


"Lock her up!" I ran to the door, as the words replayed in my head.  "Open the damn door and let me out."

I kicked and banged at the door of the room I was locked inside.

Seeing that, no one was coming anytime soon, I took the red blazer off my body and made my way to the end of the room, and sat in a green deck  chair that was at the far end of the room.  

It was the only thing inside the room. I wonder what the room was used for.

 I waited patiently for someone to come and open the door but no one showed up.

An hour had gone by with no one coming to open the door for me.  

Unable to take it anymore, I walked to the door and started hitting it again.  "Just let me out and I promise not to come back."

A tear rolled down my cheek as I turned and leaned my back against the door. If I had known, I would have listened to my mother and quit working for Mr. Frederick. 

Still, I had come a long way to give up.



The sound of the door clicking made me step away from  it. But before I could, the door opened and I stumbled backward.

 Before I could regain my balance, I was yanked in front, my face almost hitting the floor.

"What the hell..." I furiously stood up and looked behind me and just as I did, the lights in the darkroom came on.

I immediately closed my mouth.  The instant I saw an angry Mr. Christian standing at the door, with a cold expression on his face.

He didn't look calm as before. 

"I will let you go for today.  Don't you ever step your dirty feet in my company ever again".

He growled. The anger in his voice and the look on his face was  enough to tell me to leave immediately, but I couldn't leave, knowing that I had just two days to convince him, or I would lose my job.

I exhaled and decided to plead, perhaps my attitude back then, wasn't the best. I needed to look submissive. If that was going to help. I hope it does.

"I'm sorry for what I did to your gaurd and for behaving rudely at your office.  But just listen to me. If I go back without a word from you, I would be at the risk of losing my job."

Tears threatened to break free from my eyes,  but I couldn't let that happen. I pushed them back and looked at him, with hopeful eyes. 

"Do I look like I care? You should get the hell out of my office before I change my mind."

He shouted with a deadly tone. 

I guessed there was nothing I could do.

"Sir, I..."

"Get out of my office. Tell your Boss that he has just three days to pay and sending you to  seduce me, would not  change my mind, because I will sleep you and toast you out to the garbage, because that's exactly where you and your boss belong."

He glowered at me, with hate in his eyes. 

 Seducing him? "Even if you the last man on earth. I wouldn't seduce such a proud man." I grumbled under my breath. But on God, I think he heard what I just said, judging from how his jaws tightened, his fist bolted on his side.

"Dirty slut." He roughly grabbed my right wrist and dragged me out of the room with so much force that I didn't even see coming.

"No, I didn't come here for that. Please just listen to me. I might lose my job if you don't agree to do this". I begged, realizing that things were getting out of hand.

He didn't even listen as he continued to drag me down the elevator.

"Go and never return to this place ". He yelled once we were outside causing people to look at us. 

I was flush with embarrassment when he dragged me to the gate, with my butt rolling on the floor and he didn't care.

"You are hurting me" I cried out, but he was still not listening.

Once we were outside, he roughly let go of my hand, such that I hit my head on the gravel floor.

"Don't ever come back" he growled and went back inside 

I glared back at the company. 

"I will keep coming, till you give my company a chance. I can't lose the only job I have or sleep with Mr. Frederick because of you."

I whispered, touching my forehead which seemed to have blood running down from it.

This man was surely going to pay somehow for this day.


"Are you telling me that you were unable to convince Mr. Christian?"

Mr. Frederick growled, hitting his fist on the table, which in turn made me flinch.  

If you thought it was easy, then you should have gone there by yourself.

I think to myself.  Trying to control my anger.

"I told you that I was not capable of this. Mr. Christian isn't easy to deal with."

I tilted my head down, avoiding his gaze. 

"You  are a good for nothing idiot.  I pay you and you are unable to do a single task."

"Look at me, when I'm talking to you."

He scolded, making me quickly lift my head and look at him, with sweaty hands and my head spinning badly.

How did I end up here?

"You have one more day and you know the consequences if you don't bring me positive results."

He sat back on his chair. 

After I left Caspian Power, I had to go back to the office immediately, to report to Mr. Frederick what happened and this is how he reacted.

"Get your useless self out of my office. As useless as your father."

Those words cut through my heart, like a sharp blade cutting a fresh wound. 

I bolted my hands into fists at my side.

He could call me anything, but not my father. Not after what he did to him.

I stomped outside and quickly cleaned my eyes before someone else could see me in such a mess. 

"You will pay for all this, with your life".

I mumbled to myself and left the company. 

Still, I would visit Mr. Christian one more time.

Such rude people. 

I made my way home.

Sitting on my bathroom floor, I examined the bruises I sustained as a result of Mr. Christian dragging me roughly out  of  his company. 


I flinched when  water dropped on my knee, where I had sustained some bruises as well.

My mother was going to freak out, when she sees this.

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