
I A Mysterious Appearance

Thick black smoke soared into the sky, producing a giant, terrifying plume. The pungent odor seemed to poison my nose and throat to the point of suffocation. The sounds of screams, cries, and laughter mixed together like water and wind in the ocean. 

Me too, was in that atmosphere. Lying helplessly on the grass with a body full of wounds. My body was so covered in blood that I was unable to do anything. With blurred vision, I saw a boy about seven years old with red hair and pale skin and long fangs, standing in front of me and pointing his index finger at me. A purplish light emerged from his index finger and swirled around in a small vortex. 

I didn't know what he was going to do, but it seemed like he wanted to hurt me. In a flash, a man in a black robe drew a sword at her. I screamed, as my world seemed to spin around. Fire, smoke, swords, blood, bullets, and screams echoed in my mind until I couldn't control myself.

I soon realized that it was just a dream. Precisely the bad memories of the past that often haunted me and randomly appeared as nightmares. I took a deep breath and got out of bed. Sweat drenched my body and my head felt dizzy. It's not the first time I've had that nightmare. Emma, whose bed was next to mine, woke up to the noises I was making.

"Jenna, what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare?" Emma asked with her eyes half closed.

"Yes, that dream again. I've probably had it a hundred times." I took a deep breath and pushed my hair back."

"Em, do you still feel scared about that incident?"

"Sometimes I still think about it. We were very young at the time, considering it was my first year as Hunters. I think you're a little better now that you've entered your second year."

"No Em, we were all scared, very scared" I replied softly.

I flopped onto the bed as I closed my eyes hoping to fall asleep again peacefully without any nightmares. After all this time, I hadn't fallen asleep. My eyes were burning, and my mind was still filled with horrible images. It happened three years ago when I first went on a witch-hunting mission. At that time, there was a massive terror from the black witches that spread various diseases and riots in the city. Seeing this, of course we did not remain silent.

After earning my badge and becoming an official member of Glaze at the age of sixteen, I started my first mission by attacking Willeth, a witch village south of York. But things didn't go as I had envisioned. Glaze, which had dozens of troops, couldn't stand up to the number of witches who used magic in every battle. 

After our troops were scattered, some witches then burned down their village so that we were trapped there and that's when I lay helpless until Alden finally saved my life from a small witch who tried to kill me.

I think it was almost dawn when I woke up from my nightmare. Then from outside came a startling voice.


A familiar sound to my ears. The sound of a bullet being fired from his rifle.

"What's going on? Why do we have to gather so early in the morning?" Emma wondered.

"I don't know Em. Something must have happened."

One shot into the air, a sign that we must immediately gather in the field. One of our routines as Hunters whether for training or real missions. But gathering us early in the morning like this is enough to raise questions.

Then the shot rang out again.


Two shots, meaning we have to gather within ten minutes. Without a word, Emma and I bolted out of bed. I grabbed a towel and only needed ten minutes to wash my face, then the rest to get ready. I didn't have time to comb my hair and just ran my fingers through it. We were almost late arriving at the field. 

Everyone had gathered there with their weapons. I myself was holding an air rifle, a flurry of bullets, and a bowless arrow on my back. There seemed to be a special reason why we were gathered this early with full weaponry. I suspected that perhaps the war would be reignited.

I looked around and Alden was standing right behind me. Yes, Alden. He's my best friend since childhood, we were even friends before I knew Emma. We've been through everything together. Playing around, growing up, training as Glaze cadets, and fighting together. He even saved my life in the incident three years ago when I was almost killed by a small witch. Then he came forward and stood beside me, showing his usual smile and a little astonished to see me.

"Hey! You're such a mess. Did you oversleep?" his guess was spot on.

"How did you know? Did Emma tell you?" I asked.

"Of course I knew. You must have been in such a hurry that you didn't have time to comb your hair." she said with a laugh. "Emma didn't tell me anything, and I haven't even seen her this morning."

I smacked his arm and he grumbled. We were trying to stifle our laughter when the leader of the Glaze troop arrived, Chaz Egerton. My father was the overall leader of Glaze while Chaz was the commander of the Hunters. Glaze is a clan or family that has for decades eradicated dark witches who try to cause chaos, spread disease, terror, and so on. Glaze consists not only of hunters, but also healers and people who are committed to fighting magical practices.

The Hunters numbered forty-one including Chaz and were divided into eight squads with a commander in each squad. We lined up according to our respective squads with both hands holding rifles and a dagger tucked into our boots.

"It's been a while since we've gathered like this. But I'm sure you understand the reason why you've been alerted! I have heard rumors that two witches are suspected to be on the loose in the ruined witch village."

Before Chaz could continue, Kingsleigh, our squad commander interrupted him. "How do you know they're witches? Is there any clear evidence?"

"Who would be wandering around in a ruined place if it wasn't their birthplace? Francis Blake and the other two have actually seen two witches there, and we can trust his word!" Chaz answered firmly and confidently.

 "But it seems that witches with such abilities were wiped out along with our destruction! And they never reappeared after that." I interrupted him.

Chaz looked at me and was silent for a few moments, "Miss Goldwine, three years is enough time for them to recover." He replied as he walked towards me.

Are you sure the witch is dead?" Chaz whispered to me from behind then returned to the front and continued.

"We're not doing this for no reason. Francis Blake saw two men in black robes walking in the witch village with one of them pulling out swirling violets from his forefinger. Only the strongest can do that. This must not be allowed! If we let our guard down, they will cause chaos in no time." Chaz walked back and forth and tried to look calm even though he looked a little panicked.

Then my father began to speak after standing behind Chaz.

"Everyone listen! Even though the village was destroyed, the inhabitants were not. They could come back for revenge, especially on us." My father said, "They may have left, but they are still there and will come back to attack us. I did order you to take security precautions. But once again I don't want any misunderstandings. Don't arrest innocent people!"

I knew that my father was indeed a wise leader. He would always think things through. So about the witches, it's probably true. I admit that I was a bit scared to face them. Witches with the violets ability can kill all their enemies with just one sweep, and we would be helpless against them. Their appearance is enough to make me tense with fangs, a terrible face, and of course black magic that can kill anyone including Hunters though.

"Hey Jenna, why are you silent? Are you scared?" Alden looked at me curiously. "A little." I exhaled a long breath and tried to calm myself.

"You're one of the youngest Hunters in this place. Most will start getting badges at sixteen, while you did it a year earlier."

"Thanks for trying to cheer me up." I said while patting his shoulder.

Chaz gave the order for us to raise our weapons, we simultaneously raised our rifles and held them to our chests.

"Good! Lower it! We're ready for this mission, and we're moving out today! Mr. Blake has shown us where he saw the two witches, and some of you will be assigned there!"

I saw Chaz and my father whispering about something. Then Chaz disbanded the troops by firing a gun into the sky, a sign that we had begun to be alerted. As usual we gathered at the Glaze headquarters or what we called the big house ten minutes before deployment. The building could accommodate all eighty Glaze members. Several dozen Glaze members' houses were built around a U-shaped parapet, facing the field as the training center.

The mansion had so little ventilation that torches were left burning and the ivory-colored paint that hadn't been refinished for several years was starting to look blackened from the smoke. Alden and I quickly made our way to our room. Each team of five had its own meeting room. Me, Alden, Emma, and Marlon were the first team with Kingsleigh as our leader.

"I'm not sure that what Francis said is true. It's unlikely that there are witches roaming around this area. We can't possibly search for two suspected witches without clear evidence anyway!. We'll have to walk through a former witch village, and that's quite dangerous." Kingsleigh looked very annoyed.

"You're right Kingsleigh. There aren't any witches with The Violets' abilities left, and that little witch Alden killed back then I think was the last one!" I said. "Right, Alden?" I asked as I glanced at Alden who was standing by the window. He just nodded.

"But it's possible for the ability to be passed on to the next generation, and I believe in Blake." Marlon said.

I want to see father right now. I need to talk to him about this. Father stood facing the large window overlooking the field in the main room. He didn't seem to hear my footsteps but then he turned around.


"Father," I hugged him. "Are we going to war again?"

"We've been doing it all our lives, because it's our job. I'm sure everything will be fine. You're a brave girl Jenna, and you always will be."

But in the battle three years ago we almost lost everything. I don't know how I would have fared if Alden hadn't been there."

"You're right. But that battle wasn't the end. They will take revenge and continue to try to rule this world with their evil power!"

"I'll do whatever it takes to fight them, father, I promise."

"I love you Jenna."

I walked down the corridor back to my room. I see Francis Blake walking towards me with a strange smile.

"Hi Jenna. Are you ready for battle? If I remember the events of three years ago I don't think you'll want to repeat them."

"What do you mean Blake?" I asked gruffly.

"Of course you know what I mean. You were covered in wounds back then. Your face was covered in blood and you almost died. If I were your father I'd tell you to retire early!" he said with a mocking laugh.

"If I were you, I'd rather die fighting than having to hide and pretend to be sick like a coward!" I walked away from her and nudged her body so hard that her body hit the wall.

"You're so stubborn Jenna!"

I ignored Francis' words. He was crazy and I hated him. Francis and I used to compete when we were kids. He said I was arrogant and taking advantage of my father's position as Glaze's supreme leader. But I knew what he meant. Francis was jealous of me and kept trying to be better than me. But during the war three years ago, Emma and I knew that he feigned illness in order to leave Willeth first, so that he could survive the war unharmed. I swore at her for a few days after that. She didn't accept it and insulted me back. 

From then on, our relationship deteriorated and we never got along again. I guess he just liked to fan the flames of hostility towards me. I angrily slammed the bedroom door, making it creak loudly. Emma was startled by it.

"Hey! What's wrong?"


"huuh... he'll never stop messing with you!"

Before I could continue, the third shot rang out.


 It was a sign that we had to move to the field immediately.

We quickly left the room to join the ranks. Chaz ordered us all to be quiet and check our weapons. As usual, I always brought my crossbow and rifle. After the assignment, my squad, squad four, had to explore an area called Windstone. The coldest and loneliest area in the west of York bordered by the Greenleaves forest, and if you walked further south, you would see the ruins of Willeth. There were no humans living in this area due to its poor condition, and even animals were rarely seen in this place.

In no time at all, Chaz dismissed us and each team headed to their assigned spots.

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