

Logan carried Hera into the pond and stopped when the water reached his waist level. Slowly he lowered her into the water, careful not to hurt her injured leg.

"Hold on to me and don't put weight on your right leg" he instructed her.

Hera is so scared, that she did as she was instructed without protest. 

When he raised his hands to wash the dirt off her face, she tightly closed her eyes out of fear. She heard that Lycans are territorial and they don't like werewolves or humans if they trespass into their lands. So Hera is worried that he might kill her. She is so weak with out her ability to shift into her wolf form yet, she is not his match in any way.

"Please don't kill me" she begged with her eyes still closed shut.

Logan's lips twitched lightly, which confused him. He is a cold asshole. Nothing amuses him. He is not emotional like his twin Leo. He is calculative and practical. His mind is telling him to send this girl away, but for the first time, his heart is at a war with his mind. He cannot decide if he should kill this girl for trespassing like he usually does or protect her like his heart wants him to. 

Slowly he began to wash the mud off her face. Although the water is waist level to him she is struggling to stand still, as the water is almost touching her neck. As soon as his palm touched the softness of her skin, he is mesmerized. It feels as soft as a rose petal. As the mud and dirt is washed away from her face, the beauty of her face is revealed. 

He began to stroke her cheeks and then her rosy pink lips in a daze. Her eyes are still closed and he is glad that she is scared of him. If she saw how dark his eyes turned with lust, she would be terrified now. He discretely adjusted the bulge in his pants. 

She looks young, much younger to roam in the forest alone. He cursed himself for lusting over a little girl.

"How old are you?" he asked softly, trying to mask his need from his voice. 

Hera frowned. 

'Will he kill me after I tell him my age?' She wondered. But his gentle touch made her believe that he won't.

"18" she whispered.

Logan sighed with relief.

She is not a kid, but still much younger than him. He is 25 and he should not be lusting over a teenager. Despite his good intentions, he couldn't move away from her. Slowly he began to wash her hair. Her closed forest green eyes and her smooth blemish-free skin, her unique scent. Everything made him lose himself for a second. He moved closer to her lips, with every intention to taste those delectable plump lips. A bird chirped from a nearby branch, breaking him from his trance.

The moment he realised what he is doing, he immediately moved away. That made her lose her balance and fall. She gasped with shock just before her head immersed itself underwater.

"Damn it" he cursed and pulled her out. 

She coughed the water she drank and haphazardly move her hair off her face. 

"You tried to kill me?" She accused him, her forest green eyes full of fear.

Logan closed his eyes tightly and prayed for patience.

"That was not intentional" he replied honestly.

But Hera gave him her best glare. He found her glare as cute as the glare of an angry rabbit.

"See mister, I know you are a Lycan. I know you are more powerful than me. I know I accidentally trespassed into your territory. But that doesn't mean you should kill me. I was passing by" she tried to argue her case, which he found funny.

He smiled despite himself.

"Listen, kid, it's good that you realise that I am a Lycan and more powerful than you. We Lycan's like our lands. We are possessive beings when it comes to things that belong to us. Trespassing is a very serious crime. We usually kill whoever commits that crime. And you didn't even curtsied when you saw me first. It is also a serious crime, to disrespect a Lycan. Now don't test your luck when I am being generous." he said truthfully.

His 'kid ' comment made her angry. But his words made her scared out of her mind. He turned to leave, but her comment made him stop.

"I didn't know one should courtesy if they see a Lycan" she muttered to herself.

Even though it was not meant to be heard, he heard it with his advanced hearing abilities. 

"You don't know that you should show respect to us when you see us?" he asked drily.

Her eyes widened that he heard her at all. But she became sad when she heard his comment.

"No one taught me all of that" she replied sadly.

She lost her mother when she was young and her father loved his stepdaughter more than his own. There are no parental figures to guide her when she was growing up.

Her comment made him frown.

"What do you mean?" he asked without turning to face her.

Hera looked at the forest floor, as tears began to gather near the corner of her eyes. 

"My mother left us when I was five years old. My dad married another woman. For some reason, he began to dislike me after my mother left. He barely talks to me, forget about teaching me etiquette" she replied softly. 

Her confession made his heartache with pain. For some reason, he is feeling angry on her behalf. He wanted to ask her why her mother left and where. But refrained himself from doing so. It's a sensitive subject and he doesn't want her to become even sadder.

He resumed walking and she followed behind him slowly. When they are halfway out of the water, he remembered that she sprained her ankle. So he turned to help her.

But the moment his eyes landed on her wet body, his eyes became dark. Immediately he averted his eyes away from her.

Now that she is clean, he can clearly see her slender figure and she is half-naked. Her now transparent t-shirt is hanging from only one shoulder and it's torn near her abdomen. The bra she is wearing is thin as well and he can see her rosy pink nipples. Her jeans is torn in places, giving him glimpses of her slender, smooth legs. As she is a werewolf, all her injuries and scratches are now healed. 

She is thin but have curves in the right places. She is every man's wet dream. Promptly he turned away from the temptation that is testing his willpower to the point of breaking. 

"Come" his voice came out husky with arousal. 

'Damn it, I have seen so many women in my life, but never encountered anyone as tempting as this one 'he thought with irritation. 

His Lycan 'Ray ' chuckled looking at his misery.

'Just claim her as our own. That's what you wanted to do as well' Ray chimed in. 

'Shut up Ray. She is barely legal and we don't know exactly who she is. And most importantly, she looks pure and innocent. She already has problems of her own. You know I don't do relationships. And I don't think she would agree to be my one night stand.She is barely legal and We need to make sure that she reaches her destination safely ' he silenced his lycan.

He lead her towards his cabin which he uses when he wants to be alone. This is as close as he could get to his former pack and people with out getting the feeling of being suffocated. He made it a point not to look at her. Not even once. The soft footfalls behind is telling him that she is following him.

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