
Chapter 01

If a flower makes room for an unwanted weed, do flowers slowly die? Will the weed take over the pot? Or will they stay in harmony together? Can they promise that neither one of them will die?

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"Mizuko, table 11!"

"Mizuko, table 7 please!"

"Mizuko! Table 3!"

Those are the most exhausting words Mizuko hears every night at the resto she works at. She's a waitress and it's never an easy job especially when it's a busy night.

Every time she picks up a tray, she sighs heavily. If she had an option, she would not work at this resto but life is harsh and cruel. If you don't work hard, you'll die of starvation.

"Sorry to keep you working this late, honey." Madam Vergie told Mizuko with an apologetic expression on her face.

"It's no problem, madam. You pay me and I work. It's how life works," she answered, flashing a smile and picking up another tray again.

When the clock struck eleven, serving was over. Now she has to pick up plates and clean the tables and deliver those dishes to the kitchen sink.

Exactly eleven thirty-three, she clocked out and told Madam Vergie good night after they closed the resto.

Mizuko's home was not so far but it takes time to walk home. The night was chilly and she wore a not-so-thick jacket. Tonight was really tiring for her. It's one of those bad nights where you just wish you were never born in this world.

She didn't even realize her eyes were flooded with tears until she felt a warm tear rolling down her ice-cold cheek. With her right hand, she wiped it away because there was really no one that would do that for her.

As she continues to walk, she noticed the moon at its fullest. It seems like it was a different moon. She isn't updated with astronomical happenings so she took her iPhone 6-- an outdated phone but she doesn't have the money to buy an upgrade and it still works-- she looked up for answers.

And there it showed. It's Halloween of 2020 and a blue moon is out, though the moon wasn't really blue, instead, it's an afterglow kind of shade.

It made her stop walking and gaze at the magical full moon. She smiled as she remembers one story she heard from someone she doesn't remember.

"I hate my life!" She starts to yell. "I'm tired and no one ever notices it! What the hell am I in this world for?"

Screaming lifted some of the weight she has been carrying. She doesn't worry about anyone thinking she's crazy, no one is around since she lives up on the hill. The closest house to her is 30 meters away and the resto she works at is luckily just down the hill but it still takes time.

After she randomly screamed she wiped her tears and acted as if nothing happened.

At her humble home, she opens the door and turns on the light. She took off her shoes and then her jacket, hanging it at the door. Slipping to her house slippers, she took steps heading to her room and dive in her bed.

"Ughh!" Mizuko groans and stretched her body. "This is heaven! My bed is the best!"

She was already comfortable and feeling sleepy when suddenly her stomach growled. This is the worst part of finally being comfortable in your bed. Before getting up, she heavily sighed.

At the kitchen where she was chillingly boiling water for her noodles, she heard a loud noise as if someone just fired a gun. It made her jump and immediately turned off the stove.

"What in the world was that loud noise?" Mizuko asked, frowning.

Because she was curious, she moved and went beside the window. From there she peeked through the glass outside and saw nothing was suspicious. Her neighborhood and the whole town have less than ten to zero cases of crimes, so they never really worry.

She stayed there for few minutes and never really saw anything so she shrugged it off and went back in front of the stove. Turning it on again, she hummed as she waits for it to boil.

When her noodles were ready, she transferred them to a bowl and started eating, not even minding that it's hot. It only took her around ten minutes and then she's full and done. Then she washed the dishes and went back to her room.

Now, she's really ready to call it a freakin' night. She unfolded her blanket and warm herself up with it. Mizuko smiled, tomorrow is her 20th birthday, or should she say, today since it's past midnight.

"Happy Birthday to you, self," Mizuko murmurs as she closed her eyes.

When Mizuko had finally fallen into a slumber, a round fluffy cotton-like thing appeared in mid-air. It has small legs and feet like a cartoon fat bunny and its ears are like of those Scottish fold cats. Also, it has the cutest round puppy eyes that makes you in awe.

What Mizuko didn't know is that this little fella has been watching over her for years now.

Kebano is what they're called and they're just supposed to be just lookouts that alarm their masters when there are incoming dangers. But this time, this Kebano crawled right into Mizuko's blanket and slept with her.

Around three in the morning, heavy rain and the loud thunder woke Mizuko up. Because her room was dark, she didn't notice the Kebano at her side.

She was about to stand up when lightning struck so suddenly making her look outside the window. Her heart had pounded louder when she heard the thunder afterward. It's a crazy storm, she thought.

Mizuko finally stood up and strode to her window, she was about to close the curtains when another lightning struck and she saw someone outside. Her brows furrowed immediately. She wasn't sure if someone was really there so she moved her face closer to the window, her eyes widened when she saw a figure in the rain. It looks like a woman!

Out of compassion, she rushed out with an umbrella not minding the cold. She runs towards the woman who seemed weak already.

"Hey! What the heck had happened? Why are you in the rain like this!?" Mizuko was shaking as she held the woman's head and rest it on her lap. She's not that strong enough to carry the woman.

"I sensed the energy of Hikari here, that must be why I'm here," the woman spoke. Mizuko obviously didn't understand the woman who was talking nonsense.

"You know what we should do? Let's get you to the hospital. Can you at least stand so I can carry you to my house? My p-phone is inside!" Panic is heard in Mizuko's voice. "Let's get you treated."

"I don't have much time, I'm wounded." That's when Mizuko noticed the blood coming from the woman's chest. She was shaking really bad now. "Please, relay the message to Nozumo so he tells the King what to do."

"Come on! I really don't get what you're t-talking about!" Mizuko yells.

But the woman only looked at her eyes and Mizuko stared back, mesmerized. The woman found this opportunity to touch Mizuko's forehead. And with just that, Mizuko's consciousness has slowly faded.

The fluffy fella awoke from a great energy and it panicked the moment it realized, its master was not in bed. The lightning flashed at the sky making the Kebano's eyes widened.

"Fuwa fuwa!" It screamed when it saw Mizuko outside getting closer and closer, reaching her hand towards the portal to the world she never should go!

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