

The air in the detention room seemed to be constricted as the three people who occupied the room seem to be in deep thoughts.

Inhaling and exhaling became difficult for the three of them as one can not go unnoticed if one does it.

“Gosh, why is this place so sophisticated?” Jake said, fanning himself with his hands.

He casts a side glance at Ellie who had her head placed on the desk before her.

“Hey, man,” Jake called out to Jayson. Jayson turned towards him with a bored face and raised his eyebrow in question.

“How did you end up here?” Jake asked in a bid to make the place light.

“The last time I checked I was sent here so that is how I ended up here.” Jayson said with a chuckle.

“Haha, funny, huh.” Jake said. Ellie chuckled at how close they were and the joke Jayson made but deep down she knew the reason he was sent into the detention room. She sighed and laid her head back on the desk.


The bell rang for change of period. Ellie stood up to exit the detention room.

“Hey, where are you going to?” Jake asked.

“I thought we could leave the room.” She said innocently. Jake and Jayson smiled at her naivety.

“The bell is for change of period which means another teacher will be taking another subject.” Jake explained.

“So can't we go out?” She asked timidly.

“Didn't you read the books of rules and regulations of the school also known as the Constitution of the school?” Jake asked.

She nodded negatively.

“Well, we will be here till closing.” Jake stated.

“What?!” She yelled.

“Miss Ellie, seems like you are not being punished enough even in your detention, Jayson and Jake can leave the detention room.” They heard a voice say through the microphone. She looked up instantly.

“W-What?” She stuttered in shock.

Jayson stood up gracefully and walked towards the exit. He noticed that Jake has not stood up yet.

Jake's eyes bore concern and mostly pity for her as he stared at her distraught face.

“Hey, Jake, let’s go, she is a newbie so it is normal for her.” With that Ellie did not know when tears started streaming down her face.

One thing that is about Ellie, she does not like to be left alone. She feels alone but does not show it. Deep down she needed someone that would care for her.

Jake gulped dryly and stared at her. He stood up gently and walked over to her.

“Stay quiet and you will be out in a while.” Jake said and patted her shoulders. She looked up to him with teary eyes and gave him a small smile. Jake and Jayson exited the detention room.


“Hey, where is Ellie?” Julia asked looking around.

“Detention room.” Elsa said, unconcerned.

“What?!” Julia yelled and heads turned towards their direction. Julia lowered her head, avoiding their gaze.

“How did she end up in the detention room?” Julia asked with a low voice.

“Don’t know.” Elsa said with a half shrug.

“Hopes she comes out early.” Julia said and looked around.


“Seems like the girl is not out yet maybe we will wait.” Tessy, one of her friends, said.

“Yeah, we will wait to deal with her.” Shawna said.

“Don’t you guys think you are taking this too far? I mean Jayson is out already and she is still inside. Any punishment greater than that?” Crystal asked with a scoff. She felt like they were doing way too much.

“Madam gentle, please your opinion was not asked.” Tessy blasted her in a rude way.

Crystal heaved a sigh and went back to what she was doing on her phone.


“Ellie Williams, you can kindly leave the detention room and I hope you have learned your lesson.” A voice came through from the microphone. Ellie sat unaffected by what was uttered as she could not move.

After a while of immobility, she stood up slowly on stiff legs and exited the room.

“Hey.” She heard someone call her but she did not stop walking though.

“Hey, wait up.” She heard again and fasten her steps but in no less time, Jake met up with her.

She continued walking without looking back.

When they got outside the block.

“Hmm, is the café closed?” She asked.

“Nope, not yet,” Jake replied.

“Oh, okay.” She said and turned in the direction of the café.

“You are hungry right?” Jake asked trying to bring maybe a conversation.

No reply.

“Isn't it obvious?” Ellie said inwardly.

They got to the Café and ordered the food they would like to eat.

Some students were still there also so it was not awkward.

“Haven’t you eaten?” She asked Jake.

“Nope.” He replied simply.

“Why??” She asked.

“Because I waited outside for…” He looked up to her as he realized he was about to say something forbidden and started coughing.

“Hey, calm down. Take water.” She said and handed the water over to him.

He drank it.


She stared at him as he continued eating. She just did not understand why he wants to be close to her.


“Why do you keep following me?” She asked out of frustration. Since they left the café, Jake won’t stop following her.

“Just trying to make sure you get to your dorm early and safely.” He said but in fact he wanted to know the dorm she stays in.

“Thank you but I don’t think there is a need for that, kindly take your leave. I will find my way.” She said and was about to go when she sighted two people.

‘Again?” she thought angrily.

“Hmm, I…” Jake was still talking when he realized that she was not looking at him but somewhere else. He turned and saw them.

“Hey.” He said as he tapped her.

“Any problem?” He asked.

“Wait, don’t tell me you are a fan of Jayson too.” Jake said and she looked at him.

“No, I am not.” She said and looked back to see her sister and Jayson but then her sister was no longer there. With what she said, Jake felt relieved. Strangely relieved.

‘Why do I care if she is a fan of his anyway?’ He thought.

“You know what, stop following me and let me be.” She said sternly and started walking in the opposite direction. But Jake being a stubborn type of guy followed her instead.

“Don’t you hear word? Or are you daft?” She yelled at him in anger. He was taken aback by her sudden outburst and stared at her with eyes wide open.

Weren't they cool a while ago? What went wrong?

“L-e-a-v-e m-e a-l-o-n-e.” She spelt it out and ran off.

She has been trying to hold back the tears but failed miserably. She wanted to be alone when she cries but he was making it hard for her.

He looked at her in a distance.

‘Why am I suddenly attracted to you?’ He thought.

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