during birth, Xiao Shi had been in labour for two days. And that had somehow given birth to her difficulty to conceive now. She had asked why he had not found any cure for the past eighteen years. She wanted a child. Even though they were in their late forties. She was heartbroken.

The child's surely a bad luck. Karma had befallen their manor for years now. Qing Wang could not wait to marry her off. As long as she was out of his sight. But would she agree to get married so easily? They had never seen her intimate with any man before. She was always at home causing so much trouble, especially for her elder sister. And the father thought of his son. Would he let his younger sister go without a fight? This child only brought headaches to the couple. Nevertheless, they still loved their little Cheng.

The two accepted their fate as they chanted 'three kids are enough....'

Meanwhile, a distance away from their house, Cheng Min was wide awake looking through her belongings as she helped her servant to pack. She was upset all day, first that little boy and now her mother. It had been a bad day for her.

"My lady, what's on your mind?" Tian Li, her close servant asked. Tian Li had observed her lady since the return from the inn. She had been thinking even during lunch. And her miss didn't attend supper with the rest of the family.

"Nothing, let's hurry, it's late." Cheng Min replied eager to let the topic go.

She kept folding her dresses whilst Tian Li had left to make some evening tea. She could not let her master sleep hungry. At least some tea would warm up her stomach.

Cheng Min held onto a pure white cloth which she had received as a gift some time along her leave. She inspected it to see if it was still spotlessly clean. She in turn looked at her hand. A visible scar could be seen just below the elbow.

"My lady, the Madam and my Lord want you to visit them early in the morning," her servant informed her.

She was surprised to hear that. Since when do they give her attention? That is proper attention. They never called her but demanded her. They used to come to tell her off. If not for her older brother she would not have survived. There are too many times to count when she wanted to part with this world. But sometime in the way she decided to live in tune with the situation.

"Okay, I will go." She replied feeling tired. But before sleeping, she was forced to drink the tea. Her servant was protective of her just like her brother. After finishing the cup of tea, she peacefully slept like a baby.

In the morning Cheng Min visited as promised. From afar she could feel the depressing air around her parents' house. The servants opened the door for her. She had dressed well. She walked elegantly as she bowed slightly looking at the two haggard faces. She could see that they did not sleep.

"Cheng Min greets mother and father."

The two were not deaf to hear the tease in her voice. The father became angry and almost threw a fit at her.

"Relax Qing Wang, let's get into the details." Her mother calmed her furious father.

"Daughter we have received word from the palace, the empress wants you to visit her tomorrow. I ask you to behave well in the presence of her majesty."

"Palace?" Cheng Min inwardly asked herself. She didn't want to go there. She knew if a lady was called to the palace, it was a matter of marriage, either being a concubine or the princess of the famous Prince Fe Yung. She did not want to get married yet.

"Sorry mother, father but I am not feeling well. I don't think I will make it." She feigned a cough.

The two parents were not convinced but they still let her go. They did not want to be hanged for something they could have prevented. Cheng Min bid goodbye and returned to her room. She was at ease, that she had managed to put the engagement off. She did not want to get married or involve herself in royalty and politics.

She wanted a carefree life. Where she could still wander around in the city. Watching people or starting her own business. She wanted to be a different woman. She could not risk losing that chance.

She threw herself on the bed as she looked above. She could only see the roof which was dusty grey. Just like her life.

Tian Li entered the room and saw her on the back laying down on the bed.

"My lady you are back. Please come this way, the bath is ready."

Cheng Min had gone to her parents without bathing. It was too early and she was too lazy to take one. She had only washed her face and brushed her teeth but now that she was back she had no choice whatsoever.

She followed her servant to the bathhouse. She could see that the place had pretty much changed. They had replaced the bathtubs. They had put flowers inside. The scent made her relax the moment she entered. She took her bath happily forgetting her problems in life. For once she let her problems wash away with the sweat on her

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