
Chapter two

Emma's point of view


A small petite blonde girl stepped forward with the number five on her pink sports bra.She looked pretty not badass with average boobs,ass,small figure and pretty long legs.She definitely looked like someone who'd get down on both knees for a dick.

"What's your name babes."


"Thanks.You can start when your ready."

I sat there on the captains chair watching Brittany perform her little routine for us.Her breasts bounced as she jumped up and down,her lips crashed together as she sang and her legs split wide open when doing her splits in the air.Damn it.Wide enough for me to bury my ton...

"Hey Emma you okay."

"Y-yeah.Please tell me I wasn't..."

"Staring at her while she was performing and having sexual thoughts about her."


"Did anyone notice."

"No only me and don't worry I know you'll want to taste her in the future so I'll add her on the team."

"Damn it I need to get laid soon."

I buried my face onto the sheets of paper whilst the next wanna be cheerleader walked up.I growled lowly before grabbing my bag and stomping out of the gym hall towards the boy's locker room.

"So who's turn today dick or pussy."


I replied grumpily before pushing my way in towards Mike's locker.I pulled of my thong before opening up his locker and placing it inside.He'll know what to do when he finds it.I scrunched my nose as I made my way out of their locker room.Jeez it stinks.

As I closed the locker room door I saw some of my teachers sending weird glances my way.One would think that they would eventually stop staring at me like that but nope,they have actually been doing it since I started eighth grade here so I'm actually used to it by now.

I stomped out of school before happily hopping into my Mini Cooper and driving off.

"Cathy Mike's going to come over after practice and I need you here too."

"Got it I'll be there in ten.Can you believe it's been a whole fucking week since I've last been laid."

"No shit Sherlock just hurry up.I'm thirsty for something and I need it now."

I parked my car outside the garage and walked into the house only to find out that my parents are not home,no surprise there.I walked into my room dumping my bag behind the door before collapsing onto the bed.Wow what a week.I jogged all the way downstairs before grabbing an orange off the fruit basket.I'll need all the energy I can get.

"Emma trust me you do not want to do this,please just stop it before it's too late."

"Why the hell would I do that,I am horny and frustrated and need some sort of release."

"Then master bate you idiot."

"Where is the fun in that."

"Shut up Mara.This conversation was between Emma and I."

"Sorry little cutie,looks like it will have to wait since playtoy number one has already arrived."

I quickly washed my hands at the kitchen sink before dumping my orange peels into the dustbin.I hopped up and sat on the kitchen counter waiting for Cathy to enter.I continued dangling my legs from the counter table as Cathy entered dumping her bags onto the floor and walking up towards me very slowly.She settled herself in-between my legs spreading them wide open for her.

"Ready cousin."

"I was born ready."

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