
Chapter 1

"Rosie, please don't do this. We enjoy having you home." I raise an eyebrow at my best friend.

He sets his cup of coffee down and glares at me through the newspaper, he roughly snatches the newspaper from her and trudges up the stairs muttering colourful words in Spanish.

"Julia viene a hablar con tu amigo!" He yells turning the corner. *Julia come speak sense into your friend!*

I quietly snicker to myself and get off the barstool to make us breakfast, since yesterday when I announced I needed a job they've been up my a** about it.

Lia walks down the stairs in a pink robe, a green mask covering majority of her face. I set the oil in the pan and begin cracking the eggs.

She sits in the place I was in just now and sighs, "The interview is tomorrow isn't it?" She asks tiredly.

I nod my head beating the eggs, "You really want to do this don't you?" She clarifies.

I nod once more this time setting the toast, Julia sighs heavily evidently tired. "Then... I won't stop you. If that's what you really want to do then go ahead," she gives me a supportive smile.

My face beams, I round the counter and engulf her into a tight hug. She hugs me back rubbing my back, "You understand why I have to do this right?" I whisper in her ear.

She pulls back and nods, "Do what you gotta do, but I'm going to miss coming home to the smell of your cooking." She grins.

I feign hurt, "I'm hurt y'all treat me like the help," she snorts. "I have to find a use for my degree." I add.

She nods understandingly, "Now all you have to do is convince Jul." She winks.

I head back to the pots sighing heavily, Julio is the most stubborn of the both of them. I swear that boy could major in law but he kept to a software engineer, he works and some rich software engineering company.

"That boy," I mutter. From upstairs I can hear him yell something about locking me in my room for the whole day tomorrow so that I miss the interview.

We both snicker shaking our heads, I pour the eggs in the pan and finish making breakfast.


"Xander Blythe Grey, 27 years old. Xander Grey is one of the youngest billionaires-probably even owning trillions to his name. He took over his father's company, when he was just 18 years old.

At such a young age he turned the average company into the world known Grey Enterprises we know now.

He's known as one of the most youngest eligible bachelor of the decade. With his handsome looks and hefty bank account, ladies across the whole country have all had eyes on him..."

I plop down next to Lia and glance over at her magazine, "Who the f**k are you reading about?" I question switching on the TV after placing my drink on the table.

She flips the page and stares at the picture of some good looking guy, even I have to admit that he's beyond good looking. I swear if I put a piece of bacon on him, it would burn up into ashes cause damn...he's hot.

"Xander Grey." She states skimming over the paragraph written in the corner of the page.

I frown and direct my attention to the TV flipping over the channels, I've heard of the guy. A total d**khead. I stop at the news channel allowing it to play silently.

"None of his PA's have ever lasted more than two weeks apparently," she continues.

"Neither have his b****es." I mutter under my breath.

She snickers yet still continues, "It's hard to get a job there, let alone keep it. Once, a cleaner wrongly placed some stuff in his office, he was fired with immediate effect." She pauses staring at the article.

I read the headlines on the screen as Sandra Banks stands before some skyscraper a clutter of journalists and paparazzi in the background.

"He's very specific about who he hires and what their qualifications are. There's nothing else about him, he's literally declined ninety percent of the interview opportunities..." She trails off.

"Why are you even reading about this guy?" I ask, my eyes still focused on the screen, I reach out for my drink taking a sip.

"I'm trying to get to know your soon to be new boss." She chimes, I choke on my juice sending the liquid all over me.

"What?!" I shriek, she quickly turns to me shocked. "Didn't you know? You're going to his interview tomorrow." She points out.

I place the glass down before it shatters in my hand, worry seeps through my every pore. "I thought it said Grey Enterprises Ltd not Pty!" I snap fiddling with my hair.

"This is bad." I mumble to myself, on time Jul walks in and glances at my worried state than the magazine Lia laid on the table.

"Still going to that interview?" He asks smugly, I glare at him as Lia throws the magazine his way.

"¡A la m****a!" She scolds *f**k off!*

He shrugs and takes a seat at the one seater focusing on the TV, "I need to get more references, I have to dig up all the certificates I can find, I need to work on my resume." I mumble repeatedly to myself.

Lia comfortingly rubs my back, "Rosie everything will be fine, you don't have to worry amor, you'll do fine." She encourages me.

I shake my head, all my plans are ruined. At this point I wouldn't mind Julio locking me in my room so that I miss the interview.

"Julia I didn't finish my process of getting my doctor's degree, do you know how many people that guy has rejected? All the interviewees at his last opening. He's practically why so many people are unemployed!"

Before she could reply the TV starts playing, I notice that Julio put it on sound. I leave my focus solely on Sandra, today she rocks a royal blue pants suit and her hair tied up into a tight ponytail.

"Good afternoon, this is Sandra Banks and you are watching Flash News 101. I'm currently at the main branch of Grey Enterprises on fourth Street waiting for Mr Grey to make his appearance, and perhaps give us a-"

Behind her cameras start flashing and people start yelling out the dreaded name that's probably going to ruin my life.

Sandra's face brightens as she heads straight to Grey, an eager look on her face. "Mr Grey any comme-" She starts but he cuts her off rudely.

"No comment." He states simply as he brushes past her and the crowd. Sandra doesn't give up as she runs back to his side.

"How does it feel to be the first young-"

The glare he gives her is enough to send a shiver down anyone's spine watching through the screen, some guy, I'm guessing a bodyguard, gently nudges Sandra away while the others work with the press and citizens.

I think I catch Sandra mutter some colourful rainbows under her breath but still keeps her bright smile, she ducks under the bodyguard's arm and follows Grey to his awaiting black SUV.

The camera man follows her not willing to miss one minute of this, "you are the youngest CEO to reach thirty hundred branches all one the world, how does that feel?

Does your father approve of how fast you move? Your building strategies? Mr Grey do you have any comment on Parker Killigan's comment on how you don't own the company and how you have dirty jobs on the side?

Is it true that you first have to marry to get full ownership of the company? Are you building your hotels and apartments from reused cement? Do you plan on expanding more of you companies? Mr Grey do you have any comment at all?"

Sandra throws out all the questions at one time, she's tried to interview him so many times I'm sure by now she knows he isn't ever going to answer one question. So why not throw them all once?

Grey stops at the open door and turns back to Sandra, a hard cold glare directed to everyone looking at him. Somewhere between Sandra's questions and Grey turning the noise had settled down, leaving only the loudness of the silence at cameras clicking.

"Mrs Banks if you wish to entertain such rumors, I suggest you go find new sources. What Parker Killigan insinuated is false, nor is it any of your concern. Now if you don't mind, I have an actual job to get to." He growls sliding into the car.

The calls of his name come back to life as he shuts the door and the driver tries to drive around the crowd.

Sandra turns back to the camera a bright smile on her face. "Well folks, that's the most we've ever been able to get out of Xander Grey. You heard it here first, Mr Grey addresses Killigan's words as false-"

Julio switches of the TV and sighs heavily, "Well that was a mess, but it sure is a hella of a job to have so much on your shoulders. Poor Xander, I feel even worse for his assistant."

My eye twitches at his comment, I glare at him somewhat disappointed. "Could you at least consider someone other than yourself at this moment?!" I bark fed up.

"I'm just saying Rosaleigh-"

I frown shaking my head, "I actually expected you of all people to understand." I mutter getting on my feet allowing them to lead me to my room.

I lock my door and climb into my bed then just stare at the naked wall infront of me.

For the rest of the day I spend the time in my room, staring at a random spot ever few minutes.


5:55 am.

Just five more minutes and the alarm would ring for the interview I was supposed to be getting ready for.

Outside the sky is still partly dark, a few stars litter the sky and by the horizon I can see a glimpse of reddish pinkish.

Sighing I shift and instead face the ceiling, I couldn't sleep all night. My mind was- is- stuck thinking about the interview, as much as I need this job a part of me knows I won't get the job.

The standards of Grey Enterprises are higher than the clouds, heck they probably even surpass heaven. And not the heaven on Earth.

The last rumor I heard was that he literally took his father's chair, I know rumors should just be classified as false but the progress he made compared to his father... it's huge. And on top of that, a video was taken of Grey snr being escorted out the skyscraper by five guards as Grey watched from his office.

I remember last week at some gala Mr Grey was forced to attend, Killigan attacked Grey, both verbally and physically. In that verbal moment, slipping the fact that he doesn't own the company.

We've gotten no confirmation on that, but the way he rules that company sure as hell makes it seem like he owns it.

With all that's been going on in my life, the money sure as hell could help me. I lost, no actually quit my job three months back.

The boss was some old pimp and I couldn't handle the abuse anymore. But in all fairness, I should've quit after the salary was in my account. He may have been a d**khead but the pay was top notch.

The shrilling sound of my alarm draws me out of my thoughts as it marks six am. I slam my hand on the dismiss button, and curl up into the blankets silently watching the view outside my window.

Maybe I shouldn't go.

Julio always has what's good for me at mind, and maybe this job isn't right for me. He's just sparing me the rejection, clearly I won't get the job.


"Rosaleigh you'll be late for the interview, please come out. Please?" Lia's voice softens near the end.

"Julia I'm not going, qué no es para entender eso?" I ask sighing for the hundredth time. *What's not to understand about that?*

It's now quarter to seven, Lia has been trying to convince me to go to the interview since half past, I don't get why she's worried about my punctuality. Whenever we set a date, she's at least half an hour late.

Another knock resounds, grumbling under my breath I get out of bed ready to make her get a dictionary and search the word 'not'.

My hand grips the handle but my movements stop when a different voice speaks up. "Rosie?"

I let go of the handle and turn around to get into my warm bed, "Leave me alone." I mutter as I sink into the blankets.

The lock turns and the door slowly opens, I take a peak at Jul. He's still in his briefs, his hair messed up and sleep lines are etched on his face clearly stating that he just woke up.

He closes the door and walks closer to my bed, he sits close to me causing the mattress to sink under me.

I stay facing away from him waiting for what he has to say, "Rosie?" I stay quiet.

The sheets shuffle around and next Jul's shoulders are in line with mine as he stares at the ceiling.

"So, you remember Stacey right?" I follow his movements and face the ceiling too.

"And you know she died from leukaemia right?" I sniff lightly as warm tears start to prick my eyes. "So you know I understand how you... how you feel," his voice cracks near the ending.

My tears escape when I shut my eyes, "y-yeah." He shifts to his side so I follow, now our faces are inches from each other's.

"Rosie you know I love you, more than anyone in this world."

"I heard that!" Lia yells from the closed doors, we both snicker but our smiles wane almost immediately.

"You are like the little sister I've never had." He continues.

"You know what, I'm not going to stand here and listen to you insult me!" Lia yells once more, soon after we hear her retreating footsteps.

I smile a bit, Julio looks back at me. "And with me being your 'bigger brother's, that means I would do anything to protect you, and I mean anything."

"But how's you-" he cuts me off, with a genuinely concerned face.

"Rosaleigh I know Grey, I know the type of company he runs, I know how he works, I know how he thinks. And if you get involved with him anyhow, it'll not end well for you I can promise you that Rosie.

I don't mind you getting a job, get one but one that isn't in Grey Enterprises, please?" I stare into his pleading eyes, confused and hella confused.

"How could you possibly know Grey? You have never met him, not even once in your life, and I can confirm that." I raise a questioning eyebrow.

He gulps deeply looking curiously and hesitantly at me, "I don't need to know the guy to know the guy." He reasons.

I sigh, "okay, give me one good reason why I shouldn't take this job opportunity. There's a ninety percent chance I won't get it anyway, but why not try?"

A pained look etches his face, he takes two long breaths before focusing back on me. "Fine, go to the interview. Don't go, I'll be there for you either way. I'm just worried about you and I want you to promise me that when you get the job, you will be careful.

And I don't mean crazy halloween party night careful, I mean narcissistic, psychopathic serial killer living next door careful. I don't want to see you hurt or in some sort of trouble." He holds out his pinkie for me to connect with.

I hook my finger with, "I promise, but there's no 'when I get the job' theory, this time it's 'if'." I clarify.

He shakes his head bringing or joined fingers to his lips, he then gets up ready to leave. "Hurry up, it's eight o'clock. You'll be late." He points at the clock.

My eyes fly to the clock in worry, I've never been one to be late. Never. I arrive early, as in an hour early or half an hour, it's one of my pet peeves.

I jump out of bed and search for my towel, "I'll get the rest of your certificates." He pipes.

I absent-mindedly nod my head as I grab my towel and head for the connected bathroom. As I close the door I think I hear Julio mutter a sentence along the words. 'You are definitely getting that job, no cap,'.


I fix up my collar and spray my perfume for the last time, Julia finishes pinning my hair and adds some hairspray.

"This is the quickest I've ever gotten ready in." I joke, I took a fifteen minute shower and spent the next thirty minutes on my hair and makeup. I'd already chosen my outfit yesterday which made it easier.

I decided to go with a metro blue suit, it's not too dark nor too bright. I heard to never wear too bright clothes to an interview, yet not too dark clothes either.

I match it with some white platform shoes, and a pair of oxford shoes in my bag just in case the heels tire me out.

"Okay, you're looking gorgeous and ready." She compliments as we descend down to stairs, she gives me my file and bag that has a similar coloured bandana around the handle.

"I packed you an apple and some mint, essentials, some make up in there just in case and your lucky charm." She winks.

I smile at her, and give her a hug. "It's like my first day of school all over again, but thank you so much. Wish me luck" I mumble pulling away.

Julio comes besides me an encouraging smile on his face, "you don't need luck. If they don't take you, it's their loss not yours."

I smile gratefully at him, my watch beeps signalling nine am. I'm late already as it is, Julio sees the look on my face. "I'll give you a ride, the building isn't too far from where I work anyway."

I thank him and Lia then grab my bag ready to leave, softly muttering a gentle prayer under my breath.

The whole ride there was awkward, at least for me, Jul stops a block away from the building.

Before I can open my door his hand quickly stops me, I look back at him curiously. "Remember what I told you, be careful around him. Okay?"

I nod my head a smile on my face, "Thanks for the ride." I take his hand in mine and squeeze it reassuringly.

As I walk down the sidewalk, I take a glance at my watch. It took us twenty minutes to get here, even through the Los Angeles traffic.

I stop before the beautiful façade of the main branch, at the entrance stands not one but four men, armed with a PKP Pecheneng in hand.

One step closer to the door and both of them are blocking the entrance, I gulp down fear trying to come up my throat.

"Hi. I'm Rosaleigh Clarkson, I'm here for the interview." I explain taking out my ID giving it to the guy on the right, he looks far much nicer than the left.

I feel like one wrong move he would shoot me dead, and no one around would care or question his reasons. The guy hands it back to me and they both step our of the way.

I wonder if they do that for everyone that isn't a regular here. I place the ID back in my pocket and walk through the sensor doors.

The cool air-conditioning immediately engulfed me as I step in, people are bustling around like busy bees. All having papers in hand, and if they wanna take the chance. Coffee in the other.

I walk straight but green light stops me, I look behind me to realise that I just walked through a scanner, not far too the left sits two more security guards.


I head straight to the receptionist, she takes one glance at me than covers mic of the phone she's on. "Fifty second floor," she whispers.

I mouth a 'thank you' and travel to the elevator, everything here is gorgeous, shiny and definitely expensive.

The elevator opens up and a few people scatter out, I walk into the large space and press the fifty second button. The doors start to close after a few seconds, seeing as I'm alone I take out my cue cards to test myself.

Before the doors fully close a hand sticks between them, the doors open allowing the person, man, in. With him comes this strong aura, one I know I should never mess with.

He steps in and presses the sixtieth floor, this time the doors fully close.

Out the corner of my eye I inspect the man, he's dressed in a black suit, his blazer a size too small. His arms are definitely bigger than one of my thighs, deeply sculpted.

A clearly expensive watch wraps itself around his thick wrist, his huge hand looks rough and profound veins travel everywhere.

I travel upwards to his broad shoulders, even I can see from the side angle. His thick neck has a large vein traveling up and down it.

He has short dark brown hair, trimmed on the side and slicked back, not a hair out of place. From the side his nose looks straight as a ruler, one might guess it was never broken.

His sharp jaw could cut a watermelon for me with no problem, his jawline is occupied by a neatly trimmed stubble. His full lips pink and perfect.

He's standing so close to me that I catch his strong scent, with all the space in here he decides to stand next to me? His scent along has attacked all the air in here, leaving me to drown in the strong scent.

He stands with such posture and confidence, never slouching. Chin up high his eyes straight forward, 'opportunities come from the front never behind, so why look back' my mother used to tell me.

I notice the blue flash in his ear coming from the bluetooth earpiece. "Didn't they never tell you it's rude to stare?" He asks.

My eyes widen at his deep, strong, hoarse voice. I didn't realise I was staring, I turn my flushed face and try to focus on the cue cards in my hand. "Sorry," I mumble.

I feel his questioning gaze on me, I catch him lift his hand with the watch on. "It's nine thirty, the interviews start at half ten. Why are you here so early?" His question doesn't sound like a question but rather a statement.

"When you're on time you're late, when you early you're one time. When you're late you've lost many opportunities," I state simply.

He stays quiet, the elevator 'dings' stating my arrival, I step out of the elevator. As I step out he speaks again.

"Stand tall, chin up and with confidence. To mumble, don't murmur or you'll never make it in here. Your posture says a lot about you, you may be early but you could still lose the opportunity. You may be late, but you could still get the opportunity. There's no need for cue cards, make sure to throw those out before you enter that office." He advices.

I straighten my posture and stupidly look him straight in the eyes, his deep, gorgeous deep sea blue eyes.

Drowning in his spicy scent is nothing compared to the drowning I feel when I stare into those eyes.

The dark blue makes him look like he's trying to search for my soul, I'm scared that if he does find it I may never get it back.

"Not for me, but thank you for the advice." I speak turning around immediately, ready to get out of his harsh, hard gaze.

I walk straight to the secretary or receptionist to ask for the direction to the office or waiting area. As I turn my gaze to the elevator, I meet his eyes that are still staring hard at me.

"Rosaleigh Clarkson, I'm here for the interview." I introduce myself when the elevator doors fully close.

The woman is dressed in a bright red dress that compliments her raven black hair, "Tatiana." Her Latino accent is profound. It explains her tanned skin and dark hair and her greenish glaring eyes.

I look curiously at her, what could I have done to her already?

"Head down there." She points behind herself.

I smile at her muttering a small 'thank you'. As I round the curve that leads to the waiting room I bump into a hard wall.

"F**king s**t."

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