
Chapter 2

Avery's POV

My eyes swung open and the unfamiliar environment I was in became apparent and a sinking feeling settled in my stomach. 

Panic surged through my body as I realized I was in Lucien's bed. Thoughts of the previous night flooded my head and I couldn't believe he took advantage of me. 

I felt sore all over my body as I forced myself to sit up and I realized I was fully dressed again. I made attempt to get out of bed and just then, Lucien emerged from his dressing room, fully dressed. 

He was adjusting the sleeves of his white shirt when his gaze met mine and his expression was a mix of disgust and annoyance.

"What are you still doing here?" His voice zipped through the air, stern and unwelcoming. I could tell I had to leave immediately since he was already chasing me out of the room, not talking about the fact that he just defiled me. 

As I pushed myself out of bed, I looked up at him. "Lord Lucien…. "

"I said get out Avery." He scowled and I felt a wave of humiliation wash over me as I scurried out, my heart pounding in my chest, and tears welled up in my eyes as I walked towards my room. 

The echoes of my footsteps reverberated through the corridor, each step a reminder I was different now and everything about me became even more worse after I got my wolf and found out about my mate.

I fell to my bed and crawled up to the corner, I couldn't help but cry as I hugged my knees tightly. I felt a mixture of shame, sadness and fear. From what I could remember, it would most definitely not be his last time. 

"Get out of that room right now and come help us prepare for the guest, Avery." I heard a shout from the door and I hurried to my feet, not bothering to take my bath. I just changed my clothes as I rushed out of the room. 

By the time I got out, everyone was preparing for what I don't know about. "The new Alpha Devon will be arriving to see the alpha today so everything must be perfectly in order. Do not ruin anything for us this time, rogue so just go attend to Lady Stella." The head maid yelled at me and I rushed up to Stella's room. 

She was the last person I wanted to serve. She was the spoiled brat of Beta Donovan and I couldn't tell if he truly raised her. 

She was the reason Lucien didn't think twice after rejecting me, he had her. I walked up to her room and immediately I stepped into her drawing room, a vase came flying at me, which missed me just by an inch.

"Ohh my goodness you filthy rogue. Would you walk like you have life and not like you're here to kill me." She barked at me and what she said didn't even make any sense but I bowed gently and apologetically. "Get me my morning coffee and I must not desire it again before I get it."

"Yes my lady." I bowed and rushed downstairs to get her coffee as she demanded. She would make life hell for me if I was even a minute late. 

I hurried down to the kitchen, determined to make Stella's coffee the way she liked it, to avoid trouble and torture early in the morning. 

The aroma of the coffee filled the air as I carefully carried the steaming cup towards Stella's room. Eager to get this over and done with, I rounded the corner to her room and collided with Lucien, the coffee splashing onto him as the cup fell along with the tray, shattering on the floor.

I just stood there with my mouth agape knowing it was the end of me. Lucien didn't say anything and just stared at his shirt and just then, Stella emerged from behind him. When she saw the broken pieces of the cup, she exploded. 

"Are you crazy? That cup is worth more than you would ever be, you good for nothing rogue." Her cause thundered, as I fell on my knees, pleading with tears forming in my eyes. 

"Oohh my goodness. You even spilled it all over Lucien. Do you have a death wish?" She screamed as her palm connected with my face and tears streamed down my cheeks. 

The slap echoed through the room, leaving a stinging mark on my cheek.

"I am so sorry…" I sniffed. "It was an honest mistake." I pleaded as Stella tended to Lucien, pulling off his shirt to check his skin. 

The silence that followed was suffocating, broken only by my ragged breath. I felt small and defeated like I usually felt whenever they were torturing me but now this was worse. 

Lucien hadn't said a word and just stood there, looking at himself along with Stella. "Will you just kneel there? Or do you want me to step on the piece of glass and wound myself again. You piece of…" 

"Let her be Stella." Lucien said quietly as he prevented her from slapping me again. "Don't waste your energy on her, I'll make sure she regrets this."

His words sent chills down my spine and I grabbed his legs pleadingly. "Please have mercy on me my lord. It was a mistake, it was very stupid of me." I pleaded with tears rolling down my eyes. I knew his punishment better than anyone in this pack and they were the worst.

"Get off me." He kicked me and my hand landed on the broken glass and it pierced into my soft skin. "You can order her around as much as you want to Stella. She'll do all the laundry in this building by hands and clean the guest room during Alpha Devon's stay. I'll deal with her more later.

Lucien walked off and Stella huffed as she walked after him and I just sat there, crying. It was over for me.

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