

Chapter 2-SPY ON HIM

"Who are you?" I turned to look at the ancient, elderly woman who asked me the question. Her dress was precisely like what I'd seen on television. I had never laid my eyes on one physically. She scrutinized me as I was crouched on the floor.

"Catherine!!" Matt yelled, appearing surprised and bewildered.

"I will need to converse with you right after this session," She peered down and whispered to me.

"What are you doing here!?" Matt inquired, his voice laced with confusion.

"" I trembled again as I struggled to respond.

"I'm not talking to you Kate, I mean Catherine." He intervened and signaled me to get off the floor. Angela ran to embrace Catherine and wept profusely. She was mature enough to cry that way. Tears cascaded down her face as she could not control them. Immediately, her gaze met mine, and I averted my eyes.

"You've transformed, Matt, I didn't raise you this way. This is a disgrace," She admonished and comforted Angela. "You address me by my name, you question my presence in your home, and you make your wife cry. Who does that, Matt Coleman?"

Throughout this, I was unsure of what to do. I wished Matt had dismissed me, but he simply allowed me to wait. I stood there like a soldier awaiting orders to be released or reassigned.

"...I'm sorry, Mom."

"Excellent!" she swiftly interrupted and adjusted her translucent spectacles.

His mother?! No wonder she wore such an exquisite dress. I wouldn't have known if they had not revealed it. Their physical appearance? They had absolutely nothing in common.

"And what did you convey to my lovely Angela?" She interrogated Matt, who appeared agitated and perplexed.

"Make yourself comfortable, I'll join you," He suggested, and they both departed, leaving me behind.

He scrutinized my face for some time, sat on his bed, and buried his face in his palms.

"What are you awaiting?" He finally broke his silence.

"You requested that I return," I responded.

"Prepare me some breakfast. I'm irate and famished," Matt demanded.

"I already did that, please." That was the reason I had come to his room. I had come to summon him for breakfast so that I could clean his room while he ate, but it had taken an unexpected turn.

"It's cold, prepare another one."

"I'll do just that, Sir." I couldn't simply address him by his name. After all, he is my master. He smirked at me, but I hurried out to the kitchen to ready his breakfast. The pressure was alleviated only for a brief moment. As I prepared breakfast, I contemplated leaving work as well. But my mother's critical condition, which had driven me to desperately seek money, also resurfaced in my mind.

"Your mother is unwell, huh?" a voice echoed in the kitchen. I turned to locate the source, but the door was merely ajar, and no one stood there. I thought my imagination was now governing me. "I'm here," The voice spoke again.

"Ah, you startled me," I whimpered as I turned to see Angela standing right behind me. "How did you enter?"

"You never closed the door. I overheard you conversing with yourself. I couldn't miss a single word," she giggled, "So you are his personal maid? AND you are ill? Don't you believe he would not prefer a sickly person to work for him?" She inquired and took the knife from me. "I'm not accustomed to going to the kitchen, this is my third time in one," she admitted, unable to successfully slice a single onion. I wondered what kind of woman she was and how wealthy she might be.

Her question lingered in my mind here and there. I couldn't conceal or escape it. She made me feel guilty.

"Undoubtedly, he wouldn't appreciate it. Please don't inform him," I pleaded.

"Then let's establish three deals," She requested in return. "I overheard about your mother's condition as well. I'm prepared to provide you with all the money you need if you complete all tasks. Should I refer to it as a contract?"

I surmised that this was my dream come true. I didn't anticipate them to be difficult feats to accomplish. I foolishly nodded and agreed like a child promised sweets.

"Yes, I'm ready," I announced respectfully.

"So first, spy on Matt. Discover where he goes, the ladies he brings home, and his girlfriend; to be precise, his LOVER. We'll discuss it further when you've accomplished the initial task."

I became perplexed. Spying on my master? I didn't even have time for that. I arrived at work precisely at 6:00 AM and departed at 7:00 PM. What if he goes out at nine?.

"Here, that's my contact, it's a straightforward task." She placed my phone back into the pocket of my crisp apron.

"I'm not doing this, it's rather disconcerting...."

"Alright, you lose your job now and a hefty $50,000 premium..."

"Hold on, I'm in. What's the third?" I finally accepted out of profound fear. I didn't want to lose my job or the substantial money, and mostly, I didn't want to quit seeing Matt.

"The third is, prepare this delectable breakfast and let me serve him." She requested a simple thing at last.

I rushed to prepare it my way, my exquisite recipe. At least, it would taste novel for him. That way, Matt will think she actually did it.

"That was a pleasant conversation and agreement, maid." Matt's mother came in applauding. "Don't be overwhelmed. I was on the phone with her all this while. Just be a good girl and do the first task. It's very crucial. You see, it's formidable to love and receive hatred as payback."

She explained, dropped a file and gave me a pen to sign.

I did not know how to reply. Just for that instance, I began to recall who she was. This was not my first time meeting her. Her wrinkles were unusual and charming, so she's that type, everyone could recall if they had met her.

"Why are you looking at me that way? JUST sign." she investigated.

Yes, she was that woman I begged for some money to get some drugs. She turned me down and asked me to look for a job. That way, I wouldn't be begging. She didn't know I was fired that month and didn't have any leftovers to feed and get drugs for myself and my mother in particular.

"No, maybe on TV."

"You watch my shows? Women Of Heart? oh great but that's not what I'm here for." she stepped forward and whispered into my ear "Let this deal be a secret."

Angela picked up the food and went out after I had finished signing. A few steps ahead, Matt's mother went afterwards.

We are five maids in this house, why is this happening to me only? I just started working here two weeks ago after I was fired last month from that company. "Maybe, I'm just a bad luck no one would wish for. How can I be a spy? I did even ask what they were going to do to the lover I'm to spy on." I hated myself for taking on such an ominous task.

Well, if I were Angela, maybe I wouldn't agree to this breakup. He's everything. In the beginning, he was rude and within a few seconds, he changed his behavior towards me. "He nearly tasted my heart." I chuckled, sat down, and leaned my back against the cabinet. All I sat there doing was thinking about Matt and smiling. "Hey lady, you don't deserve him. Stop dreaming!" I snubbed out of it. They were indeed dreaming.

"Hey, Kate. What are you doing all alone?" The head maid came in questioning. "I love the fact that you are not crying but smiling and giggling all alone, did you receive an advance salary?" She joined me on the floor where I sat and laughed heartily.

"I'm just thinking about something, ma'am." I wanted to start a conversation with her so I answered with due respect.

"Do you know why I employed you without asking for further details, Kate? Most educated ladies and beautiful ladies like you wouldn't work as maids. You are a distinct lady among them. Keep it up but why were you fired from your last workplace?" She asked, answered her own question, and asked a different one. This time, she needed my answer.

"I took my mother to the hospital and arrived there very late. That was mean but what could I do? I worked diligently at the C.O.L.E COMPANY as a sales assistant and..."

She broke into laughter again, before I could make a complete sense of my answer.

I didn't know why but I also laughed and put my head on her lap.

"Wow, this is amazing. You get fired from a man's company and work for him in his house??" she poked her eyes into mine. I didn't understand what she was talking about. "You seem confused, don't you?"

"Wait, hold on. Do you mean C.O.L.E belongs to Sir?" I tried to understand the situation better.

"Yeah, that's what I mean. Moreover, you are the only maid who can go to his room. You work for him only. You should always be by his side. But, who fired you?" She elaborated.

"The manager did. That woman hated me. I worked under pressure always, it's fine she fired me."

My phone rang, it was an unknown number so I didn't answer. I didn't usually do that. But the person kept calling and calling. Upon several rings, Headmaid took my phone and tried to scold the caller but she stopped in the middle.

"Kate, we have a problem. Your mother was rushed to the hospital." Head maid Patricia let out.

"Again? What...aww...what am I going to do?" I broke into tears. The news shocked me. I wasn't ready to hear this. I had given her some drugs before coming to work.

"You need to go, I got this, my love. Use the other exit. Hurry up." She rushed me outside and showed me the exit.

I thought of my mother, and mostly importantly how I regretted signing that contract. it was stupid. Personally, I could feel myself wanting this man I had met few hours ago. I hope I don't be that woman's enemy.

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