
A New Plan


I finished attaching the siphons to the doctor, and asked to be excused to the bathroom. A guard was called into the office. He was a concubus. Nettleston ordered him to take me, guard me, and return me.

When we were near the bathroom door, I grabbed him, pulled him inside, and pushed him against the wall. He looked afraid. I needed to free as many of my people as possible. I may not be able to get to the succubae just yet, but the concubi and incubi in the camps were a good start.

“Are you here by your own choice or the Vasili’s orders?” I hissed.

“I was ordered here. This isn’t my choice, Vasilia.” He replied softly.

I could taste his unhappiness, his fear, his sadness. My heart broke for him. To be forced into this, to live in fear of what could happen, to be hated for something he couldn’t change, was terrible.

“You are free to do what you wish. You no longer have to follow the Vasili’s orders.” I said in a commanding tone.

A relieved look came over him. I was happy to have helped in some way, but I wanted to free them all. I hoped he would feel the same.

“Please, help me.” I whispered.

“What can I do to help? Do you need a way to escape?” He asked.

“First, tell me your name.” I requested

“Thomas Carrack.” He said. “Everyone calls me Tommy.”

“You will be contacted by a man called Duncan Stanford. If you betray this or him, then you will die. Do you understand?” I asked.

“Got it. What will he contact me about?”

“I want you to keep working here. We’re going to free all of the enslaved guards and save the prisoners. Will you help me?” I smiled.

“You could just order me to help.” He chuckled.

“No, I am your queen, not your owner. I’m asking you to be a hero to your people. I would never order someone to do something like this. That would make you my tool. Not my champion. You don’t look like a tool, Tommy.” I smirked.

“Definitely not a tool, Vasilia. I’ll do it. Let me get you my contact information.” Tommy offered.

He quickly pulled out a little notebook and pen from his pocket and wrote his name, number, and address. I tucked it into my bra and patted his shoulder. It was always nice to see that not all male demons were bad.

“Let’s head back.” I said and we returned to the office.

When we entered the office, Anders was shaking hands with Nettleston. Cubbi was standing next to him. She was wearing blue jeans and a soft looking pale yellow sweater. It looked so perfect on her.

“I think I just started liking yellow.” I sighed.

Cubbi blushed and ducked her head. Anders guided her over to me and we held hands, fingers intertwined, as we turned to the door. I couldn’t wait to get her away from this place.

“See you ladies tomorrow.” Nettleston said cheerfully.

I grinned darkly and turned to him.

We’ll be here.” I chuckled.

We followed Anders and Tommy out of the office. I pulled Cubbi along with me. I wouldn’t let go until we were safely outside.

It was the best birthday I’d had in a long time. I killed the man who killed my mother, set a massive camp raid in motion, found my female mate, and was going to head to lunch with my friend at one of my favorite places. Barrano’s.

We got into the car. Anders understood when I sat in the back with my angel. I needed to have her in my arms and know that she wouldn’t disappear. Being without Ford for so long made me weaker than I liked. I wanted that connection again.

“I think you need a new name.” I said, as we cuddled in the back seat of Anders’ car.

“You don’t like calling me Cubbi?” She asked.

“No. It’s as bad as calling you ‘Succubus’, my angel. How about if we call you… Aria? It means song or melody. Another nod to your mother. Just like when my mother gave you your demon name, angel.” I whispered and kissed her cheek.

“Yvonna was your mother, Vasilia? I’m so sorry. I love the name Aria. Please call me that.” She beamed.

“You hear that, Anders? She’s our Aria now.” I giggled and held Aria tightly.

“Nice to meet you, Aria. We’ll take you home after lunch. You have a lot of people to meet.” He said.

“When was the last time you were underwater? How are your gills?” I asked looking her over.

“I had my bath last night. I take them in the evening. My gills are still damp and sealed. Don’t worry, Vasilia. He was actually taking good care of me. I don’t know why he cared about me and none of the other supernaturals, but he did. He does. I just wish you hadn’t given yourself to him to save me. I don’t want to lose you after I just found you.” Aria murmured and pressed her face into my hair.

“As long as I know you’re safe, I would accept any pain, my angel.” I assured her.

Anders cleared his throat. “Why didn’t you tell him it was your mom?”

“Because it wasn’t worth it. He tried to make me angry, then he tried to upset me by bringing Aria out when I calmed myself instead of giving in to my temper. If I told him, then he would’ve used it to try and hurt me. I’d rather he never know. I’m just happy my Aria got to meet my mother.” I replied. “When we get home, we’ll talk to Landry about healing her.”

“What?” He asked.

“Her mother was a witch. Landry can heal injuries. I had her work with my harem when they first came into the house. We need to get Aria healed and sealed or she’s going to go insane in a couple years.” I told him.

“Wouldn’t she have been sealed her first time? That’s how I was sealed.”

“Yes. Your first time which happened after the start of puberty. Aria. Did your first owner touch you before you started menstruating?” I asked.

There was a hitch in Aria’s breath. She nodded. “He hurt me, Vasilia.”

“I know, angel. I have you now. He can’t hurt you anymore. I promise. Anders, she’s unsealable unless she can be healed. I want you to find this man and let me have an hour with him. He needs to learn why you don’t hurt demon children. Aria, you can call me Madison or Maddie if you want. If we’re doing official stuff, then call me Vasilia. Okay, angel?” I rubbed Aria’s shoulder.

“Okay, Maddie.” She responded in a small voice.

We rode quietly back to town. I mostly checked Aria over to see if she had any other injuries. She seemed healthy enough. He’d been letting her have her sun time as well. It didn’t change my decision to kill him though. Nettleston had been killing and experimenting on supernaturals for at least seven years. There would be no reprieve.

Soon, the restaurant where I was meeting Dennis came in sight. Anders had let me use his laptop to access the trash e-mail I’d used to contact my friends about the fire. I e-mailed Denny and let him know I was alive and well. I asked if he could meet me for lunch and told him it needed to only be him.

Ford gave me the information on how to book the room at Barrano’s. It was the best option for absolute privacy. I intended to take Aria with me. I needed to make sure she was safe.

Leaving her with Anders was too risky. I didn’t want Aria out of my sight. Anders had a table for one booked in the main dining and would be eating there. It was close, but not close enough for me to feel comfortable.

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Alexis Manning
I love she found her female mate !! S
goodnovel comment avatar
oh I worry his dad is gonna get her too

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