
Chapter 6 _____ His Forgiveness?


" I..I don't understand.. how every small crime of his..are coming back..even crossing a red signal on the traffic? Seriously?"

I murmured in bewilderment, flipping through the pages of my father's past crime that had been reopened by someone one after another. The pages felt too heavy in my hands.

I knew that my father wasn't a good man. But nobody held grudges against him. His arch nemesis had all died in cross fire already. Those dark empires were a fairy tale now.

Uncle John released a sigh, showing me the paper one after another,

" I can't help anymore if the cases continue opening. Your father's timing has already extended. I am afraid that if it continues, he can probably never get out of the jail."

I slammed my fist on the table, growling softly,

" This.. can't happen..He must come out or else I will lose whatever is left in my life."

Uncle John asked another question, looking at me pitifully,

" Kat! Remember! Did you offend someone? You know what I think, you should contact this man and request him to not reopen any cases. Only then you can take your father out of the jail."

I fell into a deep dilemma. Ace was there, getting on my nerves already. Then again, another mysterious person appeared to destroy my life. All I wanted was a simple and peaceful life unlike my father who was always hungry for power.

I took uncle John's advice before requesting him to help,

" Who.. who is this person? Tell me? Or help me find him. I will beg him to not reopen any new cases."

Uncle John replied, furrowing in confusion as well,

" This person is really mysterious. It's only his people who are working behind the shadows. Anyways, I will try my best to get the details. Please wait for a while, Kat."

Uncle John made a call to his colleague who replied something in Spanish. His colleague told us to wait for half an hour. I had to wait no matter what the situation was.

Uncle John's assistant offered coffee to us. I took a sip as I heard him suggesting,

" It is taking time. Do you want to meet your father?"

" NO!!", I cut him off without hesitation, swallowing the lump in my throat. The mention of my father took me back to my past to remind me of what he did to me. As a man who never saw me as a daughter, he didn't deserve my kindness. Before leaving the country, I went to meet him but all he said to me was that my mother brought him bad luck. That's why, she was suffering in the hospital too.

As far as I could remember, she was a lovely woman who never appreciated his crimes. Perhaps that's why, God took the ability from her to understand anything.

A ring on his phone tore my thoughts from the painful days. It was his Spanish colleague who told him that he sent his information in his email. Uncle John clicked the computer open, typed something and finally spoke, pushing around the screen towards me,

" This guy... Ace King..The people who came, they were all from him."

I almost stopped breathing at that moment. I should have guessed it long ago. He became the devil himself. How would he forget the pain that I had caused him? Now, it's my whole family who are paying for this.

I choked on my words, muttering before running out of the police station,

" Uncle John..I got it...I...I will take care of it..."

Uncle John asked many questions behind me but I was already running outside, panting and choking. Once I was outside, it all came out together. I broke into tears, whimpering and begging,

" I am so.. so... sorry...I shouldn't have left you..I.."


I had no idea for how long I was crying in the rain. Until Eliana sent me the address of Ace's house, I kept crying. No amount of apologies could fix what I did to him. I let him get close to me then tore him apart in the worst way possible. He was broken then I fixed him. But I broke him again to the point that there was no way to fix it again.

How could I ask for his forgiveness?

The rain wasn't showing any sign of stopping. I got into the taxi, trembling and shivering in coldness. Eliana had already texted me the location that I had to go on. She kept asking so many things but I had no time to answer. My whole life was depending on Ace's forgiveness so my mother's. My mother was the only thing that was left for me in this whole world after I lost Ace. father..I never thought him as my family after what he did to me. Not until now, I couldn't forgive him no matter what happens or how many years had passed. I was sure that my mother would have done the same, considering the hell that he put me through.

My body felt exhausted after crying for an hour in the rain. Without my consciousness, my eyes closed off, drifting to sleep due to my weak body.

The dream that I had seen felt so live and clear to me. I saw us again, back to the days when I was only seventeen, a fresh teenager.

" You will be the mother of my child. Promise? You won't leave me, Kate, will you?"

" Never!! I love you more than my life. How can I leave you?"

" Kate! I have grown up in a monstrous family who never showed me what love is until I met you. You became the only light of my dark life. Remember if you ever leave me, I will become the monster..the devil again.."

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