


"Why aren't you saying anything, Carla? I hope Diego isn't covering up for you?" Mom asked.

If only she knows what was currently happening behind this phone.

Diego's hands came right at my chest, almost grabbing my boobs. That sent me yelling out, pulling from his grip and once.

"I'M A GOOD GIRL!" I yelled, running straight for the stairs to avoid Diego.

I heard him chuckling while running. It's obvious that he wasn't coming after me, but making fun of me from his point.

"Geez! You don't have to yell out, Carla," Mom said, referring to the tone I had used.

I climbed the first step and stopped, apologizing to her for the way I responded.

"It was a roach that caused it, Mom."

"Really? A roach in Diego's home?" Mom asked, sounding like one in doubt.

"Yeah, a big one," I said, looking straight at Diego.

The annoying man was leaning against the wall, staring at me. He winked at me, letting out a creepy smile that got me shivering.

"Quit your nonsense, Carla." Mom laughed at me.

"Don't let Diego hear you, otherwise he'll spank you for saying he has a big roach."

"Yeah, being spanked by the big roach himself." I glared at Diego, referring to him as the pest.

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Nothing Mom. Just missing you, that's all," I said, climbing up the stairs.

"I miss you too, Carla. I promise to get you something from Italy. Just be a good girl to your brother, " She said.

The more she keeps on saying 'Be a good girl to your brother', the more it sounds like a death sentence.

"Be good to that troublemaker? Fine." I rolled my eyes, but didn't actually say that out.

After wishing Mom well while getting to my room, I said my byes before she ended the call.

Lowering the phone down, I felt sadness taking over me at once.

"Geez. I never thought I'd miss Mom like this, " I said.

But when I remembered that she's no longer alone, but with the man of her dreams, I felt better again.

"At least Mr Smith is there to keep her entertained. She's lucky."

"And I'm here for you."

"AHHH! " I screamed, moving closer to my door, and turning around with my fists stuck out like a kung fu master, only to find Diego standing before me.

How did this vampire climb the stairs without me hearing?

"Isn't that right? My Dad has your mom, and I have you to entertain," He said, making an attempt to near me.

"DON'T YOU DARE! I REPEAT, DON'T YOU DARE!" I raised my voice, showing my fists to Diego.

He lifted his brow at me, tilting his head to the side.

"One more step and I promise I'll shove this phone right into your nostrils," I threatened.

"Waw, big words from a kitten. You can't even hurt a fly, yet you want to take down a giant," He said, daring me by coming closer.

"I'm warning you, Diego! I learnt Kung fu at kindergarten and I still remember one technique I'm going to use on you!" I warned, sounding silly.

But Diego still won't give in. He kept coming nearer and it only frightened me more.

Realizing that I had no chance against him, I immediately turned, grabbed the knob of my door, and made an attempt to run.

That's when my door came slamming shut with my face against it, and Diego pinning me right on it like I'm a criminal.

I felt the heat of his breathe closer to my ear, as he whispered to me, "When making threats, always remember who you are standing up to."

I groaned, feeling how his grip came all tight around my wrists.

"You didn't hesitate to run away from my room when I left. Did you think this roach has forgotten?" He whispered, caressing his lips down to my neck.

Chills ran down my skin, as I felt his tempting touch, slowly letting go of my hand and aiming for my body like before.

I had my head against the door, and all I could do was bit my lower lip, trying to fight the temptation.

"Carla, don't give in!" I begged myself from within, trying to stay strong.

The more I struggled, the more my heart came pounding at every move Diego made.

"I can see you don't fancy dinner but something else. So do I." His back came resting on me, taking me by the waist.

I gave a gasp on feeling his grip, trying to resist this demon holding me.

"Maybe we could resume from where we stopped. How about that?"

Feeling his weight reliving from me a bit, I turned my head to look at Diego, and found him smirking at me.

"I hate you, Roach face."

"Same here, Mantis."

Suddenly, he left me. This gave a sudden wave in me, when Diego released me from his grip, poked me on the forehead, and headed for the staircase.

"No force? He won't grab me to his room?" I asked myself, watching him leave.

It felt strange to me, but I didn't want to bother about it.

Instead, I made my way into my bedroom, shutting the door slowly. But I took a quick peep to see if Diego was pulling a prank.

Yeah, he wasn't.

He left.

"Hmm. I guess that's fine," I said, closing the door.


A few days later, I realized that Diego has stopped his constant naughtiness and bullying on me.

He no longer looked or chased me around like he always did. Roach face didn't even care if I existed or not.

When I woke up in the morning to prepare for school, I noticed Diego sitting in the living room, shirtless.

He had his mug of tea in his hand, staring at a paper like a boss.

"What's he reading? It doesn't look like a newspaper." I tried to see what the paper in his hold.

But the more I kept looking at my stepbrother, the more I found myself gawking at his body, especially that tattoo.

"I know he can be annoying sometimes, but he looks like a human when he's shirtless." I eyed Diego, watching him flip the page with the same hand that had his tattoo.

Where I was at the entrance, I found myself contemplating whether to head back to my room and get ready for school, or just stay around a little while.

"Well, it's not as if I'm in a hurry. It's just school," I said, shrugging.

I stepped into the living room in my short sleeve top and short skirt, sitting on the couch opposite Diego.

I thought he was going to look my way and give me an eye contact, but the big head didn't even do any of it.

He stayed glued to the papers in his hand.

I should be frowning at this, but the sight of his body just wouldn't give way to that feeling.

I found myself staring at his muscles, remembering that night he came over to my place to watch me.

"Goodness, I'm still thinking of that moment. But I can't help it." I bit my lower lip, staring at Diego.

Flashes of his grip and thrust ran before my eyes, sending my heart shivering at once.

I had my hand grabbing the helm of my shirt, while recalling the moans that escaped my lips that night.

His whispers of desire over me still drives me nuts. Why am I feeling this way towards Diego?

"Are you done?"

"Huh?" I snapped out of my fantasy on hearing Diego's voice.

That got me looking right at him, to see his eyes on me.

Those creepy eyes!

"I can see you're drooling over me. Quit fantasizing how I'm rocking you and get set for school."

"What?!" I exclaimed, feeling embarrassed.

"Me, drooling over you? That's crazy!" I raised, rising to my feet.

"Why will someone like me drool over a man like you? " I asked, showing my detest towards Diego.

"And what do you mean by me fantasizing about you? Must everything be about you?"

"How about we check underneath and tell who's lying?" He lifted his brow at me, dropping the papers aside.

My heart skipped on hearing what Diego said.

"I bet you're wet already," He smirked at me.

My body came engulfing with heat, that I had no other choice but to go and get set for school.

"You think I will fall for that? Well you're wrong." I walked away from the couch, exiting the living room.

"He wants to prove I'm wet? What an idiot." I headed for the stairs but stopped halfway.

"What... If I had said... NO! Carla stop it!" I groaned, racing up the stairs and for my room.

After getting all set, I came down the staircase with my bag, and spotted Diego leaving for the office.

He stormed out like one in a hurry.

I didn't bother walking fast like him. My steps came all slow as I thought about him taking me to school.

"It's going to be like that day. Everyone would want to see Diego," I reasoned, thinking about it.

But the thought of being in the same vehicle with Diego troubled my mind.

"I don't know. Should I go after him and make him drop me at school?"

Komen (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Veronica Sandongo
kkkkkkkk shy girl go for him
goodnovel comment avatar
Sugar cub
I want more intensity between this two. FOLLOW HIM CARLA
goodnovel comment avatar
You want it, so go with him, Fast!

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