
Chapter 8

Christ dressed in a tux, his light gray hair well combed, his crystal blue eyes beautiful like always, but his face showed no emotion, his expression was dark. Everything felt like someone had pass away, someone had told him, his love one had passed away.

His PA stride into the mansion dressed in a black and white suit, his brown hair combed to the side of his head, and his red lips more reddish than usual.

"Boss, the car is ready." He informed him.

Christ took another glimpse at the mirror for the last time before he gracefully walks out of his mansion to the parking.

His PA quickly opened the car door for him to get in. He hoped into the driver seat and fasten his seatbelt, and they drove out of the mansion.

Seeing his boss not smiling makes him quiver, fear running down his veins, and the least he could think was to stay alive.

Christ was ready to face his brothers, they just made a mistake of trying to kill him. He was planning to go easy on them, but since they plan to kill him, he's going to play the game with them.

"What time did frank arrived at the airport?" Christ asked.

"It's exactly at 10am, but he changed it to 1pm."

"Is my father aware of his coming?"

"Not at all, he only told sir Liam about his arrival, he was the one who picked him up at the airport." Christ just rub his thumb and said nothing.

Frank is the second son of Salvador, elder brother to Christ. He is as wise and famous as Christ but don't stand a chance with him. Christ surpasses him in business, power, and even rank. Each of the son's owns and run their company in city L.

"We're here boss." His PA announce and quickly walk out of the car to get the door for him. Christ step out and fix his tux for the last time.He use his index finger to bring his PA closer to him.

"Make sure everything is ready, I don't want any mistake, they should be on standby." He warned.

"Okay boss." Christ march into the mansion with a small smile on his face.

If he is going to have dinner with his father, he needs to try and smile, if not there's going to be quite alot of question for him to answer.

The maids and servant bow to greet him immediately he walked into the building. They're all afraid to look him in the eyes, for if it happens by mistake you will have to take your punishment.

He got to the dining and found his two brothers and father with his wife already seated. He cuss for coming in late, it was unlike him to come late.

He greeted them and start to apologise. "I'm sorry for keeping you all waiting, it won't repeat itself."

"It's okay, your brothers came earlier than the specified time." Mrs Salvador responded, not that she cared he came late.

"Next time be here on time." Mr Salvador added and Christ just nods. He doesn't care if Christ come's in late, he knows Liam and Frank came in early on purpose to make him feel bad.

The maids served them dinner and walk out of the room, and they quietly start to eat.

Minutes later, after the pronloged silent, Mr Salvador spoke up.

"We should do this more often, make sure you come home during the weekends let's have dinner, we're family, we should act like one." He said.

"Father, you know that wouldn't be possible, business men like us, have alot to takecare of, but maybe you can talk to Christ, who Knows he can keep up to that." Frank said, but Christ said nothing, he just continue savoring the sweetness of the food, its been long he ate homemade food.

Liam gave him a side eye look before clearing his throat.

"Christ, you heard him, you should come home for dinner during the weekends." He added.

He was restraining not to chimed in but if he doesn't he might look weak to them.

"Sure, I will make time to come home weekends." He responded, not taking his eyes out from the meal. Knowing if he doesn't say anything, his father might question him after dinner.

"Son talking about business, how are your business going?" Mrs Salvador asked.

Liam grit his teeth hearing her call him son, frank also hate the fact that she calls them son, always pretending to be nice to them whenever their father is around, he thought.

Christ doesn't mind at all, just because she's barren doesn't mean she shouldn't call them son, if she's their father's wife, they are son's to her.

"Business is doing well aunty." Christ responded, but got a deadly glare from the other two figure seated.

"Father there must be a reason why you wanted this dinner, I'm sure you didn't just call us for dinner because you wanted having dinner with us." Frank Said.

Mr Salvador slowly lifts his head up with a small nod. "Yes, I wanted to have dinner with my sons and also talk about your marriage. I'm not getting any younger, yet none of you have introduce me to his fiancee. I thought I should ask you all, business isn't the only important thing, marriage, family is also important. Liam last time you made mention of a lady but you never brought her home, did you find someone else?"

Liam smile knowing he was referring to Ashley.

"Father we're still together, I will try and bring her home." He lied, and Christ shook his head.

"Frank you should quit being a player, stop breaking ladies heart settle for one already. I know Mr Victor's daughter is in love with you, but you still don't find her attractive, you prefer having your way with her, i never trained you that way."

"And you christ when are you ever going to open your heart to a woman? I'm beginning to think you don't like your opposite gender, and I'm sure you don't like your same gender, what's stopping you from bringing a woman home?" Before Christ could defend himself of not liking his same gender, frank chimed in.

"Father, you never can tell, maybe he likes his same gender but he's scared to tell us, you know it's a shame to the family." He said, and Liam burst out laughing.

Christ couldn't say a word, he opened his mouth to talk but closed it back. But thankfully Mrs Salvador responded.

"You think is funny? Liking your same gender, you think accusing him of something he hasn't say is funny to you guys? Liam ain't you supposed to correct frank? You're the eldest here, but you don't act like one, instead here you're laughing, and yet you claim to be the senior. You frank, are you any better than him, you're a player, you sleep around with ladies, and you claim to be better than someone who has never introduce someone home to the family, the both of you needs to grow up, because Christ here is the elderly one, he acts like one." She said and excuse herself, leaving the dining.

Frank has been clenching and unclenching his fist, he was getting rage but had to control himself not to act harsh in front of their father.

Liam's gaze has been on the floor all this time, he said nothing. Mr Salvador kept eating his meal, things like this always happen when he invites the three sons for dinner.

"Father, I'm not gay, I don't like my gender, I think there's someone I have in mind, but I haven't made my intentions known to her because I don't think she would accept me." Christ said with a small smile.

The two brothers got fascinated, Christ in love with a woman? That has never happened before. A smile spread on Frank's face.

"I will make sure I find her and get rid of her before you make your intentions known." He muttered underneath his breath. I will make sure I find her and use her, Liam thought.

"You should quickly make your intentions known to her, if you're not man enough to do it, tell me who her father is, I will go pay him a visit."

An idea crept into his head and he smile.

"Whoever brings a lady home, gets all my houses and i will sure to pass the company over to him, but that applys on who brings first." Mr Salvador said, feeling proud of what he just said. Christ wasn't interested, he knew it could be one of his tricks to get them married.

Liam and Frank face was contorted with confusion, but yet they have no intentions on letting Christ take over the houses or company.

"Father I hope you don't turn back to your promise." Liam said, standing up from the chair.

"Father, this is a promise you will have to keep." Frank added, and stood up.

"I have never gone back on my words, I will do just as I have said, it's high time for me to pass on everything I have to my children, and whoever brings a woman home first gets to take 70% of everything."

They believe in his words, he isn't the type to break a promise.

"Very well father, we will take our leave now, have a goodnight rest." Liam said.

"Goodnight." He responded and they exited the room without uttering a word to Christ.

"I'm sorry for the way your brothers acted..." He was cut off by Christ.

"Father, don't apologize on their behalf, I believe they will realize their mistake someday."

Christ isn't bothered, he has gotten use to them being cold to him, they never see him as a brother.

"I wish your mother was alive today, I'm sure all this wouldn't be happening between you guys."

Why is he bringing mother up now? Christ thought.

"Father it's okay, you should go inside and rest now, it's getting really late, I have to head home now." He said, and stood up from his seat.

He walk to the other side of the table and help his father up, escorted him to his room before marching to his study.

"Goodnight Aunt." He knew she would be here and just as he thought she was seated with a glass of drink.

She drop the drink and walk up to him, "Goodnight son, don't take what your brother say to heart, I'm sure they don't mean it, they will realize their mistake someday." Christ hoped they will, he wouldn't want to harm any of his brothers, not now that they plan to kill him, he might not go easy on them.

He smiled at her. "Thank you Aunt, takecare of father, I will see you next week." He said, and pat her hands before striding out of the mansion.

"Boss, everything is ready as planned." His PA informed him, immediately they hit the road.

"Call them, and tell them to start moving right now, we're taking the other road." Christ responded.

He pulled out his cellphone and did as instructed.

"You guys should start moving." His PA said and hang up.

"Boss we should wait alittle, the other road is a bit far and dangerous, let's wait when everything is cleared then we move."

Christ hissed, but he was right, the road is dangerous, there are too many cliff around there.

"Just do as instructed, take the other road, do you think they won't confirm if I'm the one In the car? Start moving, Liam might be dumb, but he also knows how to play his game." His PA didn't utter one more word. He took the other road that leads to the mansion.

Minutes pass by, but there was nothing suspicious on the road. The road was clear, until a bird flew pass the front of the car, his PA fidgeted and suddenly March the car brake.

"What was that..." Before Christ could finish he saw light of big trucks coming towards their direction, and there was a cliff around the place he stopped.

"Shit Frank." Christ cussed.

"Boss, I don't think we can escape this, let's get down from the car and run, we can't die like this." Christ has never run away from his enemies, and he won't do that for his brothers.

"Boss, can you hear me, let's run away, we can't fight like this, they are other trunks at the back." Christ spun around and saw other trunks coming at the back, there's no way to escape from this.

"Listen to me, I'm going to drive the car, you get down and run away, make sure you don't get caught. You have to come back and help me okay?"

His PA Shook his head, he can't let his boss die alone.

"Boss, you should run away, I will drive the car, but please promise me one thing. Lucy is carrying my child, I wanted to start a family with her and take care of her sick mother and sister but now I can't do it, please takecare of them for me, I will drive in your place."

Christ wanted to laugh, but this isn't time for jokes, the trunks were getting more closer.

"Why did you impregnate her? I told you to stay away from her for the time being, why?" He said in the calmest voice he could muster.

"I'm sorry boss, that's how much I love her." The trunks were getting more closer, he shoved his PA out of the car door the safer side, and quickly get into the driver seat.

"Make sure you come back to find me, I will be waiting." Christ said, and drove the car hoping to dodge the trunks, but the truck coming from back hit his car hard, making the tyre of the car burst.

The glass of the car got broke and splash on Christ, blood start to stream out from his mouth, and all over his body, but yet he still tried to move the car to avoid falling into the cliff.

But it was too late, the truck coming from the front hit him again, this time harder than before and the next thing, the car was flying into the cliff.

"I have to live, I can't leave you here to suffer." He muttered, before falling into the cliff.

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