
Jackson's POV

I couldn’t believe either of them! My brother judging me just because I don’t want to settle down yet, goddess I just want a bit of fun while I still can. And then my fucking dad for always wanting me to be just like his precious Finn. I get it he’s a boring fuck who has no idea what living feels like but that’s not my problem. I would take being Alpha seriously but what’s wrong with enjoying myself before all that is placed on my shoulders?! 

I’m gonna go out tonight, I’ve decided if I can’t sleep with anyone from the pack I’ll go to the human settlement and find someone at the club there instead. 

I slipped on my ripped skinny jeans and a white shirt with my leather jacket, the ladies loved a bad boy... or in my case a bad wolf. I hopped out my window... I didn’t need the questions about where I’m going. Jogging off i grinned thinking about the fight to come when i'm descovered not to be at home.

Later at the club:

It’s a shame human alcohol is so weak, I’m not getting a buzz at all because my wolf side keeps biting the alcohol off before it had a chance to hit. 

It must have been about 1am and I still hadn’t found a girl I was interested in. I was about to leave when the most amazing smell hit my nose. I clasped my glass harder... ‘mate’ my wolf called out in my head. Oh god no, no I’m not ready. I don’t notice I had smashed the glass in my hand until a young slender girl walked up to me looking worried. “Are you ok?” She had the most beautiful voice, I looked down at her and saw she had stunning blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. I backed away from her to avoid her touch, I know that’s what ends up making the bond stronger and i don't want this. Not yet.

“I’m fine, don’t worry about it, I should go.” I say flatly keeping all emotion from my eyes.

She just nodded and turned to the bartender “a whisky on the rocks please?” I wanted to leave but everything in me screamed not to leave her here, especially drinking with all the musty men around. She turned to me, drink in hand.

“Changed your mind have you? Are you sure I can’t clean the cut for you?” She pointed towards my hand. “I’m a trained nurse I can help.” A nurse, of course she was smart and accomplished even if she was a human.”

“It’ll be ok I’ll sort it,” I say accepting a rag off the bartender and wrapping it, knowing it’ll be healed by now but not wanting to draw attention to the fact I was a wolf. While we protected these people some still were wary around us and I just wanted to relax and blend in. “See all good!” I say with an awkward smile.

“Okay if you’re sure” she leans her back against the bar and looks out at the sea of people. I noticed her eyes darting from exit to exit as if she was planning for the possibility of needing a quick escape. I noticed because that’s something I do whenever I enter a new place. “You just going to stand there and stare or do you want a drink?” She looks over her shoulder at me and I kick myself for staring like an idiot. 

“Yes I think I’ll get one actually, you need a top up?” I ask.

“I guess so, have to play catch up after getting here so late.” She smiles but it’s a smile that doesn’t meet her eyes, they look deep and brooding as if she’s in pain almost.

“Ok,” I order the drinks and pay, “here, so what’s your name Miss Nurse?” I question with a small grin.

“I’m Misha,” goddess what a beautiful name, “what’s yours?” I snap out of it quickly and shoot mine back.

“I’m Jackson,” I hold out my hand, what a fucking idiot I thought, but it’s too late now. She gave me a strange look but took my hand and shook it, sparks took over radiating  down my arm. She must have felt it too because she pulled her arm back in shock.

“Wow some serious static” I try to blow it off. She nods but I can see she’s thinking it over in her head. Damn it. Stupid idiot.

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