
A new beginning

It was around 490 BC when the Athenian army, aided by Plataea, blocked the numerous soldiers of the Persian Empire at Marathon. Later, it would be recognized as one of the most critical fights of ancient times. The first reason was that Athens' victory gave time for the Greeks to prepare for the imminent invasion of the Persians. Secondly, because if the Athenians hadn't won, then no one could have stopped this mighty army in the whole of Europe at that age. As the General of the Athenian army, Miltiades realized that they would win the fight during the battle. He assigned Pheidippides, one of his soldiers, to announce their victory to Athens. The same man was tasked with requesting Sparta's help, running around 250 kilometers in two days and then returning, adding another 40 kilometers to reach the battlefield from Athens. Although he was a professional long-distance runner, he died, in the end, from the exhaustion during his victory announcement to the magistrates in session. Inspired by this achievement, the marathon, a long-distance race, would be later introduced as an Olympic event. 

Hahaha, am I already thinking about my ending? This is madness! How many kilometers have I done until now?

"Is it alright for you to take your time like that? At this point, You won't even finish before the sun sets." 

Sirius glared at Anders, who was running beside him with ease. If his face didn't show actual anxiousness, the boy would swear he was mocking him. However, Sirius found his genuine goodwill about his well-being even more annoying than Ajamu's attitude of laughing at him every time he overtook him. 

"Pant! Pant! S-shouldn't you have already finished? Why are you still here?" 

"I was worried that something happened to you since it is already noon and you haven't still finished. How many laps have you done?" 

The boy didn't even have the power to speak, showing him his middle finger as an answer. 

"Only one? That shouldn't be right. Did you forget your laps because of the exhaustion? But how is it possible? It's only a warm-up." 

Sirius shook his head in despair before turning his head forward again. He could finally see from afar the Chief's house. As he approached, the whole family seemed to have gathered in the courtyard with the Chief grilling some meat for lunch.

"Well, well... It's our little sloth. Did you finish with the fourth lap? Why don't you sit down and rest for a little? Look, we have even food here! What do you say?" The man laughed as he gave him a look full of contempt. 

The boy closed his eyes for a few seconds. He took a deep breath and then continued to run, totally ignoring the Chief's statement. 

"Wait!" The Chief suddenly said, forcing Sirius to halt his steps. 

"You forgot your water! Don't forget my instructions!" 

Sirius looked at the wooden cup on the table. He had to drink its content every time he arrived here. Not wanting to waste time, he drank it all at once and carried on with his task. His face was flushed, his whole body covered with sweat, but the tiredness didn't make him stop. Step by step, the boy would keep on going forward. 

"Dad, why didn't you stop him? At this point, he will collapse!" Sarah, who couldn't watch anymore, suddenly shouted. 

"Darling, I agree with Sarah here. Won't his life be in danger if this keeps going on?" 

"No... I can't stop him. I have to see where the limits of his willpower are. But having such an unmovable determination at his age, what kind of past a kid like him could have? It's like he is drawing power from the deepest part of his soul. What a scary boy!" 

"Father, I'll continue following him if you don't mind," without waiting for an answer, Anders began running too. As for Ajamu, he only kept staring at the boy's back in silence. 

The boy was watching the stunning view of the setting sun while walking in its direction. The mix of orange and blue together with the night's soft breeze that was starting to appear, reminded him of how similar this world was with his previous one. There was a sun, and there was a moon, there were forests and mountains. It was like a god-like existence had created this world personally for him to fulfill his wish. The boy had long stopped running. He didn't have the power to continue. He just walked and walked with heavy steps. Sometimes, he would stop and throw up; other times, he would stumble, barely keeping his balance, but he didn't stop. His body was small, but his heroic aura was making his figure look like that of a mighty burly warrior going toward the battlefield. Anders followed behind silently. Was it because he didn't want to shake Sirius resolve, or because of his profound amazement and admiration for the boy? No matter the reason, the fact was that Anders never tried to stop him. It was like he had lost his voice when he watched the boy who struggled to realize an unimaginable feat. 

It happened then when the last ray of light slowly disappeared in the darkness. Sirius suddenly stopped, his eyes becoming empty. It was like the sun had taken with it a part of himself, leaving him powerless, devoid of any other strength. And then he started falling.

It's over, he thought.

He had failed to win against the exhaustion, against himself. However, the upcoming landing on the ground never happened. 

"Come, you have almost done it. Let's do it together," a broad back became the boy's pillow, providing him with a sense of comfort. The boy could finally notice the crickets' rhythmic song, a sweet melody that incited him to surrender to their music. 

"You are really annoying," Sirius muttered and then fainted. 



The first thing that greeted the boy upon opening his eyes had been the moon. It was like it was supervising the world from way up high, the absolute ruler of the sky. It had lost, though, its natural pale light. Its color had turned into red-violet. 

"It's a blood moon. It's not a good omen." 

Sirius turned his head toward the way the voice sounded. Only then Sirius realized that he was surrounded by water. On its surface, there were a lot of aromatic flowers he had never seen before, his eyes wandering around with confusion. He then stared at the man who was sitting in the opposite direction from him, the one who was responsible for his recent nightmare. 

"You have probably never seen that spring before since you have never left the village. Its healing properties will help you recover faster." 

"Are we inside the forest?" The boy asked with some difficulty as he was still suffering from fatigue. 

"That is correct. Never come here alone, though. Beasts also tend to come to this place."

"Don't we have to leave then?"

"Haha, don't worry! As long as I am here, nothing will dare to approach us," the Chief replied with a laugh while filling his cup with some transparent liquid. Seeing that the boy's attention was on his drink, a mischievous smile formed on the man's face. 

"Do you want to taste it? It's called Dragon's nectar." 

Sirius hesitantly received the cup and took a sip. However, the acute burning sensation in his mouth forced him to spit the liquid with a flushed face immediately, making the Chief burst out laughing. 

"Haha, not easy to drink, right? We create it from dragon fruits that we collect when we visit the Dragon God's shrine." 

"The Dragon God's shrine?"

"It's where the volcano is. Your father is currently there, the place where we conduct the awakening day. Sooner or later, you'll also have to visit that place. The Great Shaman went there, after all, to receive the Dragon God's signs regarding you." 

"Me?" Sirius asked with doubt. He wasn't a real member of the tribe, after all, but a person from another world. 

"Aren't you curious about how you arrived here? Why and for what purpose? It's a chance for you to find the answers." 

"I... I don't know," for a moment, an unfamiliar feeling of expectation, but also and anxiety rose inside him. He wanted to find answers, yes, but not with the cost of losing something else, more important. What if he had to return to his previous world after fulfilling his purpose here? He didn't want to let his greediness make him do something he might regret later. 

"I don't know why you are scared so much, but remember that the fear of the unknown often clouds our thinking. Instead of worrying about an uncertain future, isn't it better to think about what you can do now?" 

"What should I do, then?"

"Isn't it obvious?" The Chief looked at him like he was an idiot. 

"It's training! You might not be as smart as I thought."

"But... But I failed!" Sirius shouted as he glared at his hands with disgust like he was staring directly at his weakness. 

"What are you talking about? I asked you to run around the village ten times, and you did it."

"I didn't! I collapsed, in the end! Anders was the one who carried me and finished with the laps." 

"You inspired someone you met for the first time today to give you his strength. If it isn't this a type of power, what is?" The Chief replied while shaking his head. 

"But, it's still unfair..."

"Instead of complaining like a child, prove it to me. Prove that my son's decision to help you was the right one by accomplishing today's task by yourself. For now, your goal should be this. Future worries can wait," the man suddenly said with a smile filled with provocation. 

Sirius felt his willpower to reignite. Since he was given a second chance, he would take it. An opportunity that Anders offered him when he helped him. He wouldn't betray his trust.

"Watch me..." 

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