
2: Shocking news and danger


The time of the day has finally arrived. The awaited day. And yet, the day that will change everything. For better or for worse. My eyes had been wide opened as early as I could remember. Even before the sun began setting. When everybody were curled in their blankets catching the warmness of the morning. But I know that isn't going to happen to me and might never happen. And then even if I want to discard everything and do the same, I won't be able to knowing how important the day is to Sir Alberet and on the other hand, Lady Hilda that has been calling my name every minute and every seconds.

"Gianna!" I literally flinched at the sound of her voice flushed the to my eardrums. She was foaming with what I'd label as anger or much to say rage. "Burn down the house" She seethe. As the words left her lips, it formulated inside my brain and finally clicked in.

The bread in the oven!

From the air catching up in the kitchen, you could perceive an almost burning bread. I wouldn't be surprised if I found it all burnt. Which will end me up in a trouble.

You're already in one. My inner wolf interjected.

"Don't allow me to come back here and find you still on one task" Lady Hilda warned before marching her footstep out of the kitchen.

I omit out a nervous breath when I took out the bread. Thank goodness it's not burnt. I turned the pan over, the freshly made bread sat enticing to eyes on the patchment paper. The urge to have a taste of it grew in me. With the way the whole kitchen was filled up with the flavor. Yet, I know that will be another talk for the whole day.

For the whole three hours that I was in the kitchen, Lady Hilda didn't set her foot inside or any sign of her daughter Elora. One word to describe the relationship between me and her. Rivals. I hold nothing against her though. But Elora hates me to the gut. Just like her mother. She works at the inner chambers of Alpha's wife. She leaves very early and comes back late in the night. Sometimes, she'd spend the night there and her mother will cover up for her when Sir Alberet ask of her. No any maid spend the night at the chambers but then, it happened at lot of times. I can't help but get suspicious that the two are planning something without the knowledge of Sir Alberet.

I was cleaning the kitchen table and humming to a low sound song when the door was banged open and Elora walked in. "Hey you little vixen" She sneered as she walked her way inside the kitchen. Her gown flowing down the floor. I wonder how she managed to breath in the gown with the way it was tight from her midsection down to her waist. Her bosom were gathered by the front heaving up and down with each breath she took.

"What do you want?" I said straightforward not moved by the daggers she was throwing at me.

"I'm here to take the food. Hope you're done cooking"

"Why don't you check for yourself. If I'm not done what would I be doing in the kitchen. I'm not a whore. Am I?"

Her eyes went wide at my statement. "What! Whore!" She charged forward and was about to slap me across the face when I held her hand mid air.

"Don't you dare try that nonsense" I profound. Looking at her straight in the eye. She thought she could behave the same way she was doing to me before. Just because her mother is taking her side.

"Do you know what you're getting yourself into?" She seethe trying to free her hand from my hold. Yet I held it tightly.

"Ofcourse I know" I released the hand and she went ahead to massage her wrist letting out a hiss on the accord. "What? You want to report me to Lady Hilda? Go ahead. Tell her" The corner of her lips twitche up and she adjust her bosom that were almost dangling out due to how tightly they were gathered inside her gown.

"It seems these days you're feeling too proud of yourself. You know my mother can destroy your life in a snap of a finger"

"Really? What if Sir Alberet come to know about all the lies you and your mother had been feeding him. That will be a news to tell"

"What... Are..." Her eyes went wide. I know she's not expecting to hear me say that. "How do you know that?" She said in a low voice.

"That's not the important thing. But you should ask what do I know?" The expression on her face almost made me burst out with laughter. It comprises of fear and nervousness. Before I could know what was happening, she grabbed my hand.

"Listen Gianna, you know I don't meddle in your life right. I promise to put in a good word for you. Mother will not do anything to you. You know-" She ranted yet her words didn't move me. She knew if her father finds out what they've been doing, it won't end up in a good note. With the way he has a good reputation in the pack house. He wouldn't want anything tarnishing his reputation.

"Say something please. Huh?" She said shaking me.

"I'm not sure but I will think about it"

"Please do"

"You're here to get the food right?" She nodded in answer.

"Then get them and get out of here" Like someone who was being controlled, she gathered the food warmers and rushed her way out. A smile made its way out of me. Elora can be a pain in the ass, yet she's a scary cat. She fears the wrath of her father likewise the mother. But they don't fail in torturing me.

I finished the rest of the work before heeding to my room to take a bath and prepare for the event. I have to go. At least for Sir Alberet.

The rays of sunlight illuminated through my skin sending warmth to them. Somehow, the weather was hot. We're about to get into summer. I gathered the hem of my dress careful not to tumble due to my long gown. I wore a normal dress, cover up my hair with a scarf and wore a black glass to prevent any noise. I know they'd talk about it so it's better to give them no room for that.

The street was quit as I walked my way to the pack house hall. Where the ceremony will hold. The pack house is a small town. I've forgotten when last I went to the city. It was twice. The first time was when we left home with my parents which I wasn't able to return back. And the second time was when we were sent to deliver some things to the city. Ever since that day, I haven't seen the light of the city. As lowly as I am, I'm not allowed to do things freely. I'm under a superior.

I could hear voices of people as I neared the town hall which means the ceremony has began already. The huge black gate towered over my form as I stood in front of it. Taking in a sharp breath. To brace myself on whatever is going to happen inside. Somehow, my mind wasn't calm. I always feel it inside me when something is going to happen. I think I will call that an ability.

I pushed open the gate and it made a creaking sound. I ventured to the entrance door. The voices kept getting louder. On the accord, my heart was thumping loudly. I was more convinced something is definitely going to happen. But what?

The moment I stepped in, everything went still. It was as if their mouths had been glued. All eyes were on me. Nervousness settled in me. I don't fancy crowd.  Yet the amount of people in the hall came as a surprise to me. If number would be given, then I'd give them hundred or more. Thank God my glasses was there to help. I fixated my eyes on the floor and began walking to where I don't know. I just want to be away from the peeping eyes. I managed to fix myself on the farther end of the hall where no one will really pay much attention to me.

I discarded the scarf from my hair and left the glasses on to be on a safer side. I watched as everyone busied themselves with their business. Some sipping on their drinks while some were munching on their snack. I didn't even feel the need to drink or eat anything. I didn't come willingly. I came because of Sir Alberet which my eyes kept glancing around for him. A smile broke at my lips when I sighted him walking up to the stage where the Alpha and his wife were seated side by side. At the center sat the baby cradle.

All of a sudden, the loud thumping of the drum startled me. It came through three times before the sound of the microphone follows. The right hand man to the Alpha was the one standing in the middle of the stage introducing himself then the purpose of the event.

"Today is indeed a joyous day to the Mega pack. A day to celebrate the new addition to the family. The first child of Alpha Arlo and his beautiful wife Lady Isabella. I would like to announce the name of the heir" He walked his way to the queen and she ushered something to his ears.

He walked back to his spot. "Lady Isabella has already given out the name to her son. Ryder" The world hall took charge with claps and shouts.

"Ryder" I repeated the name at the tip of my tongue. It's a nice name.

"Okay, I would like to announce two to three important things. Can I get the attention?" His voice echo all over.

All attention was focused on him as everyone waited to hear what he has to say. "It's a honor to see this day come to life. A day that will mark the history of the Mega pack. On that accord, Alpha Arlo would like to send his appreciation to his people and the gamma of the pack, Mr Alberet"

Clappings resonates again. I could see the smile on Sir Alberet face as the man mentioned his name. He was being called on stage and he uttered some few words. All of a sudden, the uneasiness I felt some times ago surfaces. I'm sure something is definitely going to happen. Very soon. I tried as much as I can to stay calm but the feeling kept making me uneasy.

"I will once again thank Alpha Arlo for his full trust and support towards me. Thank you all for your trust on me" He bowed a little before giving the microphone to the Alpha who was standing beside him.

He cleared out his voice. His face was void of any joke. That means whatever he's about to say is something serious. I turned my face towards where Sir Alberet was seated and our eyes met. He offered out a smile to me. Somehow the smile was mixed with some unreadable things. Like he's giving me a signal.

"I would like to announce an important thing" Alpha Arlo began. "It has came to my notice that some unusual activities were being taking place in the pack. The rules I set was being trampled on. And as you all know me, I don't tolerate that. Whoever it is has to be punished"

Chatters began moving around. Unusual activities? What is the man going on about?

"Can I have Gianna here on stage?" As the words left his lips, I felt like a hammer had been banged on my chest. My body shudder as my heart escalate like a lightening bolt. I thought by hiding myself on the farther end of the hall will make me be on a safer side. Little did I know, that is not close to making me safe. Eyes were then on me. Needless to say, I felt a voice at the top of my ears.

"Didn't you hear what Alpha Arlo said?" it was Elora's voice. Her voice was filled with much distate.

"Putting on glasses won't change the fact that you're a witch" This time around her voice was in a high pitch. Other people began throwing in their own. What I feared to happen is happening right before me. The taunting. Somehow, I can't do anything about it. I have nothing to say to defend myself. Because what they're all throwing at me was the truth. I'm a lowly omega. And have no mate.

"I want Gianna in front of me right this instant!" The Alpha's voice came through again. This time around it was in almost anger. Before I could get myself off the chair, I was yanked forward by Elora. "Get moving you witch!" She seethe snatching the glasses from my eyes. I casted my head down as I slowly made a walk to the stage.

"Be on your knees" Alpha Arlo commanded. And I did that. Going down on my knees. Eyes still casted down.

"As lowly as you are, you managed to trample on the rules I set"

"Sir, I-"

"I expect silence when I'm talking" He said cutting me off. I had no idea what he was saying. Which rules did I trample on?

"News has reached me that you sneak into a man's room. And that is one of the strict rule I don't take lightly" My eyes literally went wide. Sneak into a man's room?

The whispering came through. I don't understand a thing on what he was saying. "Sir Alpha, I'm sorry to say but I don't grab. I didn't trample on any rules. I-" My words got stucked in my throat when he cut me off again.

"Are you trying to deny the truth. I don't just decide something without an evidence. I have evidence. Can I have Elora here" He ushered.

My head was already spinning. And I felt heat radiate off my skin. I have no idea what he was going on about. I didn't even set my foot outside. Needless to say, I meddle with no one then how...

My eyes shifted to Elora whose lips was formed into a smirk. And that was when realization hit me hard on the face. It was her doing. She wants to cover up her own acts. Putting everything on me. I spared Sir Alberet a glance but all I could receive in return was a blank expression. Did he also believes the lie Elora cooked up? Of all people, he would be the least person I would expect to act that way. The only person I trust will take my side. However, the expression on his face doesn't give me that hope. Instead it weaken me.

"Elora, I'm going to ask you one more time. I want you to be honest. Did you or did you not see Gianna sneaking into a man's room?"

Some part of me wished a miracle will happen and she'd say no but knowing Elora she will add fuel to fire. I'm left alone in this. I have only myself to defend. But how? When in the first place, they hate my guts. And think I'm a witch and a bad omen to the Mega pack.

"Yes Sir Arlo. I have the evidence" My eyes snapped towards her in surprise. The audacity of her. From nowhere, a man who will be at his early twenties joined. Went down on his knees too.

"Sir Arlo, whatever is going on here has nothing to do with me. I don't know the guy. Ask him have we met before?" I shifted my eyes to the guy hoping he'd take pity on me. But the next word that came out of his mouth shattered the little hope I have left.

"She may not remember but all that Elora said is the truth. She sneaked into my room and tried to seduce me"

A gasp left my lips. It has gone to that level. I didn't know when sweat crept up my forehead. "Sir Arlo, that is not the truth. I swear I don't know him. This is the first time I'm seeing him. This was made up. Sir Alberet," I turned to him. "Please tell them I didn't do any of the things they're..." I trailed off my words when he turned his face to the other side. A lone tear finds it's way out of my eyes. I have no other means to defend myself. Not when everything turns against me. The only person I have hopes on, turned his back on me. I was hopeless.

"I will lessen your punishment because of Sir Alberet. I will send you out of the Mega pack. You will be transferred to another pack" I don't know whether I should feel sad or happy.

The sad part is leaving my home where I grew up in. Yes, I call it home because that was where I lived for so long. And happy, because I'd be free from the taunting. But then again, what difference will it make? People will see me as the bad person who wanted to seduce a man. Trying to explain myself won't make a difference. They have already believe the lies of Elora.

"You're leaving Mega pack tomorrow. As early as possible. I will assign someone to take you to your new pack. We don't entertain such action here. I think that will be all. You may leave" I couldn't lift up myself from the floor. I was stunned and surprised. What just happened? I'm leaving the pack? Because of something I didn't partake in.

"Suit you well" I heard Elora's voice. My eyes filled to the brim. I don't want to cry in the presence of the people. It will make me more weaker than I am. Yes, I'm weak. I can't do anything to defend myself. No one is taking my side. Sir Alberet turned his back on me too. I couldn't miss to catch a glimpse of the joy that was dancing in Lady Hilda's eyes and her daughter. I know that's what they want. To see me succumb to pain.

I ran out of the hall ignoring every other prying eyes and whispers that were directed at me. I kept running through the quite street not caring whether I will trip and fall. I ran without knowing where I was heading to. I stopped when I found myself in front of the stream. I slouched myself on the ground finally letting out the tears out.

"I hate my life" I uttered blowing a light fist on my aching chest. I felt like my heart will rip apart due to what I was feeling. I want the pain to go away. To free me from the it's cage yet, it kept getting worse.

"Why is this happening to me. Why is destiny playing with my life" I kept hitting my chest as the tears kept flowing down.

"Because you can't escape it" My action came to a halt when I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me.

"Why can't I escape it. Why me?" I asked.

"Because you're bounded to it" The voice answered. I felt anger ignite in me. Who is he to tell me I'm bounded to my destiny?

"Who are you?" I said coldly. I didn't turn around. And I have no intention to. I'm already in a disturbed state. I don't need anyone's presence.

"It doesn't matter. You might not remember me. So there's no point in telling you. What matters is the state you are in" He said.

What concerns him with the state I was in. I need no attention.

"I don't need it. Stay away from me" I said burying my head between my legs. I thought the man has listened and went on his way. However, he spoke up again.

"You can't escape what is bound to happen in your life. You are bound to cross path with your destiny. Just like me" As the words left his lips, it reminded me of something. A dream I had. Someone telling me the exact same words. I hastily turned around finding no one. Was it hallucination? Did someone really spoke to me? Who is he? How are his words exactly with the one in my dream?

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