
Chapter 5

It's been days I heard from my mother, not like I actually wanted to hear from her, she might be crazy but she is still my mother, at one point my obedient side that always wants to listen to whatever mother say wanted to wake up, but I quickly pushed it down, I would not allow myself to be unhappy for the rest of my life just because I wanted my mom to happy by marrying the man she wants. No I won't do that.

Another thing that had been a tenant in my head is one certain handsome man, everytime I close my eyes, it was his face that appeared, there wasn't a time he wasn't in my mind, I just met this guy, but my mind and body feels like I've known him for ages, I must be sick. 

Speaking of being sick, I think I need to visit the doctor, ever since I had the trap accident, I've been having frequent pains on my legs, sometimes I have to sit to stop the pain, I don't know why I've been so reluctant to go to the hospital, maybe I was waiting to get cripple first.

I quickly made an appointment as I got ready.


I was patiently waiting in the reception area for when I'll be called to see the doctor. Soon enough I saw a nurse walking towards me as she stops in front of me;

"Good morning ma'am, you must be miss Dawson, am sorry to inform you that doctor Charles isn't available at the moment but he has instructed me to have another doctor attend to you," she said as she looked at me in a way of asking if I was okay with it, doctor Charles is like a family friend of ours, I always meet him for anything concerning my health, it has always been like that, if he's not here to attend  to me, it means he's very busy.

"That's fine with me, any doctor recommended by doctor Charles must be a good doctor, please lead the way,"

"Please follow me ma," she said as she led the way while I followed behind her.

We stopped in front of a door and when I looked up the name on the door read, "Doctor Jason" my heart skipped a beat, like seriously what is wrong with me, it could be any Jason, but just even the sound of that name has my heart pumping more than the regular.

She opened the door and I followed her in, the office was nice, you could tell doctor Jason had a very nice office taste. 

"Ma'am, doctor Jason will be with you shortly, sorry you have to wait,"

"That's okay, I'll just wait for him thank you," I said as I made myself comfortable on the visitor's chair. The nurse gave me a smile before making her way out of the room.

I just looked at the pictures on the wall, and oh...I didn't even notice mr skeleton in the room, I stood up from my sit as I walked to the skeleton,

"Hello Mr skeleton," I said as I took it hand to shake, "it's nice to meet you, would you let me touch your rips?" Just as I was about to touch the skeleton's bony rips, the door opened, I didn't need to turn to know it was the doctor who just entered, all I wanted was for the ground to open and swallow me, that would be a hundred times better than the embarrassing situation of turning to see the doctor, but I knew that wasn't possible, I wondered how I looked like shaking a skeleton.

"Oh, I see skeleton was keeping you company," he spoke and by the sound of that voice, I turned and I wish I hadn't because it just made the embarrassment worst, because just like my heart had thought, it was indeed Jason, the Jason who had made a home in my heart, he was standing in a room where I just foolishly had a skeleton hand in mine... shit. I didn't even realize I was still holding the skeleton's hand, I quickly removed my hand from that of the skeleton as I fully turned to him, this is awkward as fuck.

"Hey, doctor Jason, well I didn't expect the Jason to be you, nice to meet you again," I said as I made my way to him kissing him on both cheeks, that simple action had me blushing like a love sick girl.

"Yeah I didn't expect to see you today, but I guess today is my lucky day," he said he stood back straight from the kiss, since he had to bend because of my height, not like am complaining...."please take a seat," he beckoned me to the visitors seat as he made his way to his own seat,

"What can I do for you? are you having any challenge with your health?" he asked and I could see worry clearly written on his face, that made me smile internally, could it be he was actually worried about me, I smiled internally again at the thought, but just as that happy thought came, it was wiped away by another, I had totally forgotten that the reasons I was here was because I had pains on my knees that was caused by the same trap he placed, telling him this would surely make him feel guilty, what am I going to do now?

I think by the look on my face he knew I was trying to hide something, and I am sure he already figured out what I was hiding because his face suddenly clouded with sadness.

"Am sorry Odessa, I don't know what I was thinking going with my sister's wish, it was too childish,"

"Come on doctor Jason, what are you saying, do you know how I wish I had siblings, off course anyone would do what their younger ones want, especially when they're really cute and have strong puppy dog eyes powers," I said in a way to calm him down and I got a smile from him, that alone was enough to lift the mood in the room.

He stood up from his chair as he turned around the table to where I was seated,..."since am the cause of your pain, I'll be the one to take care of you," he said as he sat on the chair opposite me,...."so, where does it hurt?" he asked bringing his hand under his chin looking at me expectantly....

"Uhm, my knees hurt, I think my limbs are a little stiff," for emphasis I tried stretching my legs fast but I  couldn't because I felt pain.

"You don't have to stress it, I'll just check it for you," I watched as he stood up from the chair and squat in front of me, immediately he touched my skin I felt a shiver run through my body, he took my ankle and started massaging it, and damn was it good, my skin was exposed because I wore a skirt and am glad I did, he moved from my ankle to my knees, he massaged my knees as if looking for broken bones, I flinched when he put too much pressure on them.

He stopped his sweet torture as he spoke, shit I didn't want him to stop...

"I don't think there is any broken bones but I don't want to assume anything, so we'll do an x-ray scan just to make sure nothing is wrong,"

I nodded my head in understanding as he stood back to his height.

"Please you'll follow me to the X-ray room,"

He led the way while I followed him to the room. When we got there I was asked to change into the hospital gown. I went to a room and changed into a hospital gown. I came back to the room and was instructed to lay down.

Jason told me to relax before the examination began, and I tried to as much as I could, I really didn't know much about all these machines, but as I relaxed I watched as they began the process as I slowly move inside the X-ray machine, it was like the Machine was scanning me, I've never really had a reason to enter an x-ray machine, this was my first.

When the machine was done, I slowly came out, I breathed a sigh of relief as Jason helped me sit up.

"Everything seems to be in good shape, I didn't see any dislocated joint, It seems to be stress, which means you have to rest your legs, avoid anything that might cause you pain or stress your leg, so I'll just give you a few pain relief med, and when I finalize everything we'll reschedule another meeting to make sure you're fine," he said as he attentively scribble things down on his notepad.

"Does that mean I shouldn't drive?" I asked looking at him in question,

"If possible you shouldn't," he said still focused on his note, I wonder what he was writing,

"But I drove here, how am I going to drive back? I asked him as I stood up from where I was laying preparing to go change from the hospital gown, 

"Go change first and we'll talk about that in my office," he finally looked away from his notepad as he indicated for me to go change. I gave him a smile before going to the room, fully dressed in my usual clothes. I went back to Jason.

I was seated back in his office as I waited patiently for him.

"About driving, you can drive back home but you should give it a rest for some time until you don't feel any pains again,"

"Thank you Jason, I'll make sure to do just as you have said,"

"Am sorry you have to go through this," he said as he stood up from his chair, he took a bag from the desk then handed it to me, when I checked inside I saw few drugs inside, I looked up at him in question,...."those are the pain relief you'll be taking, I had the list sent to the nurse for her to get them so you don't have to stress,"

At his words I felt butterflies move inside my stomach at the thought that he cared, this is so sweet, but wait, he could just be feeling guilty, of course he must be feeling guilty, that's why he is trying to take responsibility for his actions, I need to be careful.

I thanked him as I stood up to make my way out of the room, I walked to him kissing his cheeks just as I did when he first walked in on me in that awkward skeleton situation, once again just like before, I blushed, I turned to leave, but he stopped me.

"Let me walk you out," he said as he went to open the door for me,....."it's not necessary doctor Jason, you might have other patients to take care of, I don't want to bother you," I said to him sincerely, but as I stepped out the door he also came out closing the door behind him, I don't know if it was my imagination but I heard him whispered something like "not as important as you" oh no my head is imagining things again.

Jason walked me to the reception area and I thanked him making sure to remind him again not to blame himself for anything, not with the way he was acting like he killed someone, I really didn't want whatever conversation I was having with him to end and it was like he wanted the same, or it was my imagination again,  I thanked him again as I turned to leave, not even up to three steps, he stopped me.

"Odessa," I turned back to him, wondering what was wrong,...."am sorry to stop you, but would you like to join us this weekend for dinner, my family would be so delighted to see you, that's If you're free" I wanted to ask him what about him, wouldn't he be excited to see me, of course, if he didn't want me there he wouldn't even have invited me,

"I'll be free this weekend, I'll try to be there," I said before hearing him mutter okay as I turned to make my way out of the hospital. He didn't stop me this time, but I could feel eyes on me and I knew just who those eyes belonged to.

I can't wait for the weekend.

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