
The Injured Werewolf


My mother’s presence emerged beside me while I was busy washing the dishes. In front of me was the small basin where the dirty plates were placed, waiting for me to soap and wash them. I looked at my mother before I would have to get water from the jar.

“Mother?” I called her.

Her soft expression was evident while smiling. She coughed before she answered me.

“I just thought you would be going to the prince a while ago,” she said.

“Oh,” I mumbled and continued washing the dishes.

I was sitting on a small chair. We are currently at the back of the house where I can see the wide pasture and the road not afar. It was a starless night prevailing in the sky, so it would be entertaining for me to wash the dishes while appreciating nature.

“Why didn’t you go?” she asked me.

I didn’t look at her, but I answered, “Because I didn’t want to.”


“I am not interested in him,” I truthfully said and sighed.

“Every woman loves to have a prince.”

“Not me.”

I rolled my eyes. I hate it when I hear someone say that women are very lucky to marry a prince, a dure, or blabla. I am so sick of it because it is often a stereotype.

My mother stood straight and looked up to the sky when I gazed at her.

“What are you thinking?” I asked her.

“I can’t wait for you to settle down and be with a man who you are destined to be with,” she said.

“Mother,” I called, “I have dreams for myself. Marrying a man is not of them. I want to give you a better life by working hard and having a job myself.”

She looked down at me and smiled. Her other hand lifted and caressed my cheek.

“I hope you achieve your dreams, then,” she said. “Tell me, dear. What is your dream?”

“Will you be angry if I told you that I want to be a chemist?"

"A chemist?"

I nodded. “It is my ambition. Chemicals are, you know, my thing,” I said. “And I would want to study in another kingdom where I can meet a master of chemical magic, mother.”

Her facial expression was baffled by the things that I was saying. I would not expect her to understand me, either.

“Go inside when you are finished washing the dishes,” she said to me lastly before she went inside the house.

I nodded. “Go on, mother,” I said.

I turned to my dishes while looking at the moon above. Even if it is without stars, I am glad the moonlight was illuminating tonight. Suddenly, in the middle of my thoughts, I heard a deep growl from the bushes. I palpitated because of the goosebumps I felt hearing it.

“Argh!” I heard the groan again.

“W-Who’s there?!” I exclaimed and stood up, starting to get a sharp knife that is one of the dishes from the basin. “Reveal yourself.”


My eyes widened when I heard a clear word. I gasped in horror and turned my head around, trying to find the source of the voice.

“Where are you?!” I bravely exclaimed again.


Even though it was so stupid, I started to step forward with the knife in my hand. The pasture was so dark, so I had to find the person with the moonlight and my widening eyes of mine. The groans became more evident as I tiptoed further.

I turned around when the last groan prevailed in the surroundings. My eyes widened in shock and I gaped when I saw a naked man in the bushes. He was in sanguine blood from his face to his stomach.

“Bloody hell!” I cursed and immediately approached him.

“Argh,” he groaned again. “Please… help me…”

“What happened to you, mister?” I asked.

The man was lying on the grass sideways. His one thigh was closing his private part, so I could not see it.

Not that I want to see it, okay?!

“I was… hunting,” he said and groaned while closing his eyes. “Other wolves attacked me.”

“Wolves?” I gasped again and stood up. “You’re a werewolf!”

I was about to shriek, but his reflexes stopped me. He pulled the end of my dress aggressively, making me sit down again. His hand gripped my left hand as I tried to get away.

“Please, don’t be s-scared. Help me. I beg you,” he said and clenched his bleeding teeth. “I… I don’t want to die.”

I inhaled sharply, moved by his pain and raspy voice.

Okay, Elizabeth. He is also a being! And he can’t also hurt you because he is hurt, right? You have to be careful, though. This is for the sake of his life. No, you are the one who can save his life!

After my brief introspection, I lifted my fingers to trace his wounds. My eyes widened a bit when I realized that he has bruises and huge cuts on his face, chest, and most of all, stomach. He was bitten a lot!

But should I use it? He’s lost a lot of blood. It would be too late to tend him with bandages and ointment.

I looked around and there were no villagers, thank goodness. I cleared my throat and pressed my palm to his wound. Closing my eyes, I began to sing and heal him.

The wind whooshed as I felt energy-producing from my hand. When I opened my eyes, I saw a green light from my palms that was going inside his stomach while I sang the chant. He kept groaning as I did the incantation.

After a while, when I was ending the song and the green light from my palms vanished, nature also was silenced. The silence prevailed again, and his groans stopped. I leaned over to see his face now calming down.

He opened his eyes and I blinked when I realized that they were red. Suddenly, he pulled my nape to him. I thought he would kiss me, but I shrieked when he bit my neck.

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