
Chapter 4

The black Rolls-Royce that Claudia, Nicholas, and I are on stopped before a regal-looking establishment. A place that will ultimately intimidate everyone who doesn't have a fat bank account. I peek through the tinted window. I could not help but play with my fingers as emotions went straight to my head.

"Sweetheart, will you stop fidgeting? You look so nervous. Rory is never nervous. She is always confident with herself. Right now." Claudia quickly runs her eyes from my face down to my upper body. "You look like a mess." She turned her head to Nicholas, sitting on the shotgun seat next to their driver, "I don't think that it'll work. Suppose Kairo is caught red-handed for fooling him like this. It will be the end of us, Spencer."

"Auntie," Nicholas called her with his ever-calm voice. When their eyes met. Claudia's face lit up instantly. She nodded her head, and then she shifted her body towards my direction.

"I trust you. You'll do great. It's all in my head. A glass of champagne will make me feel better. We should get going," Claudia urges us. Nicholas opened the door for us. I let her walk in front of me, leading the way. At the same time, Nicholas stayed by my side.

"You look like a morning sun," Nicholas whispered, which made me look up to him. He could have just said that I look pretty, but this man loves being poetic, and I will gobble up that compliment. Because to be complimented like that is a one-in-a-lifetime experience.

Nicholas offered me his arms. At first, I was confused, but as soon as I remembered that the honest Rory loves clinging her hand to her brother's arm. I hooked mine with his and continued to walk inside of the atelier.

"Good morning, Mrs. Spencer." Claudia smiled lovingly at the old man. The friendly smile on his lips widens even more after she acknowledges his presence. The gold nameplate on the side of his chest says who he is and his position. He's the branch manager of this store.

"Mr. Lancaster is already waiting in the VIP room," he said. When I felt that I was about to start playing with my fingers for the nth time. I tightly grasped the strap of my Kelly and smiled warmly at the store manager. William, the store manager, leaned closer to Claudia's ear. He whispered something that instantly made her happier than she was one second ago.

"Darling, you should go and say hi to your husband. I'll be there in a minute." I moved my head once and subtly looked up to Nicholas. He then led the way toward the VIP room while I was following her like a lost puppy while our arms were still linked with each other.

Nicholas stopped in front of a double door made of hardwoods. He took a final glance at me before he opened the door.

"Do I have to greet him or what?" I asked as we walked inside the VIP room. In the middle of the room is a white leather couch. It is spacious enough to accommodate six people or more, but at the moment. Kairo Maximus Lancaster is settled in the middle of the sofa as if he owns this place.

"Not really," Nicholas whispered back. I kept a proper distance from Kairo as I settled on the couch. Nicholas put a throw pillow on top of my lap. At the same time, I am trying my best to be comfortable next to Kairo. I could feel him staring at me. I could even hear an imaginary murmur asking me to steal a glance from his direction, but I was too afraid to meet his green eyes. That is as mysterious and cold as a forest.

"Is there something that you want?" Nicholas asked. I nodded and then pointed to a set of crystal glasses and a bottle of rum.

For a moment. I thought I saw life flashes before Nicholas's eyes as he saw me asking for a hard liquor. I saw my own life flash across my own eyes, too, as realization hit me.

Shit! I am playing Rory Spencer right now, and I like treating my little bottle of rum as my morning coffee. Rory is more of a tea person in the morning. I chuckled at Nicholas.

"Kidding. I want an iced jasmine-" Before I could finish what I was about to say. Nicholas' phone rang. He fished it out of his pocket, and then he gave me a meaningful look.

"I need to take this," he said. He looked over at Kairos and then back at me before he left the VIP room. Leaving me entirely behind with the sexy billionaire beast.

"Why won't you sit closer to me, Rory?" Kairo suddenly spoke. There's a hint of playfulness in his voice, and I swear. I can see him smirking at me through my peripheral vision.

When he started chuckling, my curiosity got the best of me, and I looked in his direction.

"I said, sit closer to me, Rory." I look at him, puzzled by his demand. I remembered Nicholas telling me last night that this man purposely avoids having Rory near him like she has an infectious disease, and yet here he is. He was acting as if he'd die if we were not skin-to-skin close with each other.

"Is this how you'll treat me while we're married?" I asked. His eyebrow shot up.

"While we're married? You speak like this marriage is nothing but a fleeting deal."

"Is it not? I thought that maybe after a year or two. You'll hand me a divorce paper, and we're through."

Kairos stared at me. It felt like his green eyes darkened as he scrutinized me.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked, and my heart instantly stopped beating.

Shit! Am I caught?

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