
Chapter 13

"I'm very disappointed in you, Angel." The mother said then when they were already in the car on the way home. "Why did you do that?"

Angel was silent, staring straight ahead. She barely even heard her mother's words. Her lips still felt hot. Gamma … that man! Why is that man kissing her lips? Is that harassment? Why did Gamma do it? Could it be that Gamma used to do it to anyone? But why her? Angel knew that Gamma was known as a conqueror of women, but the victims were always older women! Isn't that really Gamma's taste? But why her? Why did Gamma kiss her?

The question kept ringing in her mind, making Angel frown.

"Angel!" the mother snapped, bringing Angel's thoughts back to the real world. "Did you hear what I said?"

Angel mengehela napas panjang. "I'm sorry, Mom. I think this is the best decision."

Her mother glanced slightly at her from behind the wheel. "As soon as you think about it, you will regret this decision, Angel."


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