
Chapter 6: The Flame of Desire Ignites

After reading for several hours, I decide to go for a walk.  I go through my closet and choose a comfortable pair of jeans and a nice royal blue sweater that my dad bought for me last year as a present.  Putting them on, I model in the mirror for myself and realize that something is missing.  

Placing my sapphire heart earrings in, I once again model in front of the mirror.  Perfect.  Satisfied with my appearance, I shut my closet and pull on my light brown leather fashion boots that I have picked out for the day.  I always cringe a little when I start to walk in them, because they make this percussive sound on the wood floors that echoes throughout the whole house.

Standing up, I walk to the door of the bedroom and open it, hesitating before shutting it behind me as I look inside for anything I forgot.  I turn the corner of the hallway and walk to the door.  Not seeing Brad, I march out the door before he decides to stop me.  

Strolling around the grounds, I find myself approaching the stables and not knowing what to do with myself.  Mable is dead, now I have to pick from one of the many in the stables to be my new riding companion.  I look around, not finding one that immediately calls out to me. 

Just before I give up and take a walk instead, Dean strolls out of the shadows and expresses his opinion, "I have seen you ride and based on that, I believe that Nelly here would be the best choice for you.  She is calm and very sweet, but has energy when you want to run her."  He takes my hand and leads me over to her stall.  

Placing my hand on her mane, he has me stroke her gently.  She does admittedly feel good under my palm and responds immediately to me.  Nelly snorts and looks up at Dean as if she is asking for approval and when he nods, she leans into my hand. I glance up at him thoughtfully, and ask, "How did you do that?  You know exactly what she is thinking."

Staring down at me, he answers, "I have always been good with animals, it just comes naturally to me.  Somehow, I know what they want and need or are trying to say.  I guess it is in their body language.  Just like when I am with you, I can tell you want me to kiss you and touch you like this."

He raises his hand to cup my chin and force me to look directly into his sparkling eyes.  Those hungry green eyes, filled with need and desire that only I can fulfill.  He leans down and devours my mouth with his.  His tongue forcing it's way in and punishing every corner of my mouth.  

I feel his other hand latch on to my breast and massage it, then travel down underneath my sweater.  His thumb slides up into my bra and flicks my nipple, before he bites my lower lip and tugs on it.  Wanting him so bad, I start to moan and my body leans into him for mercy.  

At this moment, if he took me right here right now, I wouldn't care what the consequences were.  Just as long as he filled me and fulfilled my growing need for him.  I hear something and think it's just the horse, until the older stable hand walks out from the back room.

He clears his throat and looks disapproving of the two of us, before he declares, "You two need to stop this, before Mr. Harrison finds you.  We all know what will happen if he does."  He shakes his head in disapproval and walks out of the stable.

As quickly as it started, we stop.  Dean withdraws his hand from my sweater and steps back from me.  He starts to say something, but I cut him off by saying something first, "He is right.  If we are going to do this, we have to be more careful. It is obvious that we both want this, but this is neither the time nor the place for it.  Tomorrow, Brad will be working and I have a secret place we can meet, so no one will ever know."

Dean looks at me hungrily, but I can tell that the spark is already cooling down for the moment.  He answers briefly, "Alright, then where and when?"

"I have a secret garden on the west side of the property, just past the big fallen oak tree.  If you look on the south side, there is a vine covered entrance.  It isn't immediately obvious that it is a door, unless you know about it.  Just make sure that no one sees you or follows you to it and let's say that we meet there at 10 a.m. alright?  When Brad is at work, he never comes home for lunch, so he won't be anywhere on the grounds till after 6."

Cocking his head, he puts a hand on my side and rubs it.  He says, "Sure." Then he leans down and gives me a sweet quick kiss on my forehead, before leaving.  

Deciding to give Nelly a try, I climb on her after unlatching the stall and ride her around the valley.  

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