
Chapter Seven Elly's POV

Finally, the girls' night was over, and the girls went to their homes after Bella made them breakfast. I was exhausted because I drank a lot last night, and today my head feels like it's going to explode. I hate girl's night and I hate people pretending they love you and acting as if they care about you, but I didn't want to get Bella upset, so I had to act like I was having fun even though all I did was drink all the wine that they had brought. I have told Bella so many times that I can't stand her friends, but she still manages to set us up with them when we decide to go somewhere. She says I have to be more social and make more friends. Bullshit. I have her and that's enough for me.

My headache was killing me, so I took some painkillers that were on my bedside table and laid back in bed. Every muscle in my body was in pain, and all I wanted was to sleep all day. I am so tired of this life that sometimes I just want to end it. My mum isn't here anymore. I don't know who my father is. It's been a while since I started looking for him and there is no sign of him. I know I promised my mum I wouldn't search for him, but I can't take it anymore. He disappeared with no explanation and left us behind, not even caring about us. All my life I was bullied because I didn't have a father, and I am sick of this shit. Everyone deserves to know their parents.

A week ago, I applied for some new jobs as a lawyer and found some good ones with good payments. Today is my first interview at a really good company, which has the best pay too. I got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to get a nice, long-needed bath before I got ready for the interview. I started to get the bathtub ready, filling it with warm water and throwing one of the coconut bath bombs Bella got for me. I got undressed, put my long brown hair in a messy bun, and got into the bathtub. The warm water hit every inch of my body, making my body relax. I was lying in the bathtub, enjoying the quiet. My eyes were closed when the bathroom door burst open, and I whined.

''Elly,'' Bella says, with excitement in her voice.

''What do you want, Bella?'' I say with an annoyed tone.

''Noah is here.'' She says as she starts jumping in excitement.

''What do you mean, Noah is here?'' I say as I raise my head to see her with a suspicious look.

'' He is here in New York.''

''Bella. First of all, stop jumping and start explaining. What is he doing here in New York?''

"I told him yesterday that I missed him and, you know, some other stuff. And today he called me, telling me he is here in New York and he wants to meet me, "she says, still jumping in her eyes, full of excitement. I haven't seen her this happy in a long time. And seeing her this happy makes me happy.

''So you are planning to meet him, right?'' I say with a smile all over my face.

''Yes. I have to get ready. OMG, I have nothing to wear. I haven't even showered yet. God, I am so late. "she says, storming out of the bathroom in a panic and going to the room, opening all the language she has on my bed.

''At least close the door,'' I yell at her. God, she has packed almost her entire house and she still says that she doesn't have anything to wear.

''Please be quick, I have to get a shower too,'' she says, slamming the door shut. So this Noah guy seems nice. He came from Spain to meet her.

After I felt the water getting cold, I got out of the bathtub, opened the drain, and wrapped myself in a towel. I got out of the bathroom only to face a huge mess. Clothes are now all over my bedroom and on the floor. My bed was covered with a huge pile of clothes, and my wardrobe was open, with all my clothes scattered everywhere. In the corner of my room, I spotted Bella sitting on the floor with her hands on her face. I got closer to her and I could hear her sniff. My heart dropped at the sight of her crying.

"Hey, Bella. What happened, buttercup? "' I say, getting her hands out of her face and hugging her tight. She hugs me back. We stayed a little bit like that, and she pulled out of the hug, looking me in the eyes. Those innocent green eyes are now a bit red from the crying.

''I am scared. I have never had anyone else but Ryan. What if he gets bored of me? What if he doesn't like the way I talk? How do I know when to shut up? God, what if he gets discussed the way I eat? "

"Hey, hey, stop. He is going to love you. You are the most delicate, the most beautiful, and the most loveable person on the planet. He is going to love you.''

"Yeah, says a person who has had one friend her entire life,'' she said, and we both laughed at her comment. She wiped her tears with confidence all over her face. That's the Bella I know. She got up, helped me get up, and hugged me one last time before she went to the bathroom to take a shower. I looked around the room and only the idea of me cleaning all the mess that Bella has made in my room gives me a headache. I reach for my wardrobe, which is almost torn apart, and pull out the costume that I had planned to wear today in the interview.

I am going with a simple black suit and a pair of black high heels. I wanted to look serious and not expose my body more than it should be. I got to my improvised make-up table and started to curl my hair. After I finished my curls, I did some simple touches of makeup on my face and put on red lipstick. I got to my bed and started dressing, putting my costume on, and going to the bathroom to get Bella's opinion. I got in the bathroom, opened the door, and Bella was in the bathtub, her head resting on the porcelain lip, humming to some song. I don't know the title.

''So how do I look?'' I say, and her head turns in my direction, looking at my head to toe.

''You've been better,'' she says with a serious tone. "I am joking. You look amusing." You will definitely get this job," she says now with a smile on her face, and I relax at her comment.

''Thank you for the boost in confidence. I feel more confident about the interview now.'' I say sarcastically. She can really be a bitch sometimes and make you feel like shit with the jokes she makes. I said bye to Bella and closed the bathroom door. I took my car keys and left the apartment, making sure to close the main door.

Today the traffic was so heavy, but thank God I got out of my house two hours early and went to my interview on time. I parked my car in the parking lot and turned to face the building. The whole building was covered with black windows, and the logo was on top of it. Based on the company, I lost all hopes of getting this job. The company is one of the most well-known companies in the world, and recently they announced that they wanted a new lawyer, and I took my shot, not thinking too much of it. I'm not going to get this job, but at least I got to experience what it's like to work for one of the world's most well-known corporations.

I went in and one of the girls led me to the office where I was going to be interviewed. The place inside was amusing. It was filled with bookshelves, and on the first floor was a cafeteria where you could also read those books. God. Am I in heaven?

''What's your name?'' I asked the girl who was leading me to the office where the interview was taking place.

''My name is Ema, and I am the boss's main secretary.'' She says, looking at me with a bitchy look. What the hell did I do to you?

''I am Elly,'' I say to her and smile. We were now in the elevator, and we got in. She pressed the floor number and she didn't speak a single word the entire time. We just stand there in awkward silence until the elevator door opens and she gets out, and I follow her behind.

We are now in front of the office door, and I started to get nervous. I start to sweat and my breathing becomes heavier. God if I don't get accepted at this job, I am going to cry. This is like paradise. Everyone would kill to work here. Ema opened the door for me and I went in.

''Good luck,'' she whispers with an evil smile and closes the door. God, what did I do to her to hate me this much?

''You may sit down and we can start.'' I hear a voice behind me. I turned around and made eye contact with the person that was sitting at the desk. His tattoos trail almost all over his body, catching my eye as soon as I laid eyes on him. I can see some of them from underneath his button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. I take notice of his curly brown hair. His jaw is sharp and his lips are plum. He might be in his mid-20s. I could see his muscular arms crossed on the table as the table was filled with what I assumed were application papers.

"Thank you," I said as I sat in the chair in front of him, my cheeks flushed but keeping a straight face.

''So, because our last lawyer had some problems and couldn't stay anymore, we decided to look for a new one. We heard that you were the best student in your school and your grades show that. Am I wrong, Elly? " He says, raising his voice a bit to get my attention. I was focused on his chest, seeing his tattoos, and forgot why I was there. "So, because we had so many options and you looked like the best shot for us, after reviewing your endless number of applications here, we decided to give you an opportunity," he says, and I look him in the eyes. God, why is it so difficult to keep my focus on his words?

'' I am sorry. Can you repeat it one more time?'' I say, not believing the words that came out of his mouth a few seconds ago.

''We decided to give you an opportunity after reviewing your endless number of applications here because we had so many options and you looked like the best shot for us," he says one more time, and a smile forms on his lips, his pearly whites showing.

''Of course, if you want to,'' he adds, and I can see a worried look forming on his face.

''No. No. I love to work here. But what do you mean by my 'endless number of applications'?'' I say, trying to relax myself. Goddamit Elly, pull yourself together. He gets up from his chair, and my eyes do not leave him as he fills me with a glass of water and hands it to me.

''Are you feeling ok?'' he asks. I reach for the glass of water, my hand shaking from excitement.

''Yes." was all I could manage to say, and he returned to his chair. "

''If I am not wrong, you have applied here almost 15 times, you are aware of it, aren't you? He says, looking at me with a confused look on his face, and I just nod.

I swear to God that when I go home I will beat Bella till she begs for my forgiveness.

''That's great. Now the boss is on a business trip, so you can't meet him for the next five months. For every question you have, you can talk to his assistant or come to me. You're going to be his lawyer, so you're going to contact him for almost everything. You can start today if you want to.''

''Yeah, I would love to,'' I say, surprised about this situation. God, I thank myself for busting my ass till three in the morning to study and to be the best in school. I knew this would be in handy for something.

''Ema could show you your office and you can start," he said, his eyes not leaving mine for a single moment.

''My office,'' I said with my eyes wide open and full of excitement, but I pulled myself together and decided to skip what I had just done and not embarrass myself anymore.

''May I know your name please?'' I say, try to be serious.

''My name is Aiden.'' He says, with a simile on his face. He has the name of my favorite book character. I got up from the chair to shake his hand and went out where Ema was waiting.

''Can you show me my office please?'' I say with an evil smile on my face as I close the door behind me. I know that I am going to have problems with this bitch, so I better show my place and shut her mouth. She looked at me with a confused look and started showing me the way to my office. I could tell that she wasn't happy but still didn't say anything.

We got to my office, and I opened the door. My eyes were wide open and in shock. Is this a dream or what? The office was huge. In front of me were two huge windows. My office was on the 15th floor, and the view of the city from the windows was amusing. As soon as I walked in, I spotted three black leather couches and a small table in the middle, and to my left were two bookshelves filled with books that looked like they desperately needed to be read. The office was based on black, which gives the expression that the boss must be really in love with this color. I settled into my chair and just explored the place with my eyes.

''Thank you for your help. Can you get me some coffee and bring it to me?'' I say trying to be serious. She gets out, and after a couple of minutes, she comes back in with the coffee in her hands.

''You can put it on the table and leave,'' I say, as I see her getting angry, as I like her to be. I want to beat her until no one can tell who she is. I managed to control my anger and just ignore her bitchy face. I started to organize the office so it would be easy for me to put my things away afterward. The rest of the day went by with me reading and organizing some documents.

It was 8 pm and it seemed that everyone was leaving, so I did it too. I closed the door of my office and, to be honest, it was difficult to find the exit in this huge building, but I managed to find it after a lot of struggle. I went to my car and drove home.

I opened the door and Bella started yelling.

''How was your day? I didn't want to bother you by calling you, but you should text me if you're having other plans. You got me worried.'' I could hear Bella scream from the kitchen, and I went to the kitchen and saw Bella cooking.

''Fifteen times. Really? Are you crazy? Do you know how embarrassed I was when he told me that I had applied 15 times?'' I say this with an angry face as I put my bag on the counter.

''Did you get the job or not?'' She only says this.

''Yes. But this isn't the point.''

'' You can thank me later,'' she says, giving me an evil grin. God, there are times like this when I want to kill her.

'' Anyway. Since when did you start cooking?'' I say with a serious face while trying to change the topic. I know that she will never say sorry, so my extending this argument isn't going to lead me anywhere. She can be really stubborn and nothing can convince her that she is wrong.

''Since I am home all day and don't have anything to do.'' she says with a boring tone.

''So how did your date with Noah go? I say as I take a seat in the chair.

''It went well. We got to talk, and we had a lot of fun. I am going out again tomorrow.'' she says with excitement." But leave me and start telling me how your day was?''

"Except for the fact that I was humiliated by you applying 15 times and making me appear desperate to get the job, everything else went OK.'' I could see the annoyed look on her face, but she wasn't going to get out of this easily. ''But there's something that doesn't sit right with me. It seemed so easy. Not that I am complaining, but I don't know. Something doesn't sit right with me. The man who interviewed me said that I was the best in my school. That doesn't explain why, out of all the applications for that job, which, by the way, maybe thousands, he chose me."

''Oh come on Elly, you don't have to be this paranoid. You deserve this, so don't ruin it. You deserve something good in this life, "she says and continues to put the batter in the cupcake molds.

''I am sorry,'' I say and put this thought in the back of my head.

"Ok, let me help you clean this mess,'' I say to Bella, who is covered from head to toe with flour. I started to put everything in place and started washing the dishes.

The rest of the night went with us talking about my new mysterious boss, drinking wine, and eating cupcakes. 

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