
Chapter 8


"What do you want?" I asked immediately I had picked up my cloth to cover myself, yet the clothing didn't cover me up properly.

"What a beauty", alpha Derek complimented lustfully as he walked up to stand close to me. He ran his fingers slowly through my shoulder and I hit them off forcefully.

"Don't you dare touch me", I threatened him. My heart was racing and I feared what Alpha Derek would do to me. I wondered why he came to my room by this time, and what he wanted from me.

I was ready to fight even with the last drop of my blood to make sure he doesn't touch me.

"I know what is going on him your head right now dear friend", alpha Derek said with a smile and I rolled my eyes at him.

"What are you thinking?" I asked Alpha Derek and rolled my eyes.

"No, it should be what am I thinking? But don't worry, I will tell you your thoughts", he said and walked around then returned and stood in front of me. It was as if I would melt the next minute.

He placed his both hands on my shoulder and I took them off fearfully. "Don't!" I said breathing heavily.

"You don't have to be so scared my little pretty, I am a decent man and would not touch my Luna without her consent, especially if we are not married yet", alpha Derek said and I felt my tension reduce. Although I was still breathing heavily, and my heart was still pounding, the fear that had gripped me earlier had reduced drastically.

I took in a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and looked all over my body to be sure about the exposed parts.

"What do you want?" I found myself asking Alpha Derek.

"Nothing. Okay, I just wanted to be sure my mate is doing fine, hope you have been served?" He asked looking all over me and I felt like punching him in the face.

"As you can see, I have been served", I said looking in the direction the food was placed. "And secondly, I am not your mate, I'm just alpha Lucas's unfortunate bride who was kidnapped by a ruthless alpha Derek during their engagement", I added and he smiled wickedly.

"The difference between the way you pronounced his name and the way you did with mine", he said and smiled again wickedly to the corner of his lips. "When you finally love me and marry me, will you pronounce my name that way? So romantically and with so much passion in your eyes?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "Answer me a little pretty will you?" He asked trying to touch my face.

"Don't touch me", I spat out. Everything about Alpha Derek disgusted me including the hand he was trying to bring to my face.

"Then answer my questions love, don't keep me waiting", alpha Derek urged.

"Then you will let me be, deal?" I asked and he thought about it for some time then he replied with a nod of the head.

"I won't ever love or marry you,  I detest you and I want you far away from me. Alpha Derek I want you out of my life", I replied harshly.

"Awwn that hurts so much, anyways I know you didn't mean that someday you will love me and care about me the same way you are with Lucas", he replied and walked out of the room. 

I scoffed and walked straight to my bed where I sat down thinking about my life. I remembered my food and quickly stood up to devour it.

I finished eating the food, rushing it as quickly as I could, changed into my change of clothes, which the maids had brought, and lay down to sleep.


Waking up the next morning, I heard noise from outside the room, I kept my ears down to ear what the cause of the noise was.

I could not hear anything from where I stood, I wanted to go outside to see for myself then I remembered I have been locked in from the outside, so there was no way I could go out.

And the windows were protected with big and strong guiders so there was no way I would scale through it.

The noise was getting intense, then it escalated to a heated argument. The door to my room burst open, I was too busy trying to understand the chase of the noise and I didn't hear the key turn.

I immediately turned around and saw Alpha Derek standing in front of the door angrily, my mind started beating very fast and I became scared immediately I sighted Alpha Derek but I tried not to show it.

"What do you want this time?" I asked Alpha Derek calmly, it took everything in me to sound as calm as I did, I didn't want him to see my fear and nervousness. I wanted to portray a strong and fearless werewolf, I didn't want him to see my weakness and use it against me.

"I'm sure you have heard the nuisance your pack outside there is constituting", he thundered and there was something different about the way he spoke. He sounded so fierce and serious, unlike yesterday.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked and climbed down from the bed, where I had stayed to prep through the window so I would hear easily what was going on outside the house.

"Do you want me to tell you again? I thought you were listening. You were eavesdropping right?" He asked and his voice sounded like thunder.

"You are confusing me honestly if only I have an idea of what you are talking about...." I paused and took in a deep breath, then I breathed out. "Okay fine I was listening, but that doesn't mean I heard anything or saw anyone, I was just lost all along and eager to know what was going on", I explained and alpha Derek walked up to me.

He pulled me by the arm and started dragging me out of the house fearfully, my mind traveled far and wide, and I tried to free myself from his grip.

Far and wide, not actually what you think though, alpha Derek had promised not to touch me without my permission and I was sure he wouldn't. He wouldn't make promises he can't fulfill and if he decided to force himself on me I would not beat him, and neither will anyone do anything about it.

He didn't have any reason to promise not to touch me if he had intentions to. That made me more curious, and I wondered where and why he was taking me.

"Where are you taking me please?" I summoned courage and asked, I could hear my voice and I know it shook.

"To see what you were trying to hear through the window of course. Or don't you want to see for yourself, what your pack was doing that pissed me off so badly?" He asked and I didn't say another word.

We got to the front of the house, just right next to the security office, and met members of the moonlight pack having a heated argument with the dark pack members and my heart quickly sank into my stomach. I knew for a fact, what their fates were.

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