
Chapter 3

"Mr. Spencer? Your apt is here now" buzzes in his secretary on his intercom. He yawns. He had another restless night with his child. He really needed one night of sleep. Just one. Was that to much to ask??

"Send her in" says Donovan.

He fought to keep his eyes open as he leans back in his chair. The sun poured into his office even though he tried hard to keep it out.

"Hello, Mr. Spencer. Thank you for meeting with me today! This really means the world to me" rambles on a lady as she opens the door to his office.

"Can you get those blinds? Close them in a little more for me please?" he demands to her as the sun began to bother his sensitive eyes. He covered his eyes with his hands.

"Oh sure I can. Not a problem" he hears her say. He hears her fixing the blinds.

"You look really tired Mr. Spencer. How old is your child again?" she asks.

"He is an infant. He is only less than a month old" mutters Donovan.

"A baby! Aw. I recall when my own little Shelly was a baby! They can be so fun at that age. She never slept for a whole night for like a month. I tried everything from walks to car rides. The only thing that seemed to work was putting her little seat on the dryer. She liked the rumbling sound of the dryer. Calmed her right down. She slept for one whole night" laughs the lady.

"Wait what did you say you tried?" he demands to know curiously.

"I placed her little bouncy seat on top of my dryer while I was doing clothing. She loved the sound. The little buzzing calmed her down. She fell asleep while I was doing clothing" explains the lady.

"Huh....I never have tried that on Evan yet. You have a child as well? How old?" he asks her curiously. He opens his eyes as she comes over to sit down in front of him at his desk.

"Shelly? She is only four. She is going to be five years old this month. Right now I have to have her in preschool" sighs the lady.

"What is your name again? I am sorry I meet people everyday. IT is hard to remember names all the time" he grumbles as he yawns. She pours him a cup of coffee. She fixes it up for him. Hands it over to him. Impressive.

"My name? It is Sawyer Carter sir" she tells him.

"You said you are a miss. But you have a child on your own?" he wonders.

"Yes I am. My ex did not want anything to do with our daughter. He is married. Has a family of his own" she grumbles sounding bitter.

He did not blame her for that.

Anyone would be bitter about it.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

"Ouch, I am sorry to hear that" he tells her.

"Enough about me. What would you like to know about me? About this job? I really need it" she begins to say. She pulls something out of her bag she had with her. A list of references.

"What is this now?" he asks. She was beautiful now that he was more awake. He sipped his coffee as he looked over the paper she handed to him.

"This is the reference. I do baby-sit all the time" she brags. "I love kids"

"I see" he mumbles as he looks over things. All good remarks. He needed someone at the last moment.

He met a few ladies that did not meet the cut for him. He might be too picky but this was his own child. He wanted the best for his child.

Something about this Miss. Carter seemed all to perfect. Maybe the meeting was going well. Maybe it was she was coaxing his male ego. Something was working for him here.

"Everything looks good so far. Would you like to meet Evan?" he asks her.

"Meet your son? Now?" she asks. She looks around for the baby. He laughs.

"We have a nursery here at the office for others. I want my son raised at home. Not in an office" he explains.

"I see. Understandable Mr. Spencer. Yes I would love to meet your son" Miss. Carter replies with a cheery smile.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

He grins. He sips his coffee once more before setting it down. He stands up. Miss. Carter stands up the same time he does. She was nearly as tall as he was. Stunning legs that he could not help but admire.

Her long hair curled down her back. She had dimples when she smiled. Her brown eyes sparkled at him even though they had secrets amount of pain hidden in them.

"Come with me" Donovan replies. He leads the way to the office nursery. She follows close behind his heels.

"So you want me to work at your home not here?" she asks as they walk there.

"Exactly. I would rather have my son be comfortable in his own home. Any parent wants that" he says.

"Does your wife work to?" she wonders.

"Wife? I have no wife" he chuckles.

"Oh I am so sorry. I assumed because you have a child...."

"Don't feel badly. Common mistake. I had a one night stand that ended up leaving me with a son. The mother died giving birth to my child. The grandmother could not raise the baby on her own" he explains.

"Oh Mr. Spencer....gosh I am so so sorry to hear that" she gasps.

"Don't be. I have a son in it all. I am glad I do. I never thought I would be a father type. I am not a pro at it yet. But I could not imagine my life without my boy in it now" he chuckles.

"You are such a strong man Mr. Spencer. Not many men would take on a baby on their own" she brags making his ego feel ten times better that day.

"Thank you kindly" he says cheerfully as he uses his key card to get into the nursery.

"Hello Mr. Spencer! We just put Evan down for a little nap" the lady at the desk greets him right away.

"Try to keep that boy up during the day, Vikki. He needs to sleep during the night. I told you this before" sighs Donovan.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Half the time these nursery workers did not pay attention to his instructions. This was another reason why he wanted his son raised at home. Vikki lead the way to his son.

"I am sorry sir. We tried our best to keep him awake. But it was not going to work out" she warns.

"You could have played music or other things to keep him awake. You have to really work to transition the child to be awake during the day" pipes up Miss. Carter.

"We have tried that. We have so many kids to tend to other than Mr. Spencer's child" snaps Vikki.

Donovan smiled. He was already liking Miss. Carter already.

"I can handle things from here Vikki" demands Donovan.

"Yes sir" replies an upset Vikki.

"I am surprised" sighs Miss. Carter.

"At what?" he asks her.

"You would think your son would get more attention being the bosses' son and all" she mentions.

"It is supposed to be that way. Sadly they could care less" he grumbles. "Another reason to have my son at HOME"

"Very good reasons indeed" she agrees. He uses the key card to go in the nursery.

"I see they have very good security" she mentions.

"We keep all our kids safe here" he tells her. He leads her over to his sleeping babe. He picks up his son. His son makes little soft gurgling noises as he picks him up.

"Oh what a little doll face! How cute! May I?" she gasps as she smiles holding out her arms to his son wanting to hold him.

"Here!" he says as he hands Evan over to her.

"So sweet" she coos as she smiles down at his son. "I miss my Shelly at this age" she sighs.

"Want more kids one day Miss. Carter?" he asks her.

"One day yes I would love more kids" she says smiling. "Not right now though"

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

He smiled as she bonded with his child. She sat in down in a little rocker as she held his son. Evan did not even wake right away to see what was going on.

"Look at that sweet little face! He does look like his daddy" she brags. Evan hears her speaking his praises. He peaks his little blue eyes open to look up to see Miss. Carter.

"Oh look! He is waking" she laughs. It looked like it was love at first sight for Miss. Carter.

"Can I have this job for free? I want to sit here all day" she sighs as she swaddles' his son in the blanket better.

"Well I was going to pay you. But free of charge is even better" he jokes.

"Oh!" she laughs.

"I will pay you. What do you say? Do you want the job? It is yours" he offers. He made up his mind. He knew hiring her was the right way to go. He liked her.

"I say YES" she agrees to work for him. "I am not able to be around much at night. But if you really need me you are welcome to bring this cutie over to be with Shelly and myself" she offers.

"Sounds like a deal to me" he agrees.

"Wonderful, Mr. Spencer! You will not regret this" she vows.

"When can you start?" he asks.

"Now?" she offers. He grins. Things were starting to look up for him after all!


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