
Chapter 7


After having breakfast, I get Brice ready while Misty takes a shower so we can head downtown to the daycare so I can have a look at the place and people there. It's not something that I want to do, but I'm trying to be open-minded about it because I know this is something Brice needs. I know that he needs to learn to interact with other kids or it'll be a problem for us in about two more years. Small pups may not have their wolf, but they start to develop their instincts as a wolf early. And not knowing how to socialize with other kids, those instincts will make Brice aggressive and territorial, not wanting other kids in his space.

Once Misty is ready, we leave that house and head downtown to the daycare that Misty thinks will be good for Brice. 

I pull into the daycare parking lot and get out the car and unstrap Brice getting him out his car seat. Holding Brice in my arms, I frown over at the daycare building holding Brice close to me. I can feel my natural instincts as a father and protector filling me, feeling the need to keep Brice close as we head into an unfamiliar place. 

As we head inside we're greeted by this woman.  

"It's nice to see you Misty. I was hoping you would come back." The woman gives Misty a friendly smile that Misty returns before she turns her attention to Brice in my arms. "Hey, little man." She gives Brice a smile as she reaches out giving his cheek a light pinch that causes my wolf to push forward. Out of instinct I slightly lean Brice away from her. Not knowing her well enough to be touching my pup. 

Feeling Misty give my hand a light squeeze, my jaws slight clench down as I force my wolf back fighting against my instincts to growl at this woman as she continues to touch Brice. As a pack wolf, this is something that you don't have to deal with. You know everyone in the pack. You trust everyone in the pack with your pup. The pack is family.

"Are you looking to sign him up today?" The woman asks smiling back over at Misty.

"My ma-Husband wanted to have a look around first to see what he thinks." I frown a bit hearing Misty refer to me as her husband, but know she's doing it to fit in with these humans and their world.

She gives Misty a nod. "Nice to meet you, I'm Ms.Jones." She gives me a friendly smile holding her hand out to me, introducing herself. I see her looking at the marks on my face, but not in a rude staring way. Just a normal short look seeing that they are there.

"Brandon," I say introducing myself as I reach out shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Brandon." She gives me another friendly smile before looking back over at Misty. "I take it that you remember your way around the daycare?" She asks Misty who gives her a nod. "Well if you guys need anything or have any questions you can find me in my office." She gives us one last smile before heading into the front office.

I walk next to Misty as she shows me around the daycare, telling me the things I'm sure that women told her the first time she came here. She leads me to a room full of small kids Brice age. It's pretty much the same as a den mother at the pack, just with little human kids. I looking around the room seeing three women who I'm sure is responsible for looking after the kids here.

"He's showing signs of territorial behavior," Misty tells me as she reaches over taking Brice from me and placing him on the floor. "Toys." Misty points towards the toys where all the other kids are playing.

I watch as he looks at the toys for a moment before making his way over to one of the toy trucks and began to push it. I watch how he move away from any child that comes too close, not wanting them in his space. This is the beginning of signs of territorial behavior. First, he'll start to separate himself to keep his own space, then eventually he'll stop separating himself and start to force them out of his space with scratching and biting. At this age, he should be comfortable with being around other kids but by having no pack he hasn't been able to spend time with other kids his age.

I watch Brice closely as one of the women starts to play with him, but he separates from her coming back over to me to be picked up. I reach down lifting him up feeling my wolf relax now that he's close to us again.

"Hi, Misty." The woman follows Brice over to us, giving us friendly smiles. "Have you decided to let him join the daycare?" She asks.

"We're still just having a look at the place for now," Misty says returning the woman-friendly smile.

She gives Misty a nod smiling over at Brice in my arms. "Hey, Brice." She waves at Brice.

Not responding to her, Brice lays his head down on my shoulder looking at the woman strangely.

"I notice that he's pretty distant and shy around the other kids. If you guys decide to let him join we welcome parents to stay throughout the day until he's comfortable with being here with the other kids." I listen to the woman knowing she doesn't know what she's talking about when it comes to Brice. He's not some human kid and he's not shy. He's being territorial. He has grown used to not having to share his space with other kids. 

"This will be good for Brice. I can stay here throughout the day for a while until we all grow comfortable with him being here." Misty says to me through the mind link.

I let out a sigh as I look around the room full of little children, not really liking the thought of Brice being here but I know Misty is right. This place will be good for Brice. Being around these kids will help get rid of the territorial behavior he's starting to display. He'll be able to learn how to socialize with other kids with being here. And Misty being able to stay here for a while put my wolf and me at ease with knowing she'll be able to watch over him until I feel as if I can trust this place and these people.

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