
Chapter 2

A smile will get you pretty far, but a smile and a gun will get you farther.

                                                                                                 -Al Capone.

                                                                   | N I C O L A S |

2 days later...

"What the fuck do you mean we have nothing!?" I seethed in anger on the thought of a girl tricking all my team and managing to steal the Dresden green diamond.

"Apart from her blonde hairs and brown eyes." Crystal interrupted.

"We have her face in cctv footage. But it doesn't matches with any result. It's like she never existed." Shawn explained and I couldn't help the feeling of wrath consuming me on the thought of a girl tricking us.

"She looks hot." Logan's voice reached our ears when he was eyeing the girl in the cctv footage like a fucking creep.

Crystal and I rolled our eyes while Shawn face palmed on how Logan's mind works. Sometimes I wonder how even is he the best thief.

"I need that fucking diamond, Shawn." I demanded with my clenched fists and Shawn answered with three words, "On it, boss." After his answer, I walked out off the room.

I was on my way to my room when my phone rang showing my little sister Aleeza's caller id. Taking a deep breath I picked up the call.

"Where are you?" Was how I got greeted and I couldn't help but roll my eyes on her rude voice.

"Hello to you too." I said forcing a smile on my face, my voice laced with sarcasm.

"In the mansion, right now." And with that she hung up on me leaving me surprised. She is the sweetest person in our family and if she is pissed then you are screwed because when you are dealing with pissed princess, you are dealing with princess's father too.

I sighed and mentally prepared myself for whatever has to come in my way today after two days of constantly taking my anger out on every single damn living thing.

The mansion is at a 4-5 minutes of  walking distance from the penthouse. My parents with Aleeza lives there. Aleeza has nothing to do with the world her both brother lives in. People even call her angel in hell. Because of her living with most dangerous criminal and still maintaining her angelic side.

When I walked in, Aleeza was already waiting for me sitting at the couch in the hall. Luckily, there was no dad for now.

"Hello Zee." I greeted with the most brightest smile I could. I wouldn't let her know how I was being a fucking psycho from last two days.

"So, you act?" She asked cocking her eyebrow at me maintaining her serious face.

"What do you mean?" I acted dumb just to get out of here. I don't need another lecture on how I should control my anger and how it is harmful for me and people around me.

"Drop it, Nic. I know how you've been acting like a stupid psycho the whole two days." She sighed dropping her serious looks. Even though she is the youngest of all she worries the most for us.

"A girl stole the fucking rarest green diamond from us, Zee. How else do you want me to react on it!?" I snapped and I regretted it immediately the next second as I noticed the disappointment on her face.

"Okay, I am sorry." I apologized with my whole heart because if there is anything I love with my whole heart even after being called heartless by the whole world, that is my family.

"It's alright." She mumbled and I couldn't stop help but feel like a complete asshole.

After a few second I nodded and decided to meet mom when I am here, as I walked only a few steps when a women with black hairs bumped into me.

"Oh shit, I am sorry." She said shocked as if bumping into someone is a dangerous sin. But, before I could say something in response she spoke again, "I didn't see you. I am Zyra." She said introducing herself.

"Nicolas." I returned the introduction with my hands crossed against my chest. I knew what she was playing at but I wanted to know that how far is she going stretch this little game of hers, specially with me.

It's either she don't know me or she is overestimating herself and her skills. But either way, I played along.

"It was nice meeting you." With that she turned around ready to walk away with my wallet.

Taking the gun out of my waistband I aimed it at the back of her head stopping her mid way, "I believe you've something that belongs to me."

She didn't wasted another second before taking out the gun she was hiding under her shirt and pointed it at my head as she said, "Well, two can play the game."

Both of us were standing with our guns pointed at each other's head. One wrong move and the guns fire. But the thing that was surprising to me was the way the women in front of me held her ground and looked right into my eyes without even a hint of fear on her face.

Her black hairs falling down her waist and green eyes focused on the aim that is me. I've never met a girl as fearless as her.

"OH MY GOD!" The loud voice coming from behind startled me and I knew to whom this lovely voice belongs to.

But before anyone from both of us could react another unfamiliar loud voice reached my ears, "WHAT THE FUCK!"

The second voice came from behind the green eyed woman, I can see her mid length brown hairs plus the look of horror on her face as if she just witnessed a ghost.

Even though there were two other people now standing at our head, we still refused to take our guns off our aim point that is each other's head.

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