
Chapter-2 Abigail

I strolled into the bedroom, already over whatever hot mess was waiting for me this time. And get this - little Miss Cassie's scrawny butt was parked right there on my marital bed, scrolling through her phone like she owned the place.

Seriously, this girl had some nerve shacking up in my private space. For a second, I wanted to rip into her trifling behind. But getting all emotional was exactly what she wanted. So I played it ice cold instead.

I sashayed over, real nonchalant, and said "You're in the wrong room."

Cassie glanced up with that sly grin of hers. "Roy told me to wait up in here 'til he got back. Had some pack biz to handle."

I stopped myself from snapping at her skanky tail. Roy's played-out games were so tired by now. I just kept it breezy: "Yeah well I'm tidying up in here, so maybe continue your wait elsewhere, 'kay?"

Girl took her sweet time getting off my bed, smirking the whole way like this was her territory now. As she slinked past, she whispered all taunting: "Don't stress, I'll keep your man's bed warm for you tonight."

I flashed Cassie a cool smile, masking any irritation I felt. This pup thought she could waltz into my den and take what was mine? She had another thing coming.

"Oh, Cassie dear," I began, my voice dripping with faux sweetness. "You seem to have misunderstood the hierarchy here. You see, I'm still the Luna of this pack, not you."

Her eyes narrowed slightly, but she tried to play it off with a sneer. "Like I care. Roy hates you anyway."

With a flick of my wrist, I gestured towards the door, never breaking eye contact. "Listen here, darling. If you wanna waste your energy on someone who doesn't give two craps about you or anyone else, then go ahead. Knock yourself out."

She opened her mouth to protest, but I cut her off before she even started. "No, really. Do us both a favor and take that cheater with you. He means nothing to me anymore."

A look of disbelief washed over Cassie's face, quickly replaced by anger. Good. At least now we understood each other.

In a low growl, I continued, "But let me make one thing clear – Roy may be yours, but this pack will always belong to me. Don't forget that."

Cassie's face contorted in anger, my words clearly hitting a nerve. "How dare you threaten me?" she spat. "Roy chose me! you worthless bitch!"

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Her delusions of power were almost pathetic. Before I could respond, Cassie lunged at me, claws extending from her fingers.

Suddenly the bedroom door burst open. Roy stormed in, face twisting when he saw Cassie mid-swipe.

"What the hell!" He bellowed.

I froze, wondering if his anger was aimed at me. But then he grabbed Cassie's arm, wrenching her away.

"Get out!"

Cassie shrank under his thunderous glare. I edged towards the door, assuming Roy wanted me gone. But then I felt his firm grip on my wrist, stopping my exit.

"Not you," he said gruffly. His furious gaze returned to Cassie. "I want her out, now!"

He pulled me closer to him, further from Cassie's claws. She looked bewildered, as if this turn of events was impossible.

Roy pointed his finger sharply at the door. "We need to talk. Leave, now!"

Cassie scowled but didn't dare disobey a direct command from the Alpha. She turned and stormed out without another word, though I could almost see the smoke pouring from her ears.

The door slammed forcefully behind her. I was left alone with Roy, his hand still encircling my wrist.

Roy turned his blazing gaze on me and I braced for impact, certain he was about to take out his temper on my hide. But instead of yelling, he grabbed me roughly and crushed his mouth against mine in a bruising kiss.

I squeaked in surprise, trying half-heartedly to twist away. He wasn't having it though, fisting his hand in my hair to hold me still. I felt his anger and frustration pouring out as his lips slanted over mine, all possessive and demanding. Like he was trying to stake his claim or punish me or who even knows what.

When he finally let me up for air, I managed to gasp out

"Roy, stop..." but he cut me off quick.

"Can it," he growled. "We need to talk and you're gonna listen."

He towed me over to the bed, shoving me to sit as he paced like a caged animal. I watched warily, still tasting him on my tingling lips. Where was he going with this?

"I need an heir," Roy bit out, pinning me with his warning gaze. "It's my right as Alpha. You're still my mate, Abbie, so you will give me a son."

You can't be serious," I began, but he cut off my protest.

Gripping my chin firmly, he tilted my face up to look directly into his burning gaze. "I'm dead serious, Abbie. As the Alpha, having an heir is my right. And like it or not, you're still my mate."

I parted my mouth to object, but his stare was intense and unrelenting.

"Don't fight me on this," he growled, leaving no room for argument. "You are my Luna, bound to me. And it's past time you fulfilled your duties and gave me a son."

Roy took my silence as consent, grabbing my shoulders in his strong grip.

"I'm glad we understand each other," he rasped, his mouth finding mine again, more gently this time. I didn't have the will to resist him anymore. At least not right now, with his commanding presence enveloping me.

Despite my better judgment, my body reacted to his touch, craving the intimate connection that only a mate bond could provide. It was infuriating. How could I still want him after everything he'd put me through?

On one hand, I was still pissed off at his nerve, his cocky assumption that he could order me around like I was some kind of broodmare. However, another part of me was unable to suppress the yearning that started to build up inside me due to his caresses.

I loathed having these conflicting feelings towards him while being a redhead who couldn't help but flush bright red at the slightest provocation.

It was then that I sensed the mating bond pulsing softly between us, serving as a grim reminder of our intertwined destinities, our common background. It was a bond that I struggled relentlessly to escape, yet somehow it persisted, lingering stubbornly in the shadows of my consciousness. As much as I wished otherwise, I couldn't turn my back on it entirely.

Roy intensified our kiss and started to explore my body with his skilled hands. I realized that maintaining my self-control was becoming more and more difficult. Even though I was still angry with him, it seemed like my treacherous body yearned for his touch. Our emotions collided violently, creating a whirlpool of confusion inside me.

Roy stripped down, showcasing his muscular build that left all the female wolves weak at the knees. There was no denying his attractiveness, with his defined abs and strong biceps. Many she-wolves were envious of me for being his selected mate. At times, I hated having to face my reflection, serving as a persistent reminder of my own self-perceived shortcomings and fueling my need for external validation within our relationship.

When he came closer to me, I longed to run my fingers along the contours of his muscular form. However, I hesitated, recalling the lingering resentment I held against him. Although I craved physical connection, my feelings toward him remained hostile.

Roy seemed to pick up on my reluctance because he stopped and studied my face, trying to decipher the answer. Softly, he moved a lock of hair off my forehead, and this simple gesture sent an electric current running through my veins.

It was these tender moments that hurt me more than the slaps or taunts.

My mind raced, trying to process the sudden shift in dynamics between us. Just a moment ago, I was ready to tear into Cassie for daring to invade my personal space. Now, I found myself on the receiving end of Roy's demands.

"Calm down, Abbie," he murmured, his tone softening somewhat. "Let yourself relax."

His words caught me off guard. Did he seriously think I could simply switch off my emotions like a light switch?

Yet, despite himself, he added, "I might hate you, but I can't deny the mate bond either."

His words hit hard. Disappointment weighed heavy, yet I shook it off, knowing I deserved better than repeating toxic patterns.

Roy bridged the gap between us, pinning our bare bodies together. His hands explored every inch, inciting unexpected reactions from my uncooperative body. In a low voice, barely above a whisper, he confessed, "Nothing gets me going quite like nailing you does, but hell, it drives me crazy when you deny me."

I pressed my lips firmly shut, resolute in avoiding any additional confrontation. Consequently, Roy clenched onto my arms harshly, tugging me nearer.

"Quit acting like a doll and say something, Abigail!" he growled.

Taking a brief moment to collect myself, I responded calmly, "I never said I'd enjoy this."

Upon hearing my reply, fury sparked in Roy's gaze, causing flames to flicker brightly.

"Get out," He demanded.

Without saying a single word, I followed orders, pivoting quickly and marching intentionally toward the door. Once I was out, the solid wood door slammed behind, reverberating down the corridor. An overwhelming sense of relief flooded me as I gratefully gulped in air.

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