
An Afternoon in The Sea

Far away from the drowning men and the nymph that was about to save them, deep inside a ship that had set sails to Men's Island, Amalthea sat down on the floor.

From the looks of the tiles that spread over the entire area, the men had transformed a corner in the kitchen to form a small prison, the cook left as soon as he locked her behind the iron bars while two men wearing black suits stood by the door on guard duty, they never once looked her way, would she have noticed them if they did?

The heiress's mind was filled with her pair, leaving very little room for anything else. Her normally sharp senses were dull, she did not want to waste even one percent of her energy in the wrong place right now.

'I doubt they will let me harvest the sunset today'

Beyond Amalthea's control, a little of her life-force slipped out of her fingers after what her pair had done to her, when he pressed his forehead to hers emitting nothing but hostility, her energy exploded willing her to change into her spirit form and have her way with him right then and there. To avoid this disastrous action that would only confirm his accusations against her kind, and cause her to lose his respect, forever, she had to give away some of her energy to him instead.

'What will happen to him now?'

Worried sick about her pair, she felt her life-force indicator taking a deep dive down again, she knew that hibernation was closing in on her, and it was the last suitable time for that to happen, she needed to study him some more, no, she was, in fact, desperate to.

Her pair was a new era in her lifetime, she will never be the same nymph she was a day before, all the answers she had to every question a nymph or a woman might think of were history, this new chapter that nature started writing for her was full of mysteries.

She refused to hibernate when she wished for nothing more than to color her black eyes with his sight, even while the very life was being pulled out of her, all her attention was on his arousal and the fact that their proximity was the reason behind it, a proof that he had the right instinct that would eventually win over him and guide his path right back to where he truly belonged, right next to her.

But would he take too long to come to his senses?

She closed her human form's eyes and gave the control to her energy to guide him to where she was, the message was very simple.

'I miss you so come to me, my beloved.'

After she had made her call, her eyes snapped wide open, her gaze got fixed on the kitchen door, her inner energy dancing in celebration of the fact that her fated pair was approaching.

'Could it possibly be that he is answering my call?'

That was of little importance right now, her call was being answered by him willingly or not, she had to learn to enjoy the little positive things the rough beginning of their chapter together will bring.

He nodded once at the guards by the kitchen door before he spoke.

"My good men, I will take it from here, you should go and enjoy the feast with the rest of our loyal supporters."

"Yes sir."

"As the president wishes."

They left their stations instantly, and the fated pair were finally alone in the room. Joy filled her spirit as she detected her energy inside of him.

'He will never be the same man again'

Even though she changed the quality of his soul, his surface remained the same, he was all big midnight-colored eyes that loathed the very idea of being inside the same room with her.

'There will be no way for me not to hibernate the night away.'

He smiled widely like a predator and showed her all his teeth, her human form was so pulled to him that she found herself right by the bars, clutching them and sitting up on her knees. While she was busy listening to the now familiar melody that played inside her in his presence, the cook came back carrying a barrel over his shoulder.

Amalthea immediately recoiled away from the stench that reeked from the dreadful thing.

"Finally! A reaction worth my men's effort."

The cook placed the barrel on the floor and then left the room in a hurry, and for the first time since she had met her pair, she was preoccupied with other ideas.

'How come they managed to trap death in a barrel like this?'

"Haha you lowly scout, I am so damn lucky to have captured you! If it were any of the stronger witches to be in your place right now, they would not bear to sit a second still."

'My beloved is happy to have met me, he desires for me to be weak.'

Remembering the qualities of women when they are at their weakest state, she found a water pitcher on the nearby table and whispered for a few drops to form on her lower eyelids, her idea was an immediate success, and the results were completely satisfactory.

"Hahaha yes! Cry me a, no... cry me a sea!"

She whispered for the drops to keep on coming, delighted to have made him happy, her happiness was interrupted by her inner energy dancing along the line that her pair's eyes were drawing, his enticing eyes brushed over her body, then he spat right next to his feet.

He moved to the barrel lifting it over his shoulder, then grabbed the key and opened the bars to her cell, it was pure torture, her energy that recoiled badly from the barrel was pulled right back to where it was to welcome her pair.

"I knew the books of the fathers were not accurate, if they were, you would have been screaming by now."

Her smart pair made perfect sense, any other nymph would have been badly depleted by the death in the barrel, but she was not any other nymph, and his magnetic field was too intriguing for her to be completely affected by the other awful thing in the narrow room.

The president laid down the barrel cramping the already small cell, cornering her with his bear-like posture, he stood tall and glared at her half-naked body that limped over the white floor.

"Take off your shirt right now."

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