
3. The dragon prince

Rex’s Pov

I probably would have not sent my whore.e away if I knew what was in front of me later today. But knowing fully well that I would never win against my mother’s whining and my father’s stern warnings. I thought It was better I got the whole day over with.

“Rex darling, I would really want some more. I can't seem to get enough of you” she had said in her fake high-pitched voice. I am yet to meet a girl who would not jump at the opportunity to please me and that only helped with my determination to show myself that I had everything at the tip of my fingers and that I can dispose of them as I well please.

I belong to no one and I can get everything that I want, even when I don't try so hard.

“You can leave. I will call you when I am back from the choosing” I replied, I probably won't call her back. I have had enough of her whining and closeness. This particular one asks too many questions and she doesn't seem to want to settle for just sex. And it's no secret that’s all I'm capable of giving, sex.

“Do you have to go? You can just continue to decline. Your parents would understand” She argued.

I moved closer to her, and put some shirts on her nakedness. Dressed up myself and left the room.

“I don't want to see you here when I get back,” I said before closing the door behind me. Her tears would not stop me or change my mind about her. It made me even upset.

“Hey Rex, everyone is ready for you,” my friend and cousin Adam said as he walked to me, dressed in what I can call his best attire.

“You must be enjoying this very much”

“Oh, you have no idea. The best ones are the ones arranged for you. I'm sure the werewolves will arrange the best girls, they have been told the prince is attending”

“Nonsense! I won't be choosing a girl myself, Drogo will do the choosing. Only her judgment, I will follow” I said, and left me to think about what I had just said.

“Oh Rex darling, I am so happy you have finally decided to honor your mother. We have to set an example for the people behind us. This has happened for centuries and for our protection, this is the least they can give to us. We have to accept it happily” She held my hands and brought them to her lips. A sign of blessing.

“That’s what you said and I am doing this for you. But promise me this would be the last time you will force me to do anything I don't want to do” I grabbed her hands and kissed them too.

“You have my word”

Only about three men were going with me to the choosing and they are to pick one girl each too, either as mistresses or as wives.

None of it bothered me, Drogo was very picky and if she doesn't pick anyone it would only be my luck. My mother or my father would not have anything to say. The most important thing was that I am here, doing what they wanted.

“Welcome my prince” The alpha greeted and made a way for us, every man and woman became still, with attention on us and probably our next move. We were not late and that was even more honorable.

I, Adam, and the other guys sat down in the crowd while our dragons did the work. The guys thought it would only be proper that they did the same thing as me. Something about showing union between us and hopefully they would make a good choice that way and won't rely solely on their pricks to think for them.

When they brought the girls out and it was time for our dragons to do their jobs, everyone was now directing their attention on the girls in the middle of the field.

None of the girls struck my attention until. . . Until Drogo stopped in front of the girl at the far end of the line, close to the small and short trees across the field.

My breath ceased and I almost stood up from my seat. My heart jumped out of my body only because of the calmness I got from Drogo. And instead of the fear I expected from the girl, she stood still and fearless in front of my dragon. No man or woman has been able to stand up to Drogo and definitely not in the manner.

This has never happened before, so when Drogo moved away from her to check on the other girls, I felt a bit of relief.

Maybe I had thought it, maybe it was my thinking that was getting the best of me. Or maybe I didn't want Drogo to choose anyone so badly that it was affecting my reasoning.

Then I saw her, She moved away from the girls and hid. Why was she hiding? And from what?

I saw the boy with her, running away, is she trying to run away with a lover? I thought. Not on my watch would she run away from her responsibilities. Even if I don't want her, I would derive pleasure mainly from making her know that her fate was now in my hands. I cannot believe she tried to run away from what other girls would have killed for.

“Are you stupid” I shouted when I saw her jump into the freezing lake. And more than anything it made me furious. I saw the look on her face when she turned to look at me, her fears were replaced with something I would call a challenge.

She definitely would not have thought I would leave her inside the lake to drown to death, what kind of life has she lived?

I jumped inside the lake after her, and pulled her out.

“What the heck happened, Rex?” My cousin whom I wanted more than anything there finally showed up, followed by the alpha and his Luna, looking at me carrying the strange girl in my arms. I would not have explained it if they asked me to. The girl has to wake up first to explain to me what I need to know.

“I have no idea. I think Drogo chose her” I said to Adam. Then to the rest of the people watching, I announced loudly to whoever cared to listen. “My Dragon has chosen! She is my chosen one. Prepare a warm bath”

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