
Chapter five

Chapter five

My eyes were shut and I could feel the heat from him getting more intense, his breath blowing unto my face. I held the front of my wedding gown tightly, and finally, we kissed. 

His lips were soft, I could testify to that. And that softness was what sent electric shocks through my entire body. I couldn't help but shiver from the shock. But then, something was a bit familiar about this, this feeling... I've felt it before... 

Just then, Aiden moved away, abruptly cutting me off my reverie. My eyes parted open instantly and I realized the entire kissing session wasn't even up to three seconds. 

I could feel my face burning right now and I couldn't look up at Aiden. To be honest, this was really embarrassing. I tried to enshroud all my thoughts with the uproarious cheers and applaud coming from the crowd.

During the rest of the program, my head was bent low. Looking up to receive several pleasantries from well wishers was a burden to me. Aiden was also nowhere to be found throughout the program, that was good for me though, I wouldn't have to constantly behold his annoying and intimidating face. That gave a little relief. 

I just hope my kids are okay, I checked the time countless times, wishing that it could fast forward to after this party. But it seemed nature was also against me, because it felt like an entire decade in this church. 

Finally, it was over and I was relieved. I watched as everyone slowly departed, leaving the church auditorium empty safe for some other people that were scattered around. 

I was seated alone at the back roll and I could see Aiden's parents approaching. My face instantly turned pale and I looked around in panic. Where was Aiden when I need the bastard. 

"My daughter!" I was drawn back to my mother in-law's direction. She was beaming up with smiles like she had been through out the course of the wedding ceremony.

I stood up to meet her warm embrace. Honestly, she had a way of making me feel at ease whenever I'm so tensed –at least since I've met her. 

"Don't worry, you'll do great" she said, holding my face between her palms. I smiled in return at her reassurance when deep within me, I kind of doubted that. 

"How long have you known my son?"

I froze when I heard that question. My eyes instantly darted from Mrs. Brookes to her husband, standing somewhere behind her. His express was still as cold as ever, like he wasn't even happy about this whole 'my son's finally married' thingy. 

"Oh come on John, of course they've known each other for long..." Mrs. Brookes tried to wave of the question, interlocking her arm with his.

But the old man wasn't done, with his gaze still fixed on me, he said,, "No, I want to hear from her" 

I gulped as I felt blood drain from my face. This man is really something...

"I..ah.. I've..." God, why was I stuttering? My sweat pores also decided to disgrace me by excreting more liquid waste than usual. 

"Actually dad," a voice suddenly said and immediately an someone's arm swung around my shoulders. I liked up slowly to see that it was Aiden. Bastardized! Where the hell had he been? 

"We've known each other for about three years now" he lied, not wavering his focused gaze off his father. 

I looked at his father, and saw his eyes narrow on his son. And then when he sharply turned his gaze to me, I quickly put on a smile and move closer to Aiden. 

His eyes turned back to normal and he looked at Aiden once again, saying, "Expect us to come visiting sometimes" he announced and I felt my stomach turn. This man was really a hard man, why does he need to visit a newly wedded couple? 

"Well, I guess we will be taking our leave now" said Aiden and I felt relieved that we're finally gong to leave this place. 

"Make sure you take care of her well, I don't want her complaining about anything" his mother told him, and I smirked. She sure would hear a lot of complaints from me. 

She moved closer to me and whispered in my ear, "You can tell me anything, okay". Happy about that, I nodded my head like a little baby. 

"Alright, see you guys later" Aiden said and dragged me away with him. He didn't let go of me till we got out of the church and we're out of his parents' earshot. He then left me and pointed his finger at my face. 

"Don't you dare get closer with my mother" he growled, looking daggers into my eyes. 

Why is he being so dramatic, it's just a casual conversation with your in-law.

I rolled my eyes at him nonchalantly, "I've heard you, now hop in the car and let's move hubby, I've got kids waiting".

Without waiting for him, I went over to his limousine and the bodyguard opened up while I stepped in. 

Meanwhile, Aiden was still standing there, looking dazed.

I managed to muffle a laughter and said, "Cone on"

I heard him mutter a curse before approaching the vehicle. In no time, we hit the road. 


Half an hour later, and we're just arriving at Aiden's estate and honestly, I have to admit, the Brookes' are sure wealthy people. 

The estate had other houses that proved that kinky rich and influential individuals or families like Aiden's lived here. 

The driver made his way along the welled tarred road, making several turns till we finally arrived at what I would call a magnificent mansion. 

Gawd! It was wide, it was huge, it was beautiful, it was...everything! As the driver parked in the large garage that was filled up with several other exotic vehicles, I didn't wait for him to get down and open the door for me before I stepped out. 

My gaze instantly went on survey node, scanning through the beauty of the domain I'm in. 

There was a beautiful arrangement of flowers in the front part, leading round a large water fountain. Now that was a beautiful sight to behold. 

"Like what you see?" I was suddenly jerked out of my reverie by Aiden's annoying voice. 

I didn't face him, but just scoffed and followed the bodyguard that was carrying some of his belongings.

We all made our ways to the front door if the mansion after the bodyguard pushed the doorbell, another one opened up from within almost immediately. 

To say that the inside was magnificent was a total understatement, it was beyond that. The articulate arrangements of beautiful furnitures and the placement of royal-like chandeliers spoke it all.

I stepped in and the first thing I asked the servant that opened the door was, "We are my kids?".

He didn't reply immediately and just stared at me with a clueless gaze. And then as if what I had asked just sank in, he answered, "Your children are in the upstairs room, Mrs. Brookes"

Goddammit, Mrs. Brookes. I guess I'll just have to get used to it. 

"Lead the way"

The man nodded and I followed him behind as he made his way up the long spiral stairs. We both headed along the wide corridor of doors until he stopped in front of one.. He turned and gestured his hand at the door. 

I took that as a cue and went over. As I made to open the door, I heard Archie's voice. I was immediately tempted to open the door a little and peep through and eavesdrop on whatever conversation he was in. 

"So, who's the head of the maids in this house?"

He was seated on the edge of a king sized fluffy looking bed, facing a young lady who was sitting on a chair across from him. I don't see Aria anywhere.

"I've told you before Archie, it's madam Chook" the young lady I presume to be a maid replied. 

Archie's face contorted, I know what that kind of frown entailed.

"Why does she have such a weird name?" he inquired innocently.

The maid laughed heartily, who wouldn't, she was speaking with Archie. 

"I also don't know why she has a weird name, Archie. But you know what I do know?" she asked, leaning in closer to him. 

"What?" Archie asked in a hushed tone, also learning closer to the maid. 

"No one mentions it to her face that she has a weird name okay, or else she'll use a hot spatula to spank your bare bum"

Archie's eyes widened when he heard that, and the maid quickly laughed again. 

"Just kidding, she can't possibly do that, you're our boss's stepson"


I almost fell from where I stood when I heard that other one's screechy voice scream loud. I quickly opened the door wider for Aria to embrace my legs. Archie also jumped off the bed and dashed towards me. 

I knelt beside them and gave them warm embraces. My little devilish angels. 

"Mom, are you now married to Mr. Grumpy face?" asked Aria. It took me some seconds to understand what she meant before I smiled at her and said, "Yes Aria, but don't mention that in front of him okay" I cautioned.

I stood up and looked at the maid, who immediately bowed her head.

"No no, actually thank you, for keeping my kids company" I quickly said to her.

"Her name is Maria" Archie said and we all smiled. Sure she is. 

Just then, there was a knock at the door. I went over to check it out and saw a guard standing there. 

"Sorry for the disturbance but Mr. Brookes requested for your presence downstairs, ma'am" he said politely. 

I groaned inwardly. What does he want, I just settled in for Christ's sake! I simply nodded to the guard and said, "I'll be there"

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