



“Where have you been, hermana. I have been searching all over for you.” My sister asked, settling herself beside me.

I had remained in the garden, pondering on so many things when Andres left. It was like my mamma had said, I loved to day dream but what she did not know is that it kept me sane and it was a safe place for me, away from my family and their drama.

The music filtered through from the patio, old Spanish songs playing and if I wasn’t in such a mood; I would have smiled at the things the singer was trying to say.

“I am just taking fresh air, what is the matter?” I asked.

“Nothing, you are the only one I recognize in that house right now. Papa is entertaining one of his many guests and mamma, she is in a conversation with an anciana. They are discussing the wedding and I cannot help but feel pressured.” She said softly.

“Come here.” I said, hugging her to myself as we both sat in the comfort of the gardens.

She sniffled before saying

“You know, I already packed a bag yesternight and was going to just ask for your blessing this morning. I had made plans for Bruno and I to leave before the introductions.”

“It is a good thing that you did no such thing, Audrey.” I told her, my voice carrying concern at her words.

“I wonder if it wouldn’t be better to just die than have to endure a loveless marriage with such a ruthless man.”

“Do not say such things, someone could hear you and he seems…okay” I bit my tongue from really telling her the kind of person her future husband was.

“You said it yourself that he is rude and uncouth and I saw for myself during dinner just how rude he is. He said nothing to me, not even a peep or a glance in my direction.”

Guilt rode up my spine at her words; I could imagine that he did not look in her direction because he was busy staring at me and playing some twisted game, I wanted no part in.

I could hardly tell my sister that I had had a moment three times today with her future husband while she, the bride-to-be had had none.

“I don’t know how else to comfort you.” I said, patting her back gently.

We stayed like that for a while until I realized that I could no longer hear the music.

“We should go inside” I told my sister.

“You should go on without me, I think I will stay here for a while.”

I nodded and gave her one last pat before turning back into the house. It would seem that the crowd had dispersed, leaving the house silent. I did not see my papa anywhere which was all for the better because I had already calculated my flight upstairs and into my room before anyone would see me.

I walked into the dark, counting my steps and knowing exactly when to turn right and…

I slammed into something strong.

A yelp escaped my throat as I sprang back, my eyes peering and trying to adjust in the dark.

Andre Cruz stood staring at me like I was some animal he had caught in a trap; he was holding a cellphone to his ear and regarding me like I was some prey. I glanced behind him and towards the safety of my room, wondering if it was possible to just make a dash for it and be gone before he finished the call he was making.

This had to be the worst day of my life, I wondered why it always had to be him anytime I slammed or ran into something. I continued staring at him, the movement of his lips as he spoke and the way his muscles strained against the material of his suit; his lazy stance and the way his eyes observed my face.

“Are you done ogling me, Catherina?” he murmured softly.

My eyes whipped up to his face in alarm and then annoyance; he was blocking my escape route, wasn’t he?

“What if I say no, what then are you going to do?” I blurted and almost regretted my bold utterance.

He leaped away from the wall he was leaning on like a cat and took a step towards me, his eyes holding mine.

I took one step back, hating the fact that his presence both frightened and drew me in. I was like the two sides of a magnet; attracted and repelled by him, all at once.

He took another step towards me and I took one back, turning around to be sure no one could see us. He stopped mid stride and watched me; his eyes lit up with amusement, like I was something entertaining and brought for his pleasure.

I felt an instant dislike and eyed him with very venom I felt.

“What is amusing?” I ground out.

“The things I have heard about you” he drawled, his eyes trailing lazily over my physique and then up to my face to settle on my lips.

My tongue snaked out of their own volition as I licked them.

His eyes snapped with such intensity to my face that I staggered at the weight of it.

“Whatever you have heard about me, you are being fooled.” I squeaked, annoyed at the way I sounded

“Is that so?” he slurred.

“I have heard a lot about you too.” I shot back.

Why am I trying to justify myself to the man, he needs no explanation from me, I thought fleetingly.

“Indeed, are you curious to know if they are true?” he asked me.

My heart thumped painfully in my chest, my mouth dry and so I nodded. He took a step forward and this time, I did not take any back.

“Do you know what they say curiosity did to the cat?” he asked, a hand coming up to trace the contour of my jaw, his thumb caressing my lower lip.

“It got it killed?” I answered, my breath hitched in my throat at the feel on his rough thumb on my lip

“Smart girl” he smiled, showing pearly white teeth.

“See you around, Catherina” he said, his hand dropping from my face as he walked past.

Leaving me with the feeling that I had just touched fire and gotten burned.

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