

" Not only that but I also became pregnant with the child of a stranger and nearly lost my life to give birth to him . What kind of blessing is this Alex ? What have I done wrong to deserve such pain ? Why am I , the innocent being punished while the real evil ones live freely , unpunished and happy ? " said Antonia with the tears falling, even more , making her brown eyes red .

" Life , Antonia ! Life itself is the biggest blessing . All the other things can be solved but if you die , you can never have the chance to make a change , to feel get revenge on the people who have wronged you . " said Alex with a thoughtful expression . 

" Heh !.........How funny it is . The only person who is helping me now is the twin brother of my ex-fiance . So ironic ! " said Antonia with a bitter laugh . 

" Hey ! I was your friend before you and my brother met . Whatever happened between you two , doesn't influence my opinion of you . Especially when I am one of the people who know the whole truth of the situation . You weren't in the wring and my brother wasn't either . The only one to blame is that awful Annette . I can't stand her at all . If only she lived here with me , I would have injected her with a lot of vitamins so that she could gain weight and become a laughing stock of the high society . You know how much she cherishes her body figure . " said Alex with a serious expression which finally brought a smile to Antonia's face .

" He he he........ " laughed Antonia .

The door of the room knocked and a nurse entered . She was smiling and holding the newborn baby in her arms .

" All clean and ready to meet his mother . " said the nurse smiling .

" Thank you ! " said Alex with a warm smile as he looked at the baby .

He took the baby near Antonia and showed him to her .

" It has your nose . Look Antonia ! This is your child . " said Alex cuddling him .

Antonia stared at the child for a couple of minutes then turned her face to the other side . 

" Take him away from me . I don't want to see him . " said Antonia with a painful expression .

The nurse looked at the doctor shocked . Alex nodded his head and told her to get out first . After the nurse left , Alex went near Antonia and held her hand .

" Antonia , I know it is hard for you but......he is your child....... " said Alex .

" No , Alex ! He is the product of my misfortune . To think I nearly lost my life giving birth to him..............heh.........." said Antonia with a tone filled with anger , sadness , and hate .

" I........know it isn't easy for you to accept it now but Antonia , the most innocent one in this whole story is this little boy . He has no one apart from his mother . You also have no family member apart from him now . " said Alex but Antonia remained silent and ignored him .

" I am not saying this to make you sad , I just hope you can start over with your son and not allow yourself to be trapped in your hate..............If you change your mind , you can see him in the children's quarters . " said Alex with a smile and took the baby out then closed the door .

Atonia looked at them leaving then turned her head towards the window . She was so tired and her body was painful that she could do nothing but stare at the view from the window and fall asleep . After five days , the nurse that came to bring the medicine to Antonia came at her usual hour but this time , she had a big smile on her face .

" You are unusually happy today .  " said Antonia .

" Am I ? " said the nurse with a shy tone .

" The whole place is glowing with your happy vibes . " said Antonia with a smile .

" He he he ! My sister gave birth yesterday to a beautiful baby boy . I learned today that I was pregnant too . I hope I can give births to a baby boy too so that the two babies can play with each other and be good brothers . " said the nurse smiling .

" .......Aren't you afraid of giving birth ?.......Would you put your life in danger just to give birth to a baby ? " asked Antonia a bit hesitant .

The nurse knew Antonia's situation and smiled at her tenderly .

" Kids are the most priceless treasures in the world because they are a gift from god . It comes when the least you expect it . They are part of us . Babies , all depend on only one person when they are born , their mother . Because no one loves a child more than his own mother . " said the nurse with a caring tone .

When Antonia heard her , she was reminded of her mother who said goodbye to her with tears in her eyes . She knew her mother was the only person that truly loved her in that hellish place where she lived . The only one who ever treated her with care and love .

' If my mother didn't help me with the money she gave me , I don't know where I would have been..........Now.........I am also a mother..........that child........He doesn't know who his father is . Apart from me , he is all alone in this world..... ' thought Antonia with a concerned expression as she touched her belly .

" It does make sense . Congratulations on your pregnancy ! " said Antonia with a smile .

" Thank you miss Antonia . " said the nurse with a happy expression and went out after making sure that Antonia took her medicine .

Two weeks passed after that day . Alex came to often check on Antonia's condition and finally the time to get discharged arrived . 

" All right ! Now you are all good . I can finally take a break . " said Alex .

" Was I that much of a hard patient to deal with ? " said Antonia with a smirk .

" No ! Not at all . " said Alex with a nervous smile then looked at her as she wore her jacket .

" ........Have you decided on what to do ? " said Alex .

" About what ? " asked Antonia .

" About you son . " said Alex .

" What about it ? " said Antonia .

Antonia the bag she put her clothes on then headed to the door passing through Alex .

" It's been two weeks since I saw him . I have to go get him . I can't leave him forever in the hospital for you to take care of him , can I ? " said Antonia with a smile . 

" Are you really willing to take your son ?.......Is there something wrong ? Tell me the truth , I won't pressure you morally anymore . " said Alex .

" Of course I am willing to take my son with me . If I leave him with you , you will turn him into a playboy like yourself . " said Antonia winking at him with a smile .

Alex was happy seeing that Antonia didn't look that depressed as she used to be . 

" I am glad that you have finally come back to your senses but I am still a bit worried about leaving you alone with the kid . He is just a newborn and you don't know how to take care of newborn children . It's your first time being a mother . " said Alex .

" As far as I remember , you haven't become a dad yet . " said Antonia .

" So what ? It doesn't mean that I don't know how to take care of children . Especially if that child is yours . " said Alex with a smile .

" What do you propose then ? " asked Antonia .

" I propose you come to my house and live there for the first three months

" No , thanks ! I can't...... " said Antonia then Alex took her bag from her hand .

" My brother and parents never come to my private house . They as me to go to the mansion to have lunch or dinner with them from time to time but they never come to my private house . " said Alex .

" Yoru mother doesn't come to your house ?! " said Antonia surprised with a smirk .

" The playboy reputation keeps me safe from my mother's continuous nagging . " said Alex with a proud expression making her laugh .

" Okay ! Okay mr playboy . If it's like that then I will gladly accept the offer . Thanks and sorry for the bother . " said Antonia .

' .......Staying in that big apartment alone with a child isn't the best option . Valeria is also busy and she can't come.........Currently , I can't stand the silence of that apartment . It's better if I stay with Alex for the time being . Valeria should be returning soon too . ' thought Antonia with a smile .

" It's no bother at all . Let's go ! " said Alex with a smile .

After taking the bags with them , Antonia got the handbag and followed Alex who walked ahead . To her surprise , she saw Alex holding her baby in a portative baby car seat .

" I can't believe you . " said Antonia with a smile .

" Since you will be staying with me , I also bought a baby bed . This little guy will enjoy a nice nap on his comfortable bed . " said Alex looking at the baby with a warm expression . 

" You make it sound as if you knew I would agree . " said Antonia .

" I was sure that you would agree . All daily necessities are prepared for you and the baby . It's been ages since we last saw each other . We have a lot to talk about . " said Alex with a smile .

After arriving at Alex's place , Antonia remained surprised .

" Your work as a surgeon sure pays you well . " said Antonia looking at the luxurious apartment .

" Well , it does . I am not simply a normal surgeon but a plastic surgeon too . " said Alex with a proud tone .

" Geniuses sure have it easy to study and to learn . Look at you . Only twenty-four years old yet you are such a successful surgeon . You also come from a rich family . It's good but I do not wish to owe you anything . " said Antonia with a smile .

" I am swimming in money which needs to be spent Antonia . I am working hard but hadn't had a proper break , in forever .  " said Alex with a serious , funny tone .

" Pffft ! You are so bragging . " said Antonia with a smile making Alex laugh . 

The two of them went upstairs and Antonia remained speechless when she saw a baby bed , a swig bed and some stuffed toys along with some blue clothes .

" These........?....... " said Antonia with a confused expression .

" These are the gifts I bought as his godfather . " said Alex .

" Godfather ? " said Antonia even more confused .

" I helped him to be born into this world so naturally , I am the only one who can become his godfather . " said Alex with a proud tone .

Antonia looked at him with a serious expression that couldn't keep herself from laughing anymore .

" What ? " said Alex .

" Are you sure ? " said Antonia while laughing .

" Yes , I am ! Don't tell me you don't want me to be his godfather . " said Alex . 

" No ! I didn't say that .  If you want to be his godfather then go ahead but he has a godmother just to remind you . " said Antonia .

" Whoever she is is not my business ! " said Alex with a noncaring tone as he watched the little baby .

" Fine ! " said Antonia .

' I am sure you'll be shocked when you know his godmother is Valeria . ' thought Antonia with a smile .

After placing the baby on his bed , Alex took a file and went to Antonia who was sitting in the living room .

" You look pensive . " said Alex and sat on the couch next to him . 

" I was.....simply thinking about stuff . " said Antonia .

" Before thinking deeply about anything, there's still something you have to do . " said Alex and handed Antonia a formular .

" What is this ? " said Antonia confused .

" This little buddy doesn't have a name yet . Now that you have calmed down and have accepted him , it's time for you to give him a name , don't you think ? " said Alex with a smile .

Antonia looked at her baby sleeping in the little bed and remembered Valeria telling her to notify her when she would give birth . She decided to wait a little until she properly settled down with her issues .

" Angelo........His name will be Angelo . " said Antonia .

" Angelo ?............What a beautiful name....... " said Alex with a warm smile .

Alex looked at Antonia's gentle expression and smiled .

" So.......What have you been up to all this time ? I haven't seen you in six years . When I came to my home for my brother and your wedding , I learned that you were kicked out of the house because you were supposedly assaulted by a stranger .  " said Alex .

" Supposedly assulted ?........I can't believe them . " said Antonia .

" I don't believe them either . That's why I am curious to hear it from you . " said Alex with a smile .

Antonia looked at Alex and felt the same sense of security she felt with Valeria . She started to tell him all that had happened from the moment she was at the bar with Annette and up until now . Alex couldn't believe his ears . he knew that Annette was a spoiled brat but he never knew that she would be so cruel . She not only hurt Antonia but also had her eyes set on his brother Axel .

" I can't believe that witch ! She is worse than a bitch ! How can she eye her cousin's fiance ?!! Totally unacceptable . " said Alex with an annoyed expression .

" I also thought the same but apparently your brother took her side and defended her . " said Antonia with a sad expression .

" My brother isn't that stupid . Maybe he was angry that you slept with someone else . You must understand that we men , can't stand it when our women get touched by other men , especially men from classic traditional families............I can't believe that hateful bitch . She allowed you to be raped and separated you from my brother . I will definitely get back at her . You will see Antonia . " said Alex with an annoyed tone .

" I thank you for worrying about me Alex but you should realize that it is my responsibility to get back at her but before doing that I have to become stronger . I just need to cool my head out for a bit and see what I can do . Now that I have given birth to Angelo , I can move freely and be able to work . I need a strong base since I will be starting everything from zero . " said Antonia .

" I understand ! Wanting to seek revenge yourself is normal but.........I wonder how will you do it . Do you need any money ? " said Alex .

" Don't worry about that . My mother gave me three million before we separated . She said that I could live well for the rest of my life with these since she also left me the luxurious apartment at the royal complex hills . It is good to live there and comfortable . " said Antonia with a smile when thinking of her mother .

" I see ! Your mother has always been very thoughtful of you . " said Alex with a smile .

" She has........but the condition for all the peace and freedom I have now is to cut ties with my mother and the rest of the family . I don't mind them but my mother........she is the only person who I can truly call my family . " said Antonia with a sad expression .

Alex held Antonia's hands and looked at her with a positive smile .

" ........A lot has happened but you should stay strong and never let anything beat you . you have survived all these years under the boring training for the perfect wife in your family . That is considered great courage miss..........In the meantime , I suggest you take a break . After that you can think more clearly about how to change your future . " said Alex .

" Alex..........The only thing I want right now is revenge . I want Annette to suffer all that she did to me . I want my family to realize how wrong it was to disown me . I wanna make them feel the feeling of immense regret and the pain of revenge . " said Antonia with a serious expression on her face .

Now that she had successfully given birth , the only thing in her mind was how she could get her revenge on her family , on the person who assaulted her and mostly on Annette who was the one that caused all of the difficulties she was forced to go through on her own . She was the one on whom Antonia wanted to take revenge the most .

" Alex..... " said Antonia . 

Alex looked at Antonia and noticed the fierce look in her eyes .

" I.......want to ruin Annette the same way she ruined way . I want to make her suffer . " said Antonia with a serious tone .

" We will ! Don't worry ! " said Alex with a smile as he held her shoulder .

Antonia lived with her son in Alex's house for the next four months . When she got to Alex's home the next day , after Alex left for work , she called Valeria and showed her Angelo , her baby . Valeria was so happy that she continuously kissed the phone screen . Her work was going better than expected and she was forced to stay longer than expected . When the four months passed and they were again on the phone , Valeria saw Angelo smiling at her and calling her dada . It was the bottom line of her endurance . She grabbed her suitcase and started to place the clothes inside .

" What are you doing ? " said Antonia laughing .

" I don't care about the executive meeting or anything else . I am coming back to see my godson . Look , he called for me !!! " said Valeria .

" Don't do anything stupid ! You will be able to come here in three months . Your career is reaching the top . Both Angelo and I won't go anywhere . We are here waiting for you . " said Atonia with a smile as she showed Angelo from the camera .

" Uhhh.........Why can't these three month pass already ?! I wanna hug him so bad . " said Valeria .

" He he he ! You will soon . He also wishes to meet you directly .  "said Antonia with a smile .

Valeria noticed that Antonia was happy and wasn't feeling depressed anymore . She could sense the change in her . A change that was meant for good .

" I see that you are in good shape . " said Valeria when seeing Antonia smile happily . 

" Of course I am . Soon , I will be able to turn the tables in my favor . " said Antonia with a smirk .

" .....Antonia , are you sure ? " said Valeria with a worried expression .

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goodnovel comment avatar
Anastasia Romanov
Hahahahaha Valeria is nice . I am glad the baby was born healthy

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