
Haunting for her


It was a long night for me. I could feel a crippling tiredness on every part of my body. Well, what was I expecting? Prior to my time as alpha of the darkest moon pack, I had always envisioned what it would be like. Though, I was never for a time in my life the type to be obsessed with power. I was born powerful. And the things I have been through made me mean . Of all alpha kings, my name has always been revered , not just by any average wolf, but by many alpha kings too. The darkest moon pack was known for its ruthless nature. And being an alpha of such a pack was like pouring coals of fire on me.

" Hmm!" I let out a tired breath out of my lungs.

When I looked around, there was no trace of a lady by my side. Perhaps, she went to wash up . Or was she throwing up? That was one hell of a weird looking girl. I wondered why she had so much to drink.

After a few minutes, no sound came from the bathroom. She was definitely gone. I slid off the bed and grabbed my boxers. The night was a pleasurable one. I scanned the room for my phone as I dragged the boxers all the way through my muscular thighs. The moment I moved the spread, my eyes caught the sight of blood.

" Wow," I muttered.

Not even in my wildest imaginations could I have imagined that stripper could be a virgin. The night ran through my thoughts. That kiss she landed on my neck was luring. But then, I had other thoughts.

Who was she exactly? I took gallant steps to the body-sized mirror in the hotel room. My abs were built in a way that they accentuated the firmness of my chests. Every woman who came across my physique always found herself biting her lips — a silent way of screaming sex. I turned a bit to reveal the scar to the mirror. I could see it.

Could she have left anything behind? I decided to look around. Her ripped undies stared at me from the floor. It was red, the color of blood. My claws wasted no time to rip them apart. While I looked around, a change caught my attention. Something had been moved from the room.

"My bracelet, where is it?" I muttered.

I was sure I dropped it on the table. But for a reason I could not place my hands on , it was nowhere to be found. That bracelet is worth a lot to me. Not made of silver or diamond, not even gold. But then, it had the most value of all things I held dear . Losing it would drive me nuts.

I stood in the room for a couple of minutes trying to narrow all the events that already transpired down to this moment. I was with them all along . The only time I dropped it was after sex. And I could beat my chest and swear I kept it right on the table. There had to be only one explanation to be considered reasonable…the stripper took it!

"My goodness! Daughter of bitch! How dare she?"

On second thought, could it really have been her? The lady I was with last night was a virgin until I broke it. Damn it! Who was she, really? A spy? Could she know the story behind the bracelet? Whatever the case was, there was a need for me to find out.

"My phone, where the hell is it?"

I walked over the bed and grabbed my phone. I was about to place a call when I saw a notification. It was a trending video of a stripper who melted hearts with her dance.

"Definitely can't be ," I muttered as I clicked on it.

Right on my screen was the weird girl from the bar. Could she really be a stripper? How the hell did this even get online to be trending at this time of the day? I scrolled through my contacts and placed a call.

One ring…. Two rings…. Three rings..

"Hello. Good morning, Alpha Zeus."

There was no need for pleasantries. When I needed something, I went for it.

"I need the stripper from last night," I said in a bossy tone.

"The stripper? Is everything okay, alpha?"

"No questions. Just do as I say. I need every information, I mean every damn detail you can get your hands on about that wench. She had the temerity to steal from me. I need the information right now."

"Alright. Just give me a few minutes. I will get my hands on something."

With that, I pushed the red icon to end the call. That was Maxwell, a loyal subject of mine. Right now, all I have to do is wait for the information before making a move.

It took five minutes before my phone rang again. Maxwell was calling. He probably had something on her already. Yeah, that's how influential I can be.

"Hello, what have you got, Maxwell?"

"I just confirmed her identity. She is not a stripper. "

"I knew as much . Give me a tangible piece of information."

"She is an alpha princess. And her pack is wonder power pack. That's all I have at the moment. "

An Alpha princess.. What was her pack plotting?

" Hmm," I exhaled heavily. " That's good enough. Right now, assemble my boys. "

"What do you intend to do?" He asked me. " What number are we looking at here?"

I chuckled slightly and gnashed my teeth. " What do I intend to do?" I smiled. " I am going to pass the punishment! And as for the number, not much. My presence alone is enough to keep any pack on their toes."

In the next couple of moments, my entourage arrived at the pack house of the stripper. My men mounted and secured the area. Maxwell stepped out and opened the door for me. When I came out, I could see two ladies, definitely mother and daughter, standing before their entrance. I glared at them through dark glasses before approaching them. I could see the fear in the eyes. They didn't even know who I was ,yet , they were this scared.

" Uhm.. who might you be, please?" The older lady asked me.

I took my glasses off. For a brief moment, I could sense the daughter was turned on. Well, it was the same for most ladies.

"I will go straight to the point," I said firmly. "I am Alpha Zeus Ludendorff of the darkest moon pack. I flew in from the United States yesterday for throne matters."

At the point I mentioned my name, a wave of fear swept through their feet. My name was widely known. But few have met me.

"Uhm.. my name is Kate. And this is my daughter, Adire. How…may we be of help to you? Is there— " I cut her off.

"Kayla," I said. "I want Kayla. Bring her to me."

A grimace crossed their faces. No one said a word. If they were trying to hide her, then, I would burn the entire pack down to get to her.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked in a demanding tone. "Bring Kayla now."

"Kayla is nowhere to be found. She suddenly disappeared. That's how she lives. I'm her stepmom , so I can tell you. Are you looking for a wife? " She smiled sheepishly. " Adire is a good girl."

While the lady ranted, her daughter grinned from ear to ear. I somehow found them disgusting. Was she too dumb to realize that it's not a moment to grin?

" If you will be—" I cut her off again.

" Forty-eight hours," I said sternly.

They eyed themselves in confusion.

"You have just forty-eight hours to provide kayla," I paused and smiled wryly. " If you don't, I'll come for blood. And believe me, there will be no offspring left of the wonder power pack to tell this tale!"

I put my glasses back on and headed back to the entourage. That wench dared to steal from me. She'll understand why I am the alpha of the most dreaded pack!

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