
Chapter 5


Head maid Dini approached me earlier on to yell about the broken clay pot, I somehow managed to convince her that it was my first time drawing water from the well and because I was inexperienced, the pot fell from my hands and broke.

She believed my made up story but I know that I won't be so lucky another time, but that didn't stop her from keeping me busy since morning. I have not added any reasonable thing in my tummy since yesterday. I have been working up and down with an empty stomach, and if nothing is done, I might just collapse.

My energy is drained, I am just standing by a frail thread as I roll the dough on the counter. The kitchen is piled up with servants running helter-skelter to get breakfast ready. It's too busy for just breakfast and I wonder what it will look like when they are holding a ceremony.

“Hey! What have you been doing you weakling?” Dini appeared beside me with rage. She dropped her stick on the counter with a bang, my heart skipped.

I instantly applied more pressure on the roll, “Rolling the dough,” I said with a gentle smile.

Honestly, I am sick of her voice. She just raises her voice anytime and anywhere, and the thing is that I am not always prepared for her yelling, she just appears out of nowhere and holler right into my ear.

“You are lazy and weak! This does not take time to do, but look at the way you are not applying pressure,” she pointed out, “More pressure.”

I inwardly rolled my eyes at the old woman, and fake applied pressure.

She watched me for some second before picking her stick, and it seems she was about to leave, but added

“Also, you will serve the royal family breakfast, so hurry and get started with it, because any delay equals bigger punishment, hmph!” she scowled before leaving.

My heart stopped beating and I took a moment to process what she just said, ‘serve the royal family breakfast?’ The Alpha too?

This was the least thing I had expected to hear. I have been trying my best to avoid seeing the Alpha and his people since after the courtyard hassle and it seems the harder I try, the worse things happen.

I looked around the kitchen and found a blonde servant cutting vegetables at a quiet corner, all alone. I dropped the roller and wiped my hand on the hand towel before heading to her stand.

Bracing myself, I took a deep breath before tapping her shoulder.


She stilled and my heart stilled too, but she didn't turn towards me. I looked at the knife in her hand and the lack of movement, my lips went dry because I felt she might turn and stab me with it. I cut myself some slack and removed my hand from her shoulder, while drawing back to maintain a good distance from her.

“Uh-hello, I just want to ask for a favor.” she didn't talk but I went on

“Could you please take the breakfast to the Alpha's chamber, I will help with cutting the vegetables,” On a whim, I thought I heard her grunt a sound.

“Don't you know? She can't speak” someone beside me says and I turned to find a servant carrying a basket of fruits. Her eyes were heavily contoured with Kohl, her black hair was pulled up to a low tight bun and by her domineering energy and style, I could tell she was an important figure.

My breath hitched.

She walked close to me, “She has been like that since her first introduction,” she geeked at the blonde maid and then back at me, running her eyes from my top to toe, “Servants are not allowed to chitchat in the kitchen, anyone who goes against the rules is greatly punished.”

I bowed my head in apology, “I am not aware of that,” she extended the basket and shoved it into my arm.

Her glare made me immobile, “Title? Didn't they teach you to address your superiors with a title?”

She tilted her head with bulging eyes, honestly she looks like a witch, I gulped my saliva.

She opened her eyes wider, “They didn't?” she questioned again.

“Huh?” I risked a glance at her eyes, and it felt like I was trapped in there, but I know that I was not, it's just the energy oozing off of her, she has a very powerful aura.

Her smile turned sly before she raised her hand and whipped me hard across my cheek. My head sloped sideward, it stung like hell and by the pain I felt, it's obvious her fingers were heavily adorned with ornaments.

“Now go serve the Alpha,” she commanded.

I just nodded and clutched the basket in my hand, before leaving her presence.

Just when I thought that I would be dealing with Dini and her strict standards only, out of the blue, a mighty she-devil with a bitch attitude arose.

Coherently adding to my collection of lots of wings to cut.




Pushing the wheel with foods into the dining hall, I found the whole royal family sitting in the vintage style furniture while waiting for their food. I gulped back and immediately I entered, their eyes followed me around like a predator, and as I grabbed the food and placed them in the center.

My heart wasn't beating normally, knowing that I was minutes late. So, I was ready for the first roar to drop, but I tried to steady my hand so the food wouldn't spill.

“What took you so long?” The girl at the left side of the table, two seats away from the Alpha, questioned.

“I am sorry my lady, the food took longer to cook,” I gave a silly excuse.

She scoffed and placed her hand on the table.

“Zed, I think you need to teach these servants some lessons,” she rolled her eyes at me, “Especially the new ones. They are too daft and lazy, perhaps a little horsewhip will reset their brains.”

The ladies on the table snorted at what she said. And did she just call the alpha by his name? There are lots of People to know here and plan my avoiding mechanism when I see them.

“Yes, I think Mercy is right, brother.” the lady who sat beside Alpha Zeddicus yesterday at the courtyard added.

Alpha Zeddicus picked a plate and started to serve himself. He has not acknowledged me since I entered the dining room, not like I was expecting for one.

“Beside Mercy is your fiancée and you should grant her wishes, right best friend?” She turned towards Mercy.

Okay, there is so much information to take in at once. So, apparently, the lady who spoke first is the Alpha's fiancée, and she will be married to him soon, and Mercy is the best friend of Alpha Zeddicus' sister, nice.

So nice to hear that the Alpha has someone in his life, at least soon he will be in the marriage duties, have children and perform the fathers roles, then I will have more loads out of my back and focus on achieving my goals here.

Mercy pouted and nodded at Zeddicus. He wasn't looking at any of them, his eyes were lowered to his meal, but I know he is hearing and perhaps knows what their expression would be.

I arranged the food properly, and made sure that it's at their reach. But as I was arranging, I could feel a hot glare on my shoulder and using my side eye to look, I caught sight of an elderly woman sitting at the other end of the table, cutting steaks with her knife but having her eyes pinned on me. She applied a greater force on the knife, that everyone could hear the disturbing screech sound it made.

What again? Who is this one and what crime have I committed again?

“Mother!” Zeddicus roared.

The hell, mother?

Everyone turned towards her with the same curiosity, however Alpha's mother wouldn't stop glaring at me. I bit my lip in nervousness.

She opened up, “Get this witch out of my sight now,” she commanded her son.

Oh, thank her so much for the wonderful favor, leaving their presence has to be the best blessing so far.

Alpha Zeddicus spared me a glance and waved his hand towards the door, indicating I should leave.

“You can go,” he said.

I bowed at no one in particular, and turned the wheels of the cart, heading straight for the door but Alpha Zeddicus's voice rang out.

“Ask the head maid to hand you your duties. Your night shift with me begins tonight, a minute late attracts a finger chopped off.” he exclaimed in a serious tone.

My heart stopped beating and I fought the urge to turn back and question the meaning of what he said.

My night shift with him?

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