

It was a bright and sunny morning. The entire school yard blazed with noises and busy feet of people, finding their ways to their deal of the day. Some engaged in different sporting activities, while others piled up in different corners having fun. Lia made her way to class, selecting her footsteps timidly as she walked. She could tell all eyes were scanning oddly at her, as she wandered confusedly from one school building to another, looking for the DEAN's office in-between building which looked pretty much alike.

Everything seemed quite different from high school, only a few persons noticed the new girl in class.

After few days of studying the environment, she noticed there were four categories of people in the school “The rude guys, the rich guys, the popular guys and the quiet guys" often referred to as the scapegoat.

“Really, things aren't too different from high school after all, just some few matured faces and things done a little bit in an advanced way” she thought with a sigh.

Mr Pattinson just left class, announcing the next class by Wednesday noon. After the class activities were dismissed for the day, she watched people split into groups. Some headed home, while some stayed behind to attend club seminars and chat with friends.

Since she didn’t belong to any of these groups, walking on her own would be preferable. She scuffled down the stairs, counting every step she made, as she asterisked completed schedules of the day, and ruled off incompleted ones from her jotter.

Her boredom gradually turned into solitude since there was no one to talk to about it. She thought of calling Katy, but then, she could be meddling with her work time. Regardless, she slipped her hand into her jacket's pocket and pulled out her mobile phone. With contemplation, she dialed Katy's number, but was transfered to voice mail, for the third time, the same day.

"Busy bee!" She mutters, and continued her way. But then, her eyes met a painting of a white rose displaying on the board. It attracted her attention, as she peered closer to examine the piece of art which resembles the same in the flashes she has been having.

"Wait! Do you know who created this art?" She approached and asks the girl behind her.

"What art?" The lady asked confusedly.

"This one!" She turns to point towards it, but finds it gone. "It was just right here, displaying on a white rectangular board" she tries to explain to the lady who thought she was insane. She was embarrassed when she figured she was beginning to see things, again.

According to her doctor, it was normal as it could be related to the repressed memories of her past.

At this point, she could feel eyes gazing down judgementally at her, as the girl from earlier whispers something to them. She becomes agitated and hurries off to avoid the scolding stares of people who probably thinks she was being a creep.

As she moved frantically, she bumps into someone, crashing all the contents in her hands into different locations.

“Oh my God! I'm so sorry, I swear this was not intentional. I was just naturally born to be clumsy, but I can actually fix that. I hope I didn't break anything valuable?” She asks in a panic, embarrassed by the way she tripped and fell. It was unusual as she was not all that of a butterfingered person, sometimes! She corrected herself. Quickly, she crouched and picks some book that fell from her, as the gentleman in front of her was a statue and did not bother to help in any way.

Usually, in a situation like this, it was suppose to be the guy apologising and saving the situation, while the girls stands and admires his gentleness ready to fall in love at first sight.

Pissed off by his unhelpfulness in this situation, she lifted her eyes to see what manner of man would act in such an uncultured way. Perhaps, she could really use some swear words to remind him that he bumped Into her, even if she clearly knew she was the one who bumped into him, accidentally.

But then, she met the gaze of the man standing in front of her. Without a single word, he stared at the panting young girl in front of him, as if she was disobeying the law of nature by existing at all. The way he scrutinized her intently was unpleasant and judgemental. He was tall, with a perfect physique, blue eyes, and a shoulder long, thick dark hair which he held together with a bind as dark as it was.

Lia stared dropped jaw as the handsome man studied her face quietly, as if he was weighing her worth with his eyes. But she didn't mind at all, there were other good things to consider, like the Greek god standing in front of her.

“Is he a god or human?” She pondered, still unable to disengage herself from the beautiful sight. “He is certainly not from his earth!” she judged from the perfection standing in front of her, the explicit definition of beauty. So many questions raced across her mind like who he was, why he stared at her without a word, and why she couldn’t get her eyes off him.

"Wait! Is this the feeling Katy chattered about? The feeling of falling in love or…?" She paused and called herself back to reality, by slapping herself gently on the cheek. “Ah... Am sorry, I will be more careful next time!” she stammered, hoping he would actually say something to help free her from this hypnosis. But he turned and left without a word, leaving her in wonderment.

“Don't dream too big girl, or your dreams will be wrapped in a trash bag and thrown into the garbage. That dude is way out of your league, I would have recommended that you give it your shot, but that is how he behaves to everyone, cold in dealing with people! He is probably like a robot; emotionless, never smiles, and rigidly gorgeous!" The girl behind the poster explained, obviously drooling as she trailed him coquettishly with her eyes. "You probably won’t hear a single word from him till you graduate” she added almost immediately with a mocking smile that left Lia even more frustrated.

“Who is he?” Lia dared to ask amid all the drama that unfolded earlier. Her curiosity hungered to know him; that guy that left a strange mark on her previously stiff and lifeless heart.

“The dream guy of every woman! But unfortunately, he doesn't talk. He has never been spotted with anyone before, male or female. As cold as the sea!" She replied. That explanation of hers was suppose to be a clue, but the more the girl behind the poster explained, the more anonymous and impossible he seemed.

Lia headed to the bus park, with those words ringing loudly in her ears, like a constant reminder that she has been altered. Today marked the beginning of something she would likely regard strange about herself. As she headed to her destination, she subconsciously found herself pondering over and over again, about the earlier events and what the girl had told her.

“He really is the dream guy of every woman!” she exclaimed affirmatively, knowing fully well that she was falling for this strange guy. It was unlike her, but she could not help it, those unusual feelings growing inside her heart was unexplainable and frustrating.

“Stop it! Will you? There is so much to do than just being silly over some guy you barely know” She scolded herself. But that was not the perfect excuse for a heart beating after what it seemed to love and fancy.

The morning seemed quiet and cold. There was no Katy to hold the alarm to her ears or drag her to the bathroom. She sprawled lazily on her bed with a loud song banging into her ears through her headphone. Sliding her hand under her pillow, she took out her diary, and wrote.

“Dear diary, it has been two weeks since I started work and school. Everything has been normal and super great! Except for the fact that Katy is not here with me. I miss her so much, and dad too. I hope things get better and you send them my love in their dreams, Lia!" She drops the dairy on the shelve and heaved a deep sigh, before she saddled herself from her lazy bed and went ahead to attend to other important matters of the day.

She visited the mansion, did all her routines as usual, but one unanswered question still preceded in her mind. “Who is the boss?” But at the end of the day, there was always a word to quench the unanswered questions. “Who cares who he is? I got my money for all I care!" She sprouted unconcernedly.

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goodnovel comment avatar
What a poor curious Dahlia.....

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