

Lily’s POV


It was a rare occurrence for my father to transform.


His fur was a lustrous silver-gray and bristled with fury as he bared his teeth in a menacing snarl, his eyes blazing with a fierce intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. In this form, he radiated so much power and authority.


Beside him, Shawn also transformed, his own wolf form emerging with a grace and beauty that spoke of his youth.


In his wolf form, Shawn's silver fur had an ethereal glow, radiating so much of the mystical force that coursed through his veins. His eyes retained their piercing blue hue, glowing with an inner light that speaks of his connection to the mystical energies that surround him.


Smithson also transformed into a menace looking black-grey wolf. Father attacked. Claws clashed and teeth gnashed as my father and Smithson engaged in a ferocious battle.


I watched in horror as my father and Shawn battled with Smithson. On a good day, I would have been pleased to see Smithson beaten up. But this day was not good as I saw my father and Shawn getting injured by Smithson.


Unable to bear the sight any longer, I turned and ran, tears streaming down my cheeks as I went in search of my mother. I found mother in the woods, gathering some herbs. Looking at my distraught face, she knew something was wrong. She held my hand and we raced back to the meeting chambers.


Getting back into the meeting room, we were not prepared for the sight that greeted us. My father and Shawn lay severely wounded on the ground, their human forms battered and bruised, while Smithson was nowhere to be seen.


With a heavy heart, Shawn lifted his eyes to meet mine, his face twisted with so much. “He will be back.” He said, his voice laced with grim resolve.


And in that moment, I knew that the battle was far from over. The struggle for our pack's survival had only just begun.


As the days wore on and my father and Shawn struggled to recover from their wounds, the atmosphere in our home grew heavy with tension.


My mother and I kept ourselves occupied with the preparation of potions and the tending to various needs of our pack, but beneath the surface, we were living in anticipation of the king’s verdict.


I hoped it would be a less damning verdict.


Then came the day of the King's verdict. Mother and I were mixing potions when we heard shrills of screams outside. I passed my mother a worried look.


Without a word, I made a split-second decision and darted outside our cabin, my heart hammering in my chest with fear.


The sight that greeted me stole the breath from my lungs, burnt cabins, screaming women, a gruesome sight of scattered limbs, dead children, women and men. Then I noticed some of our defenders fighting head-on.


“The pack's under attack!” I cried out, my voice laced with disbelief and horror as I took in the nightmarish scene below.


My mother appeared beside me, her expression was encouraging, but I could sense her fear. “We need to help.” He said, her voice steady despite the chaos unfolding before us.


“No mother. This started because of me, so I will find a way to end it. You go look over Dad.” I replied, tears already streaming down my face.


“Oh child, don’t blame yourself for what happened. We don’t stand a chance against them. I cannot bear to lose you.” Mother cried.


My eyes gave way to the tears that had long since welled up and threatened to fall. I stood fixed on the spot as my eyes took in the sight of the horror that befell us. This was happening because of me. I could not bear to stand watch and see our pack wiped out because of me.


I turned to my mother, with tears clouding my amber-green eyes. “But we can't just stand by and do nothing!” I declared, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and resolve. “We have to fight back.”


“Okay.” Mother said as she cast the momentary spell on me, darkness closed in, swallowing me whole until consciousness slipped away like a wisp of smoke. A few moments later, I woke up in a daze. I realized I was in my room, but there was a thick smell of blood hovering in the room.


My heart hammered in my chest as I  turned to see Shawn, his form battered and bruised, wounds covering his once youthful features. “Shawn!” I cried out, my voice trembling with fear and anguish as I rushed to his side.


Seeing me awake, Shawn tried to come to me but I already made my way to him. “Lily.” He whispered, his voice choked with emotions. “Mother and Father... they're gone.”


”What!” I screamed but Shawn immediately covered my mouth with his bloodied hands, only letting go when I was relatively calm. “No,” I whispered as tears began streaming down my cheeks. “They can't be...”


But Shawn's gaze was steady, his expression haunted by the weight of loss. “Crimson Valley has fallen.” He said, his voice heavy with sorrow. “We are the only ones here Lily and we have to leave now.”


I could not believe that the Silvershade pack was gone. The instructors at the potion house, the women, the children, and even Shawn. “What about the others?” I asked, my voice choked with emotion.


Shawn shook his head, his eyes downcast. “They're... they're gone.” He said, his voice thick with grief. “We're alone, Lily. There is no one else.”


As I was about to give him a response, I heard Smithson's voice bellowing in the hallway as he hurled insults at me.


“Ignore him, Lily,” Shawn said. He coughed and I became frightened. I had to do something.


I patted Shawn's back to bring him some comfort. Then I fetched him some water and potions, doing my best to ease his pain and soothe his wounds. But in the potion, I mixed in some herbs that would hurl him to sleep.


After drinking the potion and taking some water, Shawn became drowsy and fell asleep on me. “I'm sorry, Shawn,” I murmured my heart heavy with guilt. “I should have been stronger, I should have protected you earlier.”


I sobbed silently.

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