

Letitia's knight moves quickly towards them. He now stands in front of Letitia and Casper. Beta Arson simply stared at him and smirked. "I'll leave now; tell your Alpha I've paid a visit to his mansion," he said before disappearing completely. 

The knight turns around and looks at Letitia, then at Casper. Casper moves slightly away from Letitia now that his knight is in front of her. He bent his knees, surprising Letitia. "I am sorry for not staying with you, My Lady. My excuse is not a valid reason to leave you, I hope you accept my apology," he said with a smirk on his face.

"N-no, you don't have to do that," Letitia said, attempting to help her knight stand. "Thanks for showing up and trying to protect us from him. I appreciate it a lot," she went on to say.

Her knight stood up and bowed his head. "Thank you, My Lady. Don't worry, I won't leave beside you so what happened earlier won't happen again until Alpha Arther's return," he replied. Letitia just smiled at him and then looked at Casper who was still standing beside her. 

"I will now continue what I am doing, I excuse myself, My Lady," Casper said and bowed his head to both of them. Letitia looked at Casper now on his way to continue his work. 

"Hey, Mr. Knight," Letitia called him. 

"My name is Serion, My Lady," he replied, which made her embarrassed. "And you don't have to call me formally," he went on to say. 

"Okay," she pauses for a moment as she is a bit hesitant to ask. "Can you take me to the training ground?" she added, which made Serion confusedly look at her. 


Alpha Arther has arrived at the Royal Palace and is walking towards the meeting room with their King Alpha. He was walking with Beta Scott behind him, and when he finally arrived at the room, he opened it and saw the three Alphas. 

The one dressed in a black button-down polo and black slacks, with messy hair. He had ferocious black eyes that everyone was terrified of. He was leaning against the wall, holding a glass of water, and looking at Arther. He smirks before speaking. "It's been a long time, huh?"

He is Alpha Matrix, Alpha Arther's enemy since then. They are both competitive with each other however, Alpha Matrix can't compete with how powerful Alpha Arther is. 

"Step a foot on my territory again, and I won't let your subordinates live," he threatened, which made Alpha Matrix take him seriously.

"Now, Now, why don't we ease our tension here? The King gathered us here for a meeting, so there might be some foolish wolf lurking around," Beta Venice, Alpha Matrix assistant, stopped the two and looked at Beta Scott with admiration in her eyes. 

Beta Venice has had a huge crush on Beta Scott since she was a child, but now that she is an adult, Beta Scott still ignores her, which makes her heartbreaking. She just looked down and told Alpha Matrix to sit on the couch. 

"Eh? You are here too! I thought King Alpha Daelous wanted to play with me. I am so disappointed!" a kid abruptly yelled and pouted. Alpha Arther turned to look at him and smiled. 

Even though he is only a child, people like him should not be looked down upon. He is a child, but his intelligence and strength are so great that he may be able to compete with Alpha Arther. However, the two of them are close, and the child regards Alpha Arther as a brother. 

Alpha Arther moved closer and patted his head. "It's been a month since we met; how are you doing, Zen?" Alpha Arther asks, sitting beside him.

"I am fine, brother! It is all thanks to Mr. Bayne for taking care of me," Zen smiled happily, and the man in his 30s wearing an eyeglass let out a heavy sigh, which made Alpha Arther chuckle because he already knew why the man was sighing.

"How about you? I heard you already had a mate and it is human. Is she beautiful?" Zen excitedly asks him which makes Alpha Arther smile. 

"Yes, of course. She is breathtaking, Zen," he replied, making Zen's mouth form an O shape.

"I would love to meet her! If I have a chance, can you let me? I wanna play with her!" Zen exclaimed which made Alpha Arther chuckle. 

"A human mate, huh? I wonder what the Goddess has been up to. Giving a ferocious beast a human mate? How absurd. I think the prophecy from a few years ago will come to reality now that there is a human living in the wolf territory, what do you think?" Alpha Matrix asks, smirking, attempting to enrage Alpha Arther. He remained calm, though, and only looked at him intently. 

"The one who will ruin the wolf's territory's peace is not a human; the prophecy said it might be one of us, but looking at you, you're already giving us a hint," Alpha Arther replied, causing Alpha Matrix to stand up and point his index finger at him.

"Don't accuse me like that, Arther!" Alpha Matrix yelled, rekindling tension between the two Alphas and causing Beta Venice to become concerned that this could lead to another fight between the Alphas. Zen, on the other hand, simply smiled at them, confident that his brother would win the battle.

They all turned to look at the door when a man opened it, revealing King Alpha Daelous in his royal attire, indicating his high status. He had kill-intent gray eyes and golden hair, indicating his royal blood. It's not surprising that they didn't sense him approaching, given how powerful he is. Everyone stood up and bowed their heads. 

"The King has arrived," the man who opened the door said. Beta Gavin is the King's assistant. He had brown eyes and white hair. Gavin's race has been serving the royalties for several decades.

"What is going on here?" he asks, examining each one individually.

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