

They arrived back at the mansion with her consistently teasing Alvah of how she acted around the Italian guy.

“So, wait, you’ve been going to his store every day and you didn’t even invite him to any dinner or brunch?”

“Charlie, that is so inappropriate.”

“There’s nothing inappropriate with a woman who asks the man she likes out. It’s empowering. It means you don’t hesitate; you go for what you want, and, in this generation, you should be an empowered woman.” She speaks while placing all the things they’ve shopped for in the long table.

“That is highly unlikely.”

“Oh, so don’t tell me that the mighty and powerful Alvah does not know how to be confident enough to ask someone out? Do you want me to ask him for you?”

“Don’t you dare.”

“Well, I mean, I could be your bridge if you want.”



After helping Alvah fix up everything she bought, Charlie grabbed her take out bag and headed for the door.

“Are you sure you don’t want my help?”

“Go home Charlie.”

“Okay. By the way, before I go, I was wondering if I could stay here for some time?”

“What do you mean?”

“I was wondering if I could stay here instead and have my apartment rented out. I badly need the money right now.”

“You know I could help you right?”

“Yes!” she put her fingers up to stop whatever Alvah was about to say, “But, you’ve done so much for me. So, I was hoping that you could help me without the money thing. I can redecorate the apartment, put it on craigslist and you know, get some cash out of the rent. I need to pay for school. Some miscellaneous and all. Just at least until I’d have things work out. Please.”

“Mi casa es su casa.”

Charlie beamed at Alvah sheepishly like a little child.

“You’re the best. I’ll pack my things one by one. Thank You Alvah!” as she hurried out of the door hoping that she won’t change her mind.

“Yeah.” Alvah sighs as she gathered herself into her tearoom once again. She picked two of her Arabian teacups. She swiftly gets into the room and found Mr. Bailey inside, looking at today’s paper.

“You’re back.”

“Did a quick stop in that shop.”

“The shop?”


“You are such a stalker.”

“Well, I can’t help it.”

“Something’s happening.”

“With Charlie?”

“Yes. I think the elixir has a different effect on her.”

Mr. Bailey stopped whatever he was doing and tuned his attention to Alvah.

“What was it?”

“I think she saw something. Something that I cannot decipher.” Alvah busied herself with the tea and handed one over to Mr. Bailey.

“What do you think could it be?”

“I don’t know. But I am sure she’s seeing something.”

“The elixir definitely works very differently in each one of us, doesn’t it?”

“Well, that is how it’s supposed to be. The elixir is meant to activate whatever kind of Jinni we’re meant to be.”

“But you think she is something else, don’t you?”

“She is. The mystery behind who she really is, it makes me feel excited to be who I am again. Clearly, I have underestimated my old friend.”

“Well, whatever kind she is, I’m sure she will be useful to you. After all, isn’t that how it’s supposed to be?”

“It is. And it is not just for me, but also for all of you.”

“Right. How could I forget.”

“Can you tell me how much Charlie owes from school?”

“A lot. Why?”

“I wanted to help her but perhaps in ways that would not make me appear as her benefactor. Do you think you could do that for me?”

“What do you have in mind?” Mr. Bailey leaned in closer to Alvah.

“A passion project I guess that would help her be motivated and gain some connections and of course, some cash.”

“In what ways?”

“Books for a cause. Tell her that you’re looking for someone who can help sell used books to anyone interested. And part of the proceeds will be to help send kids to schools, a fourth of it will go to her for the hard work and the rest goes to the bank, in her name.”

“And who’s books will she be selling?”

“Honey, I have the largest collection of books in the entire world. Where else would you look for those books? And you should never tell her under any circumstances that I own the books. Tell her I would like to remain anonymous that even she should not find out.”

“Okay. And where do you plan to set this book for cause up exactly?”

“A stall near Denver’s.”

“The Italian guy you’re obsessed with?”

“Yes. That guy. I saw the stall beside his store is up for sale. Use that for the books. That would be a good place for all that you can sell.”

“And you are absolutely sure that you would like to sell the books you’ve been collecting since you existed in this world?”

“Yes. They’re like originals. Surely, they would be worth more than she’ll expect.”

“Alright, if that’s what you want.”

“It’s for a good cause.”

“Yep, it’s for a Charlie cause.”

“Oh, just do it.”

“Yes, your majesty.” He pretended to be giving a courtesy like giving respect to an actual king or queen.


Charlie was almost galloping as she walks back to her own apartment. She’s excited. She has some cash she can use to redecorate the entire apartment. But aside from that, she’ll have to prepare for tonight. She’s excited of the idea of a gathering of Jinni’s.  

She thought of all the possibilities for tonight. And at the same time, she can’t wait to talk to Lance and tell her about her day.

“Hey! You!”

She suddenly heard someone calling. But the hair on her nape stood. It meant something scary is causing the uncomfortable feeling.

She started to walk faster.

“Hey! Please!”

She has an inkling that the one calling her is the same man she saw not too long ago. What scared her was the fact that he said she can see him. Is he a ghost?

She climbed to her own apartment as fast as she can. She threw away the takeout bag and proceeded to her bed and hid under the blankets.

As though through that she could hide from whoever was following her. She could hear herself panting under the sheets as it moved up and down as well, moving along with her breathing.

“Who are we hiding from?” the man’s voice was now whispering against her ears. A sudden shiver ran her spine that she shrieked from the top of her lungs. “Ahhhhhhh!” she was shouting as jumped out of the bed and took cover from a bookshelf she has inside the room.

“Please. Don’t hurt me. Stay away from me please.”

“I just need your help. You seem to be the only one who can see me, and I have no idea why.”

“Please. I can’t help you. I’m sorry.”

The man grew silent.

Charlie kept mumbling words she herself does not even have any idea what they were. As she kept mumbling, she noticed that the place has grown silent.

She opened her eyes and looked around. He was gone.

“Not entirely.”

“Holy Mother…!”

“Mother what?” the man smirked at her as he was sitting in the old sofa inside her apartment.

“You’ve got to stop scaring me like that!”

“I will if you will help me.”

“I don’t know how to, and I don’t know if I can!”

“You haven’t even heard what I have to say!” he was matching the intensity of her voice.

Charlie sighed, feeling defeated.

“Alright.” She sat beside him, still uncertain what he really is, “How can I help?”

“I may be a ghost now. I’m not sure. But I know that my body is still on that hospital bed where I gained my consciousness a few days ago.”

“Do you remember what happened to you?”

“I can’t. I guess that’s the reason why I’m in here. I can’t get any memory back. I don’t even know how I end up this way.”

“Well, maybe a car accident? When you looked at your body did you see any scar all over your body?”

“I saw some bandage around my head. But I don’t think I’ve been to an accident.”

She heaved a dee sigh.

“So how do you want me to help you?”

“There’s someone I need you to talk to for me.”

“Your family?” she presumed.

“No. It’s someone else. And he’s waiting for me on our supposed meeting place.”


The man nodded.

“He’s been there for a month now. I don’t even know if he knows what happened to me.”

“Oh God.”

“Please. Help me.”


Apologies for the late update. I had to finish an existing novel. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I will do my best to update regularly. Thanks! +++++ Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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