
Chapter 5

All day, wolves Alissa had never met arrived within the packhouse to congratulate Alpha Cain for raising his son to take over so soon. She was by far not included in this, she was getting ready in her room far from the jubilations. As far as she was aware Luca was yet to arrive gauging from the conversation Natalie and Kristen were having below. Alissa sat on the rough bare wooden floorboards, the girly giggles rising from Natalie’s room. 

Alissa often felt lonely, it had become something she almost didn’t mind, however listening to someone who used to be her friend, giggling like they used to but with another sent a pang of jealousy rumbling through her. “Is he hot?” Natalie’s slightly whiny voice irritated Alissa further, of course a new male was going to be on the scene so that would be the first thing out of Natalie’s mouth. “Ew, Nat he’s my brother. Besides I’ve not seen him since forever.” 

“What kind of future alpha never visits his home pack?” 

“My brother!”

“He didn’t visit once?” 

“Nope, I’ve spoken to him but I would say he’s kind of a stranger to me now.” Kristen's voice had turned more morose. Alissa remembered them both talking about Luca as they grew, Kristen had missed him at the beginning and cried that her big brother had just disappeared overnight. With Kristen’s mum - and Alpha Female, Emily being busy it was Alissa’s mum, Cira who had comforted the confused ten year old. Alissa hadn’t felt the loss, not having a connection with Luca, she wondered what he’d been doing for her memories to be so sparse of him. 

The girls below moved onto discussing how their hair should be for the ceremony. Alissa imagined them doing her hair as she pinned her slightly straggly hair from her face in a half up-half down fair. She mimed hair curlers as if she had some to change her waves into beautiful loose curls. Upon seeing that the imaginary curlers had done nothing, Alissa sighed and pinned her hair into a full updo, creating the curls she wished she could create with the pins she’d managed to pick up around the house. “That looks lovely, I’m a genius!” she heard Natalie exclaim, and for a moment Alissa smiled imagining that the girls were talking to her. But no-one was going to say she looked lovely, she knew that. 

She snuck down the attic staircase silently, she wondered if she could get a glimpse of their new alpha before he went to the ceremony. Alissa stole herself into a small recess, listening to the voices below and she knew one of them was the new alpha. He sounded different, he sounded refined and measured. He sounded like his voice could command a room without his wolf helping. Alissa swallowed and held her breath as high heeled footsteps went past her hiding place. 

“Luca!” Kirsten cried, one set of heeled footsteps quickened and thundered down the stairs 

“Baby sister!” he exclaimed back, “How I missed you!” 

“Now, now boy put her down, you are an hour from being alpha, alpha’s do not behave in such a way.” Alpha Cain’s scold was powerful and Alissa imagined Luca putting Kristen down quickly from a hug. “Sorry father,” Luca’s low rumble sent tingles over Alissa’s skin. She didn’t dare peek from her hiding place to look through the bannister though, she didn’t want to be seen and Alpha Cain show the new alpha exactly how she should be treated. 

“Luca, we must go, the elder’s are nearly ready.” Emily’s cold voice pierced through the house.

“Yes mother.” Footsteps echoed around the entrance hall.

“Father, do you really have to go away before you go to the council?” Kristen asked.

“Yes darling, it’s customary, you know that.”

“But for two whole months?”

“You’re a big girl now, Luca is going to run the pack exquisitely while I’m gone, he’ll look after you.”

“I don’t need looking after daddy, I’m going to miss you,” Kirsten replied haughtily, Alissa smiled imagining the footstomp that never came. “I’ll miss you too,” Alpha Cain replied warmly. 

A sad smile tugged on Alissa’s lips, he and her father had said the same thing when they had to go away for a few weeks when the girls were fourteen. Kristen had stomped her foot that time, annoyed he was going away and Alissa had pouted hoping it would stop them both going. It hadn’t, Beta Leo and Alpha Cain had kissed both girls heads and bid goodbyes before hugging their mates. Alissa’s father, Beta Leo’s goodbye had been considerably longer; his love for Cira was something Alissa had always been embarrassed by but also wanted in her own adult life. Not that that was ever going to happen, as she’d said to Jack, no mate would ever take her. 

Alissa saw the distinctive outline of Beta Blake stomp past her shadowy hiding place, then Jack. She wasn’t sure if Michael was already down there or not and didn’t want to meet him in the hall or stairs. She slunk out of her hiding place, looking and listening but was relieved to hear Beta Blake addressing Michael below. 

Alissa made her way down the stairs trying to be inconspicuous and unnoticed. She saw the girls efforts had been successful, the girls were in lovely cocktail dresses, Natalie in a tight emerald green satin dress. Kristen's straight brown hair was complimented by a baby pink floaty dress that brushed against her knees, it hugged her curves perfectly. They were both done up to the nines; they looked beautiful. The men, in light shirts, plain ties and dark suits. They all looked wonderful, her brothers looked so grown up.

Alissa hung back to follow behind as they readied to leave but Kristen noticed her, “Why does she have to come?” The words stung Alissa. Kristen may look down at Alissa since the announcement she’d murdered her parents but the disdain and bile within her voice hurt. “The whole pack has to be there, I want no-one ruining my son's day.” Alpha Cain gave a hard stare to everyone, especially Alissa. She shrunk under his intense gaze, she had no intention of drawing attention to herself, she would happily not go to the ceremony but Alissa couldn’t argue with Alpha Cain’s demands.

Alissa trailed a few steps behind those she wished to call her pack, Kristen and Natalie excitedly chatted away, Beta Blake strolled next to Alpha Cain, always by his side, always to his right. They passed six smaller houses dotted around the pack house. The smell of chickens hit Alissa's nose as they passed Elder Griffin's small log home. He kept and bred chickens for eggs and meat. Alissa couldn't see from where she was walking but knew behind the house was Elder Griffin's beloved dairy cow, Henrietta. 

Alissa's parents' house stood on the other side. It was still empty. One of her brothers would likely take the house once they had found mates. Settling down was the only way to get out of the main house. The grounds were the size of a small village with woodland surrounding it, they were in their own bubble miles away from humans. 

They entered the woods, tall trees surrounded them as the canopy above enveloped them into partial darkness. They picked their way around the trunks of birch, pine and oak trees before reaching a clearing. Luca and his mother, Emily, the current Alpha Female were waiting. Emily always had a sense of superiority compared to the others. Her short deep brown hair and almost black eyes gave her an unusual beauty. Alpha Cain took his place on the other side of his son, his deep brown hair and blue eyes overseeing the pack gathering around. Alissa pushed her back against a tree, the more out the way she could be the better. 

There were wolves in suits and dresses dotted around the clearing, many Alissa didn’t recognise. Some looked familiar, maybe they’d been to their packland before but she couldn’t be sure, she didn’t ask who any of them were and she didn’t want to open her mouth for the rest of the evening if she could help it. Stay invisible, stay safe, had become her mantra. 

She got a glimpse of Luca, he didn't quite match his parents, with his honey brown hair and stormy grey eyes. Alissa tried to look at him a little closer from her spot at the back. He looked to be in his mid twenties which tallied for her, he’d been about sixteen when he left, from her memory. He was handsome, there was no denying that. He was taller than his father by quite a few inches. Alissa felt a stir inside her. Like something awakening after a long sleep. She smiled, her wolf, she wasn't gone forever. 

Alissa stood a little straighter, she could see bits of the ceremony, but she listened more than looked. The Elders said their pieces, blessing the alpha power and praying to the glowing moon to grant Luca his strength. Alissa's ears pricked up when Cain requested “Does anyone wish to challenge the new Alpha? Now is your moment or forever accept Luca as this packs Alpha.” This could be the interesting bit.

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