
Chapter 2. The Raven Queen

Chapter 2. The Raven Queen

   Carrying an instantly recognizable sense of confidence and purpose which blended; that unmistakable click, click, click of heels hitting the gray marble floor rang out loud echoes from the caverns hallway.

   They came from one prominent figure; a gorgeous lady who radiated an aura both immensely regal and all the while, unsettling to bone-chilling degrees.

   Her hair, the shade of shadow, was worn in an exquisitely crafted spiraling braid, ending at the back of her head. At the front was a petite black woman's hat, barely distinguishable from her hair as dark as the night itself. The front of the little hat rolled with a black beaded, mesh veil with only just covered the bottom of her cold, black and calculating eyes.

   Such dark hair, eyes, and clothes; such dark and distinguished features contrasted so distinctly against her skin, - as white as bone.  Even as a royal… and among nobles of Raven Harpy, she was an incomparable dark beauty of the Raven Clan.

   From the other side of the hallway, where the echoing smacks against the gray marble floor, marched promptly away from, lay a crumpled servant girl on the floor. A large and prominent red mark, her own hands attempted to cradle her face but the edges of this mark could still be seen. That mark was perfectly fitting the size of Queen Nox’s palm. This was one that would likely bruise. She had gotten in the way of the Raven Queen solely to ask if she wanted her en-suit cleaned and bedding made today.

   All of the servants of this manor would know that this girl, particularly displeased the Lady of the Manor... the Queen of their Kingdom. This lady was none other than the Raven Queen herself.  They would all say the same thing, that this girl should have just done her job without having to ask. No one would take her side and not in their life, would anyone attempt to stand up for this servant. Perhaps the daughters, if they caught the action happening. Yet, even they were hesitant at the best of times.  Who better than her daughters to know the truth of their mother's character?

    This was Queen Nox... also known as The Iron Rose

    She spared not a second thought, nor a glance in this pitiful servant girl's direction. More important matters were at hand for her attention.  

    Long ago, going back many seasonal changes, she had also made a point to never get to know the names of any servants. Many, if not most over the years, had displeased her. This resulted in only a few ways: many had left the manor altogether and quit working for her, no matter how prestigious it may be to work for the Raven Queen, many considered that it wasn’t worth the wages. Others would go missing or worse, end up being found dead. The latter was always in blatantly clear circumstances.  Queen Nox wasn’t known for her subtlety.

    The Raven Queen was absolutely infamous for her cold, cruel, and calculating demeanor.

   Briskly she made her way up the long hallway toward the drawing room.  This was at the other end of the house entirely and that servant girl had taken up too much time, with her incompetence already.

   They were to receive their first visiting guests any moment. The hall she was just walking now, held windows on one side, but several guest bedrooms that were, if not already, should be freshly prepared before her guests left the drawing room after her welcoming them.  

   Her dress swayed with her pace, and that aggressive heel-clicking continued. Queen Nox’s very presence, and mood, should be sensed, if not already heard by the sobbing servant, by all of those workers around...for their own wellbeing. They had indeed, gathered pace on their chores at a quicker speed.

   Another servant girl left one of the bedrooms, a few paces after Queen Nox had walked by. Glancing to her colleague at the far end of the hallway, eyes filled with initial concern; then turned fearfully towards the back of Queen Nox’s head.  Her hand’s filled with old towels, she quickly realised that there was no one else in the hallway to open the drawing-room door. To ensure Queen Nox’s wrath wasn’t turned onto her next, the girl sat the dirty towels down on a nearby narrow sideboard. Some of them dropped onto the floor with loud “plops.” 

   The eye’s still on the Raven Queen, her head never turned to peruse the noise. Thankfully, the Madam never looked to see what fell. Sighing quietly with relief, she ran towards the door at the end of the hallway. Overtaking the Raven Queen, panting and out of breath, she made it to the doorway in time. Sweat from fear and adrenaline rushed through her veins.

   A crowd could be heard merrily chatting in the drawing room. It was an odd sound, as there wasn’t ever much to be cheerful about in this mannor. It caught the young servant girl off guard somewhat, her eyes widened for a moment, especially when a loud and booming voice rang out above the others from the drawing room before the door had even been opened. That same person’s laugh was even louder, this brought her back to her place and she recovered her reaction considering Queen Nox was only paces away now.

   Still, the Queen of the Manor never spared her so much as a glance. If she could see through the door with her gaze, she would have. This servant girl may as well have been invisible right now.  This both terrified her and gave her relief at the moment – her improper reaction to laughter might have caused a grievance.

    The servant girl twisted the brass door knob with her petite and pale left hand, her almond-shaped raven-nails were a gorgeous and deep blue-black. Imperfect for a royal, but perfect for an upper-class member of the Clan; that’s why she had taken the job. With a squeak, the latches opened in ironmongery. At the whine and rattle of the door opening, the drawing room fell into an eerie silence. The servant was curious and wanted to look but dared not!  

Opening the large black, wooden, door the servant girl held her place there and kept her gaze low and curtsied calmly and skillfully, “Your Majesty.” Not meeting the Queen’s eyes.

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