
Chapter 4- Searching for the rejected mate

"What else?" He asked.

"A free pass to get out of babysitting Aleena."


"Yes!" Sarah jumped off the throne and ran to hug Jackson. "You're the best."

Jackson laughed. "You know I could have done it for nothing." He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. This was what she needed at this moment since it was her ex coming to visit.

Sarah chuckled and replied. "I know but you deserve a break."  She patted Jackson on the back just to remind him he was friend-zone. Sarah was glad that she had met Jackson and he was a great second in command and friend. Obviously she had let him know this. She has also told him that if something were to happen to her then he should take over as  alpha.

"Go spend some time with  Aleena." Jackson watched her skip away to spend the rest of her day with her daughter.

Sarah followed the carved stone hallway to find the city. When she had first arrived it had taken her weeks to figure out the caves. 

The pack was located in a mountain. In the middle of the mountain was a large cave where the city was for the wolves and around the side were tunnels that lead to other caves with offices and other important areas.

The beauty of the cave was that one wolf that started it. Sarah was told that a wolf was stuck in the demon realm and had found a cave to live in until someone rescued them. Apparently, the wolf found more wolves trapped in the world. Together they dug out the cave enough for all of them to fit. Eventually, they formed a pack and actual tools to dig out a safe haven under the mountain.

She ran her fingers over the smooth wall as she trailed down the tunnel. The further she got from.the throne room, the better and less suffocated she felt.

Sarah was glad that she wouldn't have to face the man that has not only broken her heart but also her body. Because of him she had three ugly, jagged scars from above her eyebrow down to her cheek. But they didn't hold her back anymore. She wore her scars with pride. These were what defined her past and made her the woman she was today.

"Mommy!" Aleena cried from the kitchen of their house. Her curly, blonde hair tied back in the two messy braids that she insisted on doing herself every morning.

"Hello, my beautiful," Sarah smiled as Aleena jumped into her arms. "How was your day?"

"It was okay," Aleena mumbled, playing with her mothers hair. Aunty Stephen made some cheesy toast.``

"That sounds delicious," Sarah smiled at her daughter and carried her into the kitchen where Stephanie was slaving away at the stove. "What are you making?"

"I told you she's making cheesy toast," Aleena whined, wiggling around to be put down. Sarah put Aleena down and she ran over to sit on a stool.

"I made grilled cheese. Want one?" Stephanie asked.

"Yes!" Said Sarah, taking a seat next to Aleena.

"So what did you need my brother for?" Stephanie asked, flipping a sandwich over in the pan.

"Take over my duties of meeting some pack members," Sarah replied.

"Does this have to do with him?" Stephanie asked, giving her a look. Him meaning her ex-mate who had abused and destroyed her life.

"Yes, he could have been one of them," Sarah admitted.

"Who is him? Do I know him?" Aleena asked, picking up a baby carrot and inspecting it. Ever since she had turned eight, she had been all about being fit and healthy. Now everything she ate had to be carefully inspected.

"You don't know him, sweatie." Sarah reached over and rubbed over her daughter's hair.

"Can I meet him?" She asked, flipping one of her braids behind her.

"That's not a good idea," Stephanie stepped in for her. She grabbed the finished grilled cheese and passed it to Sarah. "I think you should avoid him until he leaves."

Sarah hummed in agreement picking up a triangle sliced of cheesy bread as her daughter called it. Her fingers got covered in the butter that Stephanie had layered the pan  with.

"You know.  Just in case he hasn't changed and he's just out to get you back." 

Sarah's wolf whimpered at the thought of her mate betraying them again. Her wolf hadn't exactly gotten over the fact that he was no longer their mate.

"I'm going to be spending the rest of the day with Aleena," Sarah replied.

Aleena shrieked in reply! "We can go shopping today!"

"If that is what you want, beautiful. She smiled at her and finished off her grilled cheese. She wondered how she would be able to sneak around the town and shop without the visiting wolves spotting her. She would also need to talk with Jackson about how long they would be staying. "Anywhere you want to go?"

"Well, there's this girl in my class who is having a party tomorrow and I want to find a nice dress to go to," Aleena rambled.

"Are you trying to impress a boy?" Sarah asked her daughter, raising her eyebrow.

"No," Aleena replied quickly.

"Mhmm," Stephanie hummed as she gave Sarah a look. "So you don't need to go shopping then. Just wear anything in your closet."

"But I need to go shopping!" Aleena whined with her big, blue puppy dog eyes.

Legolas stood in the throne room, eyes wide and nostrils flaring. There was a familiar scent here which he couldn't place. Was it her? He couldn't tell because it smelled almost exactly like her scent except it wasn't. It was different. It was as if something life changing had happened to her. The scent matured and changed. It was strongest around the throne but sitting upon the throne was another wolf. One who looked so smug sitting up there. Legolas wolf growled at the male wolf. He didn't like him.

"Beta Jackson," Manny exclaimed upon seeing the male on the throne.

"Manny!" Cried Jackson. "What a surprise to see you here with some. Does alpha know about this?" 

"Yes," many said. "She gave them the approval to look around, Jackson.

"Oh, I remember. She told me she was busy and went off to work so I'll help the wolves find out what they are looking for."

"That will be great. I'm royal beta Carlton and this is my mate, Albums." Carlton pulled his mate close to him and kissed the top of his head.

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