
V - True Love's Kiss

Mind your footsteps. Cassana heard her mother's voice one more time. She and her mother would argue a lot when she was younger. It's the middle of the day, everybody's awake! That's the excuse she always gave. But since her death, her voice had gained a different kind of power in her consciousness. She disappointed her mother when she was alive, she couldn't bear to disappoint her still now that she's gone.

     Cassana complied to the voice and tiptoed her way across the corridor. She reached outside her room and glanced left and right before carefully opening the door.

     As soon as she closed the door behind her, she felt Otheric's arm wrap around her waist. He pressed her body against the wooden door and planted his lips against hers. Cassana returned in kind. He placed his other hand on her cheeks, stroking them gently, while Cassana's hands found their way to his chest. She squeezed the collars of his tunic and pulled his body much closer to hers.

     "I thought we're going to talk?" Cassana asked the drow after being released from his kiss.

     Otheric lifted Cassana up from her hips, walked towards the bed and hopped onto the padded mattress, bringing her with him. They laid on their sides facing each other, and he stroked her red flaming hair. "There wasn't a day in my travels that I have not thought of you. Every moment, I wished that I could hold you in my arms, gaze into your eyes, and kiss your lips."

     Cassana felt the drow's warm skin over hers, and a little crack of electricity started crawling through her body. She puckered her lips and stared back at the young drow. He turned Cassana's back to the bed, then he laid on top of her. His hands reached her waist and he started loosening her blouse, while his mouth went to her neck and started kissing it. She lifted his chin for a moment to give him a warning. "I smell."

     "Of cinnamon and vinegar," he replied, "of cumin and bay leaf, and basil, and pepper and chervil... A hundred flavors and a dozen tastes. My mouth waters and my tongue craves."

     "I know that was meant to be romantic but, you make me sound like I'm some kind of roast pork." Cassana whispered and smiled, they both giggled. The drow passionately made his way down to her bosom and her mischievous grin turned to a gasp of pleasure. He continued on, down to her belly, and to her mound, until, after a gentle pull of her skirt, finally reaching her lady nest. She received his mouth and tongue with a quiet moan, and she bit her lips to keep herself from sounding louder.

     Cassana struggled to kick off her skirt from her legs, and she wrapped her naked legs around her partner's body. He continued on, and like a brewing storm, flashes of lightning blinded her eyes, over and over, that culminated in a loud booming thunder reverberating through her body.

     Cassana raised Otheric's chin and peered through his melancholic, cherry-red eyes. She took a moment to savor the sensation, before pulling him down into the bed once more, this time turning his body around. She sat on his hips, untied his trousers and pulled them away. She then guided his member to her area, and paid him back what he's due.


     Cassana fiddled through her drawers, but the limited sunlight coming from the cracked window was giving her a hard time to see the contents of the dozen bottles stored inside. She recited a word and waved her hand and a small flame appeared hovering above her palm.

     "I thought you couldn't do that without your staff?" Otheric commented.

     Cassana raised her other arm and gave it a shake, showing off the jeweled bracelet wrapped around it. "A small nugget of quartz is all I need for a simple prestidigitation such as this." She pulled open the last drawer and started scanning, "but, for bigger, more powerful spells and conjurations, of course, I will need to have an equally powerful, and large, focusing stone." She continued, matter-of-factly.

     "Right." Otheric answered, his mind drifting to the narrow slit of the window, watching the the busy streets outside coming alive.

     "Finally!" Cassana exclaimed, extinguishing the flames on her palms.

     "What was it you were looking for?"

     "This." Cassana held up a small bottle containing a green liquid. She uncorked it and took a quick gulp of it all.

     "Oh..." Otheric replied. He knew what it was. "Still scared of a little half-blood growing in your belly?"

     "No?" Cassana walked back to her lover, nesting her body in his arms.

     "I went to the orphanage that you mentioned."

     "In Ad-Nilem?"

     "Yes. I saw the little half-drow kids."

     "Half-fae" she corrected him. "How was it?"

     "It was nice, they were being treated with care. They could read and write and count. I can see that they were well-fed. Most of them have eyes like humans. Their skin is almost purple under the sun."

     "And they don't get irritated." Cassana remarked.

     "Their ears are longer than humans, but they're not as pointy."

     "I know, right?"

     "But their hair. Oh, they were so.. Colorful. I saw them standing in line and it was like a parade of rainbow. Some have pink, indigo, peach, while some bright red like this," Otheric brushed Cassana's long wavy hair, twirling them in his fingertips.

     "The wizards from The Tower are still scratching their heads over that. Some say, it's a deformity. Others say it's a blessing."

     "This is a blessing." Otheric tucked Cassana's hair behind her ears, then pressed his nose on her cheeks.

     "You know what else the wizards are saying?"


     "That it's not a good time to raise a child. What with the war and all. So..." Cassana raised the empty bottle one more time, and with another wave of her hand it started to glow and hover, before levitating back to the drawers. "It neve hurts to be careful."

     "I thought the war was over?"

     "Pfsh," she said, blowing a raspberry, "just another peace treaty. And just like all the other peace treaties before it, it will blow up and we'll start again from the beginning."

     "You are such a pessimist."

     "No I'm not."

     Otheric squeezed Cassana's hand, "You know seeing those drows-"

     "Fae-folk." Cassana corrected him again.

     "-my kind walking freely in the streets of Ad-Nilem, without being judged or harassed... It was enough to make me feel hopeful. For me, for us, for the rest of my people scattered across the continent. Maybe there is a way for humans and fae-folk to live together."

     "What are you talking about? You were raised here, you didn't have any problems?" Cassana objected. "We accepted you."

     "You accepted me, they tolerated me. And only because of my adoptive parents."

     "Parents who took care of you and provided you with everything you needed. Even though you're a fae and they're humans."

     "They took care of me, the same way they took care of all the other exotic artifacts they collected and brought home from their travels."

     "Don't speak like that! Your parents loved you."

     "The way your father loved you?" Otheric seethed.

     "That was different," defended Cassana, "he was a dick."

     Otheric rested his case. He knew there will be no end to their argument once Cassana's relationship with her father was brought up. "Did you see how it happened? How he... you know." Otheric said, shifting the conversation.

     "No. I didn't even know he joined the war. He just.. Stepped out of the door, like he always did, and then he... never returned. A few days later, some of Duke Owen's men brought his body back, only because they recognized him."

     Otheric watched the lack of sadness from Cassana's eyes as she narrated the story before gently kissing her hand.

     "How about you? Did you see how your parents..."

     Otheric sighed, bracing himself for a long story, "There was a storm. We were at sea for two days. I was trying to sleep through it in my cabin, when I heard shouting from above. I climbed up and I found the captain and his crew arguing with my mother and father.

     "The captain was insisting that I caused the storm. That I brought misfortune with me. They wanted to throw me overboard to calm the waters, but of course my father and mother objected. It broke into a fight, and then somebody grabbed me and tossed me into the sea. The next morning, I found myself washed ashore. I saw the debris from the ship, the wood and sails and... drowned bodies. I found my parents'.. They were already bloated and..." tears started welling up from Otheric's eyes.

     "I buried them on that beach." Cassana gave him a hug as he started to weep.

     "Why didn't you come home?"

     "I found your father's map among the debris, and it was still intact. And I know, from the last I've heard from my father, that we were really close to finding the artifact. So I followed their notes hoping to fulfill their last wish. I wanted to finish what they started.

     "That's when I found this band of fae-folk."

     "Fae-folk? Really? Wait, where is this?"

     "Somewhere north of Roewing sea."

     "Oh.. what happened after? Who were those people?"

     "They were a group of... uhm.." Cassana sensed him trying to find the right words to say, "free... fae-folk. They, uh.. They can take care of themselves. They have warriors and mages and.. They are a... solid community."

     "They took me in, they gave me food and shelter, and... Then I told them what I was doing, and they agreed to help me. They sent some of their trackers and warriors and mages to join my search and then, after a few days of getting lost... we finally found it."

     "You did?" Cassana jumped with excitement.

     "Yes. It was in a temple, filled with deadly traps, and protective magic... your old man really did a good job of hiding it. But we managed to survive through all that, and then we found it, we found the weapon."

     Cassana's eyes glowed with wonder, "How was it?"

     "It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."

     She gasped. "Did you..."

     "We did. It is in the manor as we speak."


     "You want to see it?"

     "Of course."

     Otheric pointed at Cassana's barenaked chest. The red-head hopped from his lap and hurriedly put her clothes back on.

     "Meet me outside." she said, before heading towards the door. Otheric started putting his clothes back as well and Cassana tiptoed outside. She reached a few paces when one of the doors opened and an old lady stepped out.

     "Oh there you are Cassana, my dear, I was looking all over for you."

     Cassana quickly turned around, "Mrs. Wellbrook!" Behind the old lady, Otheric stepped out, half of his trousers still hanging loose. "What can I do for you?"

     "Oh I was hoping to ask if you still have some of your.." Otheric clumsily tiptoed away from them. Cassana moved her head to point towards the other end of the hallway where a window was cracked half-open. She then locked her eyes on the old lady to keep her from facing behind. "...potions to help me with my bowels."

     "Oh you ran out already?"

     "I still have a few drops, but it will run out soon, I was hoping maybe I can have some more before that happens."

     "Sure, sure, I will leave you another bottle by your door later, when I get back."

     "Oh lovely." The old woman exclaimed. Cassana stepped behind the old woman, grabbed her by her shoulder and gently escorted her to the stairs going down. "Thank you dear, you are always so nice."

     Cassana kept glancing behind her to check on Otheric. He watched him climb out the window leading to the streets outside, and she prayed that he found his footing and didn't just fall on his back.

     Cassana reached the counter and found no Bonnie manning it. She looked to the common area and saw his Uncle Euric limping from one table to another. "Where's Bonnie?"

     "Ah sent her hame" the old man answered. "Pennies ur oan th' counter."

     Cassana checked underneath the counter and found the pouch containing today's sale. She grabbed it and slipped it in her pocket. She knocked the barrel of ale to check how much was left. She poured one into a mug and took a big gulp. She refilled it to the brim and started walking towards Euric. "Just one, alright?" She placed the mug on the table he's bussing.

     "Cheers loue."

     "Don't tire yourself too much, I'll clean the rest after the town meeting."

     "Dinna fash yirsel aboot me. Gang 'n' gilravage th' rest o' th' day." The old man spurred.

     Cassana gave him an encouraging tap on the shoulder.

     As she stepped out, she was greeted by a passing peasant and she returned the compliment. She then sneaked to the side of the inn to find Otheric behind the shade, brushing off the dirt from his shirt. "Aitur's belly, did you drop down?" she chortled.

     "No, no." the drow dismissed. Cassana helped him straighten up his tunic, then attempted to pull his hood down but stopped her from doing so.


     "I'm not medicated."

     "Why not?"

     "Just... because."

     "Well, good thing I brought this." Cassana pulled another bottle from her purse. This time, it had a pinkish fluid inside. She offered it to Otheric.


     "Why not?"

     After some hesitation, the drow grabbed the potion and took a sip.

     "I practically perfected that brew. You don't have to worry about running out of that anymore, and you don't need to buy outside. They overcharge Sunlight in the market."

     Otheric waited for the potion to take effect. After a few moments, Cassana grabbed his wrist, took the gloves off his hand, and pulled his fingers into the light.

     "See? So you don't have to walk outside with all those layers on." She finally succeeded in pulling down his hood. Otheric gave a warm smile.

     Cassana walked out to the open, the drow followed behind. They turned from one corner to the other until they reached the road that leads to the mountains.

     "You know, I've been thinking," Cassana started, "since father is no longer here, maybe we don't need to hide anymore."

     "Are you sure about that?"

     "Why not?"

     "What about The Tower? What happens when you get back?"

     "Really? Do you really think I still got a shot at returning to The Tower? I will never pass the Ranking Exam."

     "I am only hearing the inner pessimist in you speaking."

     Cassana tittered. "Bonnie asked me to convince Ashvell to marry her."

     "Ashvell and Bonnie? Oh those two would be miserable together."

     "What?" Cassana asked, incredulous.

     "Bonnie could never make Ashvell happy, or satisfied. But we both know she will try her very best."

     Cassana shook her head, and kept silent. They just passed the last house on the road, when Otheric bidded her to pause. "Is there something in your head, my love?"

     "I'm just thinking..." answered the red-head, "maybe.. Some dreams are just not meant to be?"

     "What are you saying?"

     "I've always thought... that I was different from everyone else here, you know, because I wanted to leave, to go somewhere far away, to do more, be more. But I realized now, that I'm just the same as everyone else."

     "No, that is far from true." Otheric placed his hands firmly over Cassana's shoulders. "You are meant for great things, wondrous things. You will achieve everything that you desire, I know this so. I believe this so. You will return to The Tower, and you will finish the Ranking Exam with honors, and you will be the greatest wizard this continent has ever seen."

     Cassana felt the well of tears flowing out of her eyes again, but she took a deep breath and pushed them all in, rubbing her eyes. "You think so high of me... It's.. overwhelming. I'm not sure if I can ever live up to it."

    "You will surpass it." Otheric reassured her. "Look, I know you never dare say this out of fear that you will upset me, but I knew, I have always known.."

     "Known what?"

     "That I am not enough for you..."


     "No, no, hear me out. I would never dare tie you down. I would never stand between you and your ambition. I will only ever be content standing behind you, pushing you to move forward."

     Cassana would want nothing more than to jump to Otheric's arms right now, but she heard a raspy voice ahead, "Are you okay, Cassana?"

     She turned and saw one of the villagers was passing by. "Yeah Gene, I'm okay."

     "Just dust, in her eyes." Otheric tried to make an excuse.

     "Alright. Aren't you coming to the meeting?" The villager continued.

     "I will. Just gonna take a quick trek to the woods. It won't take me long, I'll be there."

     "Alright. Careful though, there be vipers out there."

     "Really still? I thought Bogs took care of them already?"

     "They're back. Brought more friends with them, so better watch the step."

     "I will. But the kids though, they like playing-" Cassana glanced to the road ahead, then back at Gene, but he was already walking away. She shrugged it off and continued walking.

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