


Harriet’s POV:

     I was shocked, completely confused as this strange man came up to me and kissed me. I couldn’t understand it. However, he felt so good to kiss and I enjoyed his lips on mine, but he was an absolute stranger and most likely sick in the head for just walking up to a lady and forcing his lips into hers. So I pushed him away. 

“What is wrong with you? Are you mad?” I questioned, luckily we were at the end of the banquet hall and there was only one bar around, and the three girls had left and the bar man was busy with cleaning the glasses. So we were basically alone, thankfully we wouldn’t be attracting a scene. 

“Nothing is wrong with me, I’m perfectly alright. Now that I’ve been able to see you and find you.” The strange man answered— the strange and handsome man. Despite his mannerless and uncouth behavior, this man was very good looking. I let my eyes roam over his features; he had brown tousled hair and piercing dark–eyes. I enjoyed the movement of his lips as he spoke, those lips that had just unexpectedly kissed me moments ago, I enjoyed the way his dimples pronounced as he spoke and he didn’t even need to strain so much before they showed their lovely selves. 

I shook my thoughts away, “No you’re not. Because if you were, you wouldn’t just walk up to me and kiss me just like that. You don’t know me and I don’t know you, you shouldn’t do things like that.” I chided him and he stared at me with those dark–eyes. I couldn’t phantom out the meaning of the look he gave me and I couldn’t understand it. But it was there and I wondered why. 

“You really don’t recognize me, don’t you? I was really hoping that after all these years, you’d finally remember after seeing me. I’ve waited for so long Ivory, I’ve missed you. What did they do to you and why can’t you remember me?” He questioned me and I could see a bit of disappointment in his eyes. I arched my brows at him. Was I supposed to recognize him? It was then I knew the meaning behind the look in his eyes, it was a let–down and downcast look, like he was disappointed at me for some reason. I didn’t know why. 

     How the hell am I supposed to recognize him? You can only recognize someone you have seen before and I can swear that I’ve never laid eyes on this man before. Why would I recognize him then? 

After all these years? I know we have never seen each other before. I’m sure of that. 

So why was he asking me this question?

“No, I don’t. I have never seen you in my entire life.” I stated, matter–of–factly and deemed it fit as my time to leave. This man was truly weird and I had to leave, he’s most likely deranged or mistaking me for someone else. I have never set eyes on him before. 

He’s delusional. How would he be walking around in parties only for him to be kissing and hugging random girls. He’s insane! 

“Have a nice evening.” I said to him and turned around to leave, but then he grabbed my by my wrists and halted my movement. Before I could comprehend what would happen next, he pulled me into his embrace and hugged me tightly. 

    My body touched his and I welcomed the feeling of his toned body closely touching mine. I could feel the dents and curves of his pecs pressed against me, and his large biceps wrapped around my frame which seemed small compared to his. And I didn’t feel like leaving his embrace, even though it was wrong to be in such close proximity with a stranger.

Everything felt so in place with arms around mine. It felt like home. It felt like I had been there before… 

“I miss you so much, Ivory.” He whispered into my ears and my brows furrowed in puzzlement. Did he just call me Ivory? Who is that and why does he keep mistaking me for someone else. 

I pulled away from him instantly, I think this is my perfect cue to leave. I have entertained him for too long, “I’m not Ivory, please. Have a good night.” And with that I left, this time I saw hope crumble in his eyes and this time, he didn’t hold me back. A silent part of me wish he did though. Who is this strange man? And who is this Ivory he always speaks about?


 “My princess! I have been looking for you.” I heard the familiar voice after I had walked further into the main banquet hall. I turned around to meet with Kyla, my personal maid who had come with us to the party, however she had been in the vehicle. I wonder why she’s out now. 

“Hi Kyla, what’s that matter?” I asked her. I wondered why she was in here.

“Your parents want us to head back home now.” She announced and I nodded. Finally, it about time. I was bored of this place and the people here are weird. 

    Kyla has been my personal maid for the longest time. She was a little rogue who I had saved, I encouraged her to be brave and my father welcomed her into the pack. She has been attached to my hip ever since. In fact, she’s more than a personal maid to me. I loved her so much and I treat her like a sister. 

“Okay Kyla. We can head—” As if today was not already loaded with too many unexpected hugs, I received another at that moment and my statement halted. I looked down to see that it was a little boy, and he hugged unto me tightly. 

“Mummy! I’m so excited to see you!”

“What?” Who is this boy? Where did he come from? and why is he calling me mummy?

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